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Messages - bigj22

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Kubricks / Star Wars Kubrick collecting and prices
« on: April 24, 2024, 08:18 AM »
Pretty sad how these turned out.  I love these figures, but the value of them is non existent anymore.  My collection which I have just about everyone has dropped a lot in value. I probably have anywhere from 4000-5000 dollars into them and Im lucky if they are worth 1000 dollars.  Obviously I didnt collect them solely for the value purpose but it doesnt help either.

Kubricks / buying all Star WARS kubricks
« on: July 2, 2023, 09:32 PM »
message me if you want to sell any

thank you

Kubricks / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: December 1, 2019, 04:40 PM »
dang  prices have dropped a lot.   I just got Uncle Owen. Hammerhead, and Hoth Rebel commander for 300.00 total!!

Modern Classifieds / Want to buy Star Wars Kubrick
« on: July 4, 2018, 12:37 PM »
hi. pm me if you have any Star wars kubrick for sale.  want to buy everyrhing

Modern Classifieds / Selling entire collection of Star Wars Kubs
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:40 PM »
Decided  they arent coming back. Just gonna unload them.  All Kubs were displayed in a smoke free home.


All commons ,Series 1 thru 10 are priced between 5.00-9.00  . Message me if you are looking for anything. I will list box sets and chases .

Series  1  Boba Fett chase  red yellow arms     40.00
Series 2  Indiana Jones  chase   50.00
Series  2 Sandtrooper chase  18.00    x2
Series 2 Cantina  chase     18.00
Series 3  Logray chase (real)    75.00
Series  3 Jawa chase  tiny blemish on cape   70.00
Series 3  solo sickness  chase    15.00
Series  4  luke stormtrooper   40.00
Series   4  luke as vader   chase   50.00
Series 4   solo stormtrooper missing helmet    30.00
Series 5  blue snaggletooth   90.00
Series 6  Wedge chase    18.00
Series 6  Tarkin chase    100.00
Series  6  General Veers   chase   125.00
Series  7  Blue Senate guard   18.00
Series 7  Anakin Old  chase  85.00
Series  7  Yak Face  chase  115.00
Series  8  Saesee tiin  chase  125.00
Series  8  Aurra Sing   chase   125.00
Series  9  Yellow clonetrooper  chase  18.00
Series  9  Shaak Tii  chase   125.00
Series  10  Gree chase   18.00
Series  10 Tion Medon chase  125.00
Boba Fett series  prototype  chase    40.00

Box  sets  opened

Early bird set loose   no box   50.00
TRU SET solo bespin,paploo,r5d4,r2q5,spirit obi wan   25.00  no box
2012 Darth Maul  w/box   25.00
LUKE /LEIA Speederbikes  loose  45.00
AOTC set  w/box 140.00
mail away set  no box   100.00
2009 Medicom  w/box  150.00


2003 BAPE FETT   55.00
2005 PARCO VADER  45.00
2011 STORMTROOPER  35.00
2012 ESB TIE PILOT  20.00
2012 ROYAL GUARD  18.00
2013 C3PO SALACIOUS  18.00
2014 LUKE JEDI  38.00


2004 LEIA  HOLO 13.00
2008  SHADOW GUARD   14.00
2011  OBI WAN GRAY HAIR  15.00

TUSKEN RAIDER X2   8.00 each
JAWA   X3     7.00 each

I will acccept  money orders  or Paypal. But if you use Paypal, i will add a small charge to cover Paypal fees. Just want to be upfront on that. Plerase message me with any questions.

Modern Classifieds / WTB Star Wars Kubricks to complete collection
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:53 AM »
Here is what I need to complete my loose collection.Please message me if you have any

Series 1  Boba Fett chase 2 red arms
Series 9  Zam Wessell  chase
Series 10 Grevious chase
Boba Fett series  ALL 6 figs
Boba Fett series L SLOT CHASE
Boba Fett series  J SLOT CHASE
DX 1 Series Boba Fett chase
DX 4 Series  Imperial Commander chase

2008 Darth Maul speeder set
LUKE/HAN Stormtrooper box set
2012 Vader/501 st box set
Jango/Boba box set

Kubricks / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: June 23, 2016, 01:08 PM »
I have a question. I want to buy the BOBA Fett L switch prototype chase figure. There is one listed but out of wrapper. I am worried it's the carded version just opened up. Is there a marking or year or what stamped on the leg to know which is what?

Kubricks / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: May 29, 2016, 10:38 AM »
not really a great deal but considering what they sell for this is what i just got them at

Uncle Owen    312.00
Hoth Rebel Commander  86.00
AT ST Driver    312.00
Hammerhead   362.00
R2 Q5   79.00
Bib Fortuna RED  154.00

Collections / Re: Insurance?
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:01 PM »
my insurance agent recommended that I take lots and lots of pictures. especially the expensive items. i also have a spread sheet on all items and printed out and kept in a safe place. i have over 75000.00 in collectables. you can get fair market value on most collectibles. you have to prove ( pictures) and show the value of the item. obviously not everything will be covered to the fullest but the pictures will definately benefit your case.  i  printed the photos out and are in my glove compartment box in my car and in my fire box.

hope that helps.

Modern Classifieds / Re: Fs kubricks
« on: July 24, 2015, 10:04 AM »
Pmd about a lot of them

Modern Classifieds / Re: Fs kubricks
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:20 AM »

Prices have been reduced ;D ;D

Modern Classifieds / Selling my Entire Star Wars Kubrick collection
« on: December 28, 2013, 08:29 PM »
Ok guys, I really feel like Medicom is done with this line. So with that said, I am going to sell my entire collection. I am open to making deals here and will give discounts as well. I have sold here before. Please pm me with any questions you may have. Comes from a smoke free home. I also have a Custom made Display case with lights. I can certainly send a pic of that. It cost me 1100.00 total with shipping for that.Im open to offers on that as well. Ide like to get 800.00 for it though.

1 Star Wars Kubrick display case with swinging door and lights.   800.00

SERIES 1         
4 Lom   9.00      
Boba Fett   20.00      
Zuckuss   9.00      
IG 88   9.00      
Bossk   9.00      
Dengar   9.00      
CHASE- Boba red /yellow      70.00   
SERIES 2         
Han solo   8.00      
Greedo   15.00      
Cantina   9.00      
Sandtrooper/orange      12.00   
Obi Wan      12.00   
Tusken Raider      8.00   
CH-Cantina    25.00      
CH-Sandtrooper/white      28.00   
CH-Indian Jones      55.00   
SERIES 3         
C3 PO      8.00
Lando      12.00  SOLD
Solo-carbon block      6.00   
Jawa      9.00   
Wicket      8.00   
AT AT Driver      15.00   
CH-Logray      140.00   
CH-Jawa vinyl      165.00   
CH-Solo sickness      20.00   
SERIES 4         
Darth Vadfer      12.00   
Luke Bespin      12.00   
Emperor      10.00   SOLD
Han Hoth      10.00   
Nien Numb      14.00   
Stormtrooper      18.00   
CH-Vader Lukes face      70.00   
CH-Luke stormtrooper      40.00   
CH-Han stormtrooper      40.00   
SERIES 5         
Ackbar      10.00   
Death Star Gunner      8.00   
Leia slave      8.00   
Luke Jedi      8.00   
Snaggletooth red      12.00   
Yoda      10.00   
CH-Snaggletooth blue      75.00   
CH-Han Solo endor      25.00   
CH-Ponda Baba      75.00   
SERIES 6         
Death Star Trooper      8.00   
Luke x wing      7.00   
R4 M9      7.00   
RA 7      9.00   
Rebel Trooper      9.00   
Tie Pilot      8.00   
CH-Veers      85.00   
CH-Tarkin      85.00   
CH-Wedge      20.00   
SERIES 7         
Royal Guard      7.00   
Lando Disguise      9.00   
Gammorean Guard      18.00   
Anakin Spirit      7.00   
Leia Bouschh      8.00   
Scout trooper      9.00   
CH-Anakin OLD      80.00   
CH-Emperor blue guard      25.00   
CH-Yak Face      85.00   
SERIES 8         
Anakin      7.00   
Battle droid      7.00   
c3 po      8.00   
Darth Maul      9.00   
Amidala      9.00   
Qui Gon      8.00   
CH-Jar Jar      60.00   
CH-Aura Sing      110.00   
CH-Saesee Tiin      125.00   
SERIES 9         
Anakin      8.00   
Clonetrooper white      8.00   
Count Dooku      12.00   
Jango Fett      12.00   
Yoda      10.00   
Obi Wan      8.00   
CH-Clone yellow      25.00   
CH-Zam Wessel      100.00   
CH-Shaak Tii      120.00   
SERIES 10         
Anakin      8.00   
Clonetrooper      8.00   
Darth Vader      8.00   
Palpatine      9.00   
Gen. Grevious      12.00   
Cap. Tarful        12.00   
CH=Clone commander Gree      40.00   
DX 1   all parts      
Amanaman      28.00   
c3 po      10.00   
Chewbacca bousch      10.00   
Bib Fortuna      15.00   
Luke jabbas      10.00   
R2 D2 tray      10.00   
DX 2   no parts      
Chewbacca mechanic      10.00   
Han hoth blue      10.00   
Luke hoth      12.00   
Leia hoth      15.00   
R3 PO      15.00   
Snowtrooper Commander      15.00   
CH-Hoth Commander      325.00   
DX 3   all parts      
Garindan      12.00   
Luke poncho      10.00   
Obi Wan Vinyle cape      12.00   
R5 D4      10.00   
Sandtrooper black      20.00   
Tusken Raider Vinyle      15.00   
DX 4   all parts      
Darth Vader Vinyle      15.00   SOLD
Cap. Antilles      10.00   
Imperial Dignitary      10.00   
Leia vinyle      15.00   
R2 D2 3 LEGS      10.00   
Tie Pilot      10.00   
CH-Imp. Commander      380.00   
DX 1 BACKDROP      50.00   
DX 2 BACKDROP      50.00   
DX 3 BACKDROP      50.00   
DX 4 BACKDROP      50.00   
Boba Fett series         
Mcquarrie      25.00   
Holiday      10.00   
 WHITE Prototype      25.00   
Droids      10.00   
Vintage      10.00   
Mcquarrie 2      25.00   
CH-J-SLOT      135.00   
CH-L SLOT      135.00   
CH-Prototype      140.00   
Early bird w/box      85.00   
R2 D2         
Early bird no box with display      80.00   
R2 D2         
TRU1 no box   35.00   
SOLO BESPIN         
R2 Q5         
R5 D4         
TRU 2 no box   35.00   
R5 UNIT         
K3 PO         
TEN N UMB         
AOTC      165.00   
TC 14         
CLONE RED         
JANGO 2         
Mail AWAY      165.00   
2 1B         
B WING PILOT         
LUKE YODA         
C3 PO DROIDS         
MEDICOM      165.00   
VADER HOLO         
R2 B1         
Y WING PILOT         
FETT  FAMILY no box      70.00  SOLD
YOUNG BOBA         
Stormtrooper BOX SET      45.00   
Speeder Bikes SET    no box   80.00   
Speeder Bikes SET no box      80.00   
2012 BOX SET      35.00   
DARTH VADER         
Max Rebo Band      165.00   
D Mauth Spd 2008      75.00   
DARTH MAUL         
2009 R2D2/C3 PO      35.00   
C3 PO           
R2 D2         
Speeder bike 2    no box   100.00   
SCOUT TR. Clean         
Speeder bike 2 W/BOX      110.00   SOLD
SCOUT TR. Dirty         
Carded figs         
2003   Bape Boba      $80.00
2003   Luke blonde hair      $35.00
2004   R2 D 2 Droids      $35.00
2004   Parco Sandtrooper      $95.00
2004   Boba Fett Droids      $40.00
2004   Leia holo      $40.00
2005   Parco Vader      $120.00
2006   Jorg Sacul      $150.00
2006   Blackhole stormtrooper      $40.00
2007   Solo Carboniyte      $65.00
2007   Blue Snowtrooper      $85.00
2008   Spirit of Yoda      $75.00
2008   Shadow Guard      $25.00  SOLD
2009   Silver Vader      $140.00
2009   Chewbacca-limited carded      $65.00
2010   Anakin old      $70.00
2010   C3 PO removable legs crease on top      $55.00 SOLD
2011   Darth Dagobah      $50.00
2011   R2 D2 Chrome      $45.00
2011   Stormtrooper 15 th      $40.00
2011   obi wan gray hair      $60.00
2012   TC 14      $45.00
2012   DARTH MAUL      $75.00
2012   ROYAL GUARD Limited       $25.00
2013   R5 D4      $75.00
2013   R2 D2 JABBAS SAIL      $30.00
2013   C3 PO SALACIOUS      $30.00
Extra Figs         
5    Stormtroopers         18.00 each
4   Cantina Band Members         15.00 each
3 Royal Guards         7 each
Imperial Gunner         $7.00
Sandtrooper Orange Pauldron         $12.00
Sandtrooper White Pauldron CHASE         $28.00
Ponda Baba CHASE         $80.00
Chewbacca Bousch         $10.00
Han Solo         $8.00
Ben Kenobi         $12.00
Greedo         $15.00
C3 PO         $8.00
AT AT Driver         $15.00  SOLD
Solo Hoth         $8.00
Logray CHASE         $140.00
Carded Loose         
Boba Fett from Boba Fett series         $18.00
Boba Fett Droids         $15.00
Boba Fett Rocket Firing         $18.00   SOLD
Yoda Holo no cane         $55.00
Leia Holo         $20.00
Luke Yellow hair         $25.00

Kubricks / Star Wars Chase figures.
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:20 PM »
Its nice to see that no one is paying those ridiculous prices for those chase figures ( Uncle Owen,Hammerhead,AtSt driver and so on) Does anyone feel these prices will come down if the line is done ? Or even if not. Ide like to get these to complete my collection but not at those prices.

Kubricks / Re: So is Medicom killing the Kubrick Star Wars line...???
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:24 PM »
i mean isnt it a money maker?? What could possibly be the hold up other than its dead. Everyone works to make money so not sure whats going on here. I agree. its dead.

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