Author Topic: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)  (Read 73149 times)

Offline P-Siddy

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #270 on: April 27, 2016, 12:43 PM »
Thanks for fixing the link.  Fun stuff!

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #271 on: May 1, 2016, 02:16 PM »
Thanks for fixing the link.  Fun stuff!

They also launched their own WHIH Twitter account.  It's some good stuff!
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Offline Qui-Gon Jim

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #272 on: May 5, 2016, 10:52 PM »
Civil War is 11/10 (not a typo).  One of the best superhero movies ever, and I'd say the best Marvel Studios film to date.

Offline Brian

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #273 on: May 6, 2016, 01:33 PM »
So pumped, going today after the kiddo gets out of school. Without spoiling anything, is there one or two after credits clips? Just curious if there was something all the way at the end or not since we have somewhere to be right after the movie.  Thanks. TeamCap

Offline JediJman

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #274 on: May 6, 2016, 02:23 PM »
So pumped, going today after the kiddo gets out of school. Without spoiling anything, is there one or two after credits clips? Just curious if there was something all the way at the end or not since we have somewhere to be right after the movie.  Thanks. TeamCap

I heard that you should stay to the very end from someone who saw it a few weeks ago.  We're not going until tomorrow - have a great time!
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Offline BillCable

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #275 on: May 6, 2016, 02:36 PM »
7pm tonight, baby!
Bill Cable - Steeler Fan & Star Wars Collector       
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Offline P-Siddy

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #276 on: May 6, 2016, 02:51 PM »
Sitting in the credits now...

Edit:  There are two after credit scenes.  First one is cool, the end one is okay, so if you miss the last one, you won't be devastated.
« Last Edit: May 6, 2016, 05:38 PM by P-Siddy »

Offline Qui-Gon Jim

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #277 on: May 6, 2016, 07:57 PM »
Weird sentence:
How hot is Aunt May?

Offline McMetal

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #278 on: May 7, 2016, 05:01 PM »
Weird sentence:
How hot is Aunt May?

I know, right? I'm not a fan of any of the post-Raimi Spider Man stuff, but if you're going to reimagine something, you could do a lot worse than Marisa Tomei.  :)

I saw it last night with one other couple in the entire theatre, who were well behaved, so it was a pleasant way to kill 3 hours. Liked it a lot, they continue to crank out winners in this franchise, and with the MU stuff in general. Wasn't totally blown away really, I guess I kept feeling they eventually they would get down to figuring things out so ther was less sense of tension for me than doomsday scenario type stuff, but that stuff is probably overdone anyway. Sort of felt like ESB to me in a lot of ways, a strong standalone effort that still feels like a bridge between larger stories. Funny they referenced that even.

They absolutely nailed the Black Panther too, in every respect IMO. The actor, the way he spoke and carried himself, even the faithfully interpreted outfit. Spot on perfect. Major props for that. That's a character near and dear to my heart having debuted in FF.

Curious to see if they try to start registering Inhumans next week on Agents of SHIELD.
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Offline Diddly

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #279 on: May 8, 2016, 03:33 AM »
Saw it tonight. The airport battle might be the coolest fight in recent movie history, and definitely in comic history. The casting was perfect, and even though there were 3984655672 characters, they all had their place and felt important.

Some good moments off the top of my head:

- Falcon and Bucky in the Beetle, and the nod of approval
- ESB being a "super old movie" (although Pete should know better than "ice planet")
- Black Panther in general
- Tony macking on Aunt May
- Tony Stank
- Ant Man trying to tear apart the IM suit and then tossing a mini fuel truck
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Offline JediJman

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #280 on: May 9, 2016, 12:54 PM »
I went to see this over the weekend and still can't wrap my head around how good it is.  Highlights for me:

 - The action scenes are always amazing, but the stuff cap does with his shield right out of the gate and the way the knock each other around was insanely cool.  Straight out of a comic book. 
 - The airport fight scene is amazingly done, bouncing from one fight to the next all at once.  I don't know how they perfectly timed all of that. 
 - The rationale for the fighting was far superior to what we got with Bats vs. Supes.  There was just enough debate and discussion between the characters to effectively support both sides of the issue and it felt like a slow build they were trying to avoid versus just jumping into the fray. I still don't know which side is "right."
 - Marvel continues to master the comedy as a tension reliever in the middle of that action.  I was laughing my head off with Falcon/Bucky in the Beetle, great Spiderman quips, and basically any time Ant Man is on screen. 
 - Speaking of Spiderman, I thought Tom Holland was too young and didn't fit the role at all when I first heard about him, but he is awesome in this movie.  A perfect match for young Peter Parker.  And hellloooo Aunt May.
- I really liked the Black Panther role, but was even more impressed by what they did with Vision - showing his power set so naturally, becoming more "human," questioning his origin, etc.
 - I loved how the heroes fought side by side, but didn't just jump in like they knew each other.  They question other people's power sets and don't even know each other's names in some cases ("Arrow-Guy!, Yeah I know you - you're....awesome").  Just seemed so much more real and funny. 

The best part of the movie for me though was that every single character played a meaningful role.  Not one character felt just thrown in or unnecessary.  Cap and Iron Man definitely take center stage, but they made the most of every comment from the littler guys to further tie all of the stories together.  There are a bunch of these amazing little side stories echoing the comics that don't detract from the main story at all.  At best they set up potentially larger storylines in the future, at worst they provided some meaningful character development and sweet fanboy nods to the comics. 

I have progressively enjoyed the Marvel movies more and more, but this one really tops them all in action, fun, and just tying it all together.  They even find a cool way to end it, leaving some things a bit ambiguous, but on an up note.  Can't wait to see it again.

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Offline Sprry75

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #281 on: May 9, 2016, 06:59 PM »
It was really good, but why in the hell did Baron Zemo make his own job so damn difficult? That video tape was only in Siberia? And he had to find and kill five other Winter Soldiers to find it, just so he could show it to Tony? Jesus, why not just let the Sokovia Accords do what they seemed to be doing and enjoy Cap and Iron Man ripping each other's heads off?

Seemed like a pretty overly-complicated, convoluted plot device (to say nothing about the fact that they took a pretty major super-villain and gave him a pretty pedestrian level of involvement, but I've accepted that this is the MCU and not all characters are 100% comic accurate). But damn, for a pissed-off guy to go through all that trouble when the world governments were already splitting the Avengers apart with the Accords? Why? Am I missing something?
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Offline BillCable

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #282 on: May 9, 2016, 07:48 PM »
Both events were the result of Sokovia.  Zemo probably didn't know the extent to which the accords were causing a schism in the team.  So it was two concurrent, but independent, lines of events.

And I believe he killed the soldiers so they wouldn't cause the same harm as the Avengers.  He went to Siberia to find and kill them.

There are a couple plot holes, though.  The video camera was very conveniently present at the exact spot of the accident.  And that some plebe from eastern Europe was able to find the info and video when Tony Stark, genius security hacker billionaire, could not... that's a bit of a stretch.
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #283 on: May 10, 2016, 08:38 AM »
I saw it yesterday, and there was so much to take in.  It was very much multi-layered, and I appreciate that it took something of a slow burn approach to letting this story build. 

I went into this thinking that Stark was going to be portrayed like he was taking some kind of heel turn, but it was written and performed much better than that.  The reasoning and argument behind the Accords seemed very much legitimate.  And it was easy to see how characters like Stark, Black Widow and the Vision could be swayed to get on board with Ross and the Accords.  I have to say, I really appreciate that Marvel & the Russo Brothers would offer up a story where there is such a great degree of moral conflict between the heroes of a  story like this one.  Life and politics in general are complicated.  And putting a story like this out there where the justification for those diametrically opposed positions have some moral basis is very welcome.

Black Panther's story was very well developed.  And I think Chadwick Boseman did a fantastic job.  I thought his motivation was spot-on, and when he decided that he was going to take his vengeance I don't know what could have stopped him.  My one gripe?  It had to do with Black Panther, Cap and Bucky.  Notably the chase scene in the tunnel in Germany.  When they were running through traffic it took me out of the movie.  Simply because the speed of both the running and the cars seemed off.  This is really my only gripe with the film, so take what you will from that.

I liked seeing the budding relationship between the Vision and Wanda.  That seemed to hold true to the comics in a way.  And seeing the two of them fight?  Remind me not to get on the Scarlet Witch's bad side, because I don't want her altering my density so much that I fall through several floors of a building.  There's also the matter of the Mind Gem.  I suspect that Vision's doubts about his ability to control the Mind Gem were foreshadowing to what we may see in the Infinity War films.

But the airport fight?  Wow.  That was just great!  Spider-Man was awesome.  I really like how he was characterized this time around.  Peter Parker became Spider-Man when he was a kid in school, and seeing him like that was refreshing.  Likewise, seeing Stark be protective of him because he recognized that Peter was a kid added something to Tony's character as well.  And what about Ant-Man?  I loved seeing him get into Iron Man's suit and messing with it.  And then going big and becoming Giant Man?  I really didn't know what to expect because we're still learning what his capabilities are.  I was a little surprised to see him actually tear the wing off of an airliner and swing it around like a giant club.

It was a little odd to see how Zemo's story weaved it's way through the overall story.  But by the end it certainly made sense.  As did *MOST* of the Howard & Maria Stark plotline.  I could certainly see why HYDRA would want to have some video of that incident on file.  But I was left wondering how Zemo came to know that the Winter Soldier had a role in Howard Stark's assassination to begin with and knew to search for the files on that particular date.

Overall I thought that this film was really strong.  And it left me wanting more from the MCU, as well as the Russo brothers.  I think they know and appreciate the source material in a big way.  The future of the Avengers certainly seems like it's in doubt, since half of its members have some sort of outlaw status now.  But I think that things are going to require them to come together for the Infinity War storyline.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 10:41 AM by Nicklab »
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Offline Qui-Gon Jim

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Re: Captain America (Movie & Sequels)
« Reply #284 on: May 10, 2016, 09:47 AM »
I think it was implied that Zemo accessed the Hydra/Shield data that Widow dumped public at the end of Winter Soldier.