
Collecting => Toy Reviews => Topic started by: Jesse James on December 16, 2004, 02:24 AM

Title: RAT Continues: Impy Dignitaries
Post by: Jesse James on December 16, 2004, 02:24 AM
( is proud to present our first ever Review-A-Thon...  It's a way we're going to clean out some old reviews we've got backlogged and get a little something for you, the viewer, to read over theholidays.

I'm moving right along now with Imperial Dignitaries (, since they're older on the list.


So what do you get when Hasbro decides to start reusing parts left and right?  You get two kooky old farts, and not the one you actually were probably wanting the most!

And no, I'm not talking about the old guys in the balcony on the Muppet Show, but atually the Imperial Dignitaries...

Actually, these two turned out pretty great, though they're not much good for standing around and looking old.  The reuse of parts was great for the most part, however the spread-apart fingers of the 2nd released dignitary looked odd.

Still, Hasbro dished out two new figures, and they look good, and that's what counts...  OK, they could've used more accessories...  And let's face it, most of us wanted the VINTAGE dignitary before we wanted these two, but nonetheless they're cool.

Read the review, share your comments, live long and prosper...  And stuff.