
Collecting => Customs => Star Wars Action Figures => Topic started by: mrbelvedere on September 11, 2007, 05:30 PM

Post by: mrbelvedere on September 11, 2007, 05:30 PM
Battle of Hoth Snowtrooper head on VTAC Snowtrooper body. It looks simple enough, but it is actually a very difficult bash. It requires some fairly precise measurements and recessed drilling. The head swivels and nods just as it did on the old body. The head is unaltered, only the torso has been drilled. Before everyone asks "why bother" let me explain. In my opinion this head is a much better sculpt than the VTAC removable helmet. I am also not a fan of the prequels and Jango heads in my collection make me fussy.

Title: Re: VTAC Snowtrooper WITHOUT JANGO HEAD
Post by: JangoTat on September 11, 2007, 07:31 PM
why didnt you just use a removable helmet from the tin snowtrooper and just put a generic head under it?

But either way I do agree with you that the VTAC helemt is not as good as the one you used, the VTAC is too "big" for the body :-\
Title: Re: VTAC Snowtrooper WITHOUT JANGO HEAD
Post by: mrbelvedere on September 11, 2007, 08:13 PM
It's not just that I'm anti Jango head, I really hate the removable helmet in general unless the character calls for it.  For characters who removed their helmet during the films (Vader, Boushh, etc.) the removable helmet is great.  For any other character, it really sucks.  Not only does it bother me as a purist, most times the soft removable helmets look cheap and junky.  Just look at the VOTC Stormtrooper as compared to the TAC Stormtrooper.  Other than using it as a base for Han/ Luke customs, I have no use for the TAC Stormtrooper.
Title: Re: VTAC Snowtrooper WITHOUT JANGO HEAD
Post by: Phrubruh on September 12, 2007, 09:34 AM
Why not just glue the helmet to the Jango head?
Title: Re: VTAC Snowtrooper WITHOUT JANGO HEAD
Post by: mrbelvedere on September 12, 2007, 05:37 PM
Why not just glue the helmet to the Jango head?

Three reasons really:

1. In my opinion the VTAC helmet looks oversized and trashbaggy, even though It's modelled after the Hoth base grunt's helmet, and is pretty much screen accurate.
I greatly prefer the AT-AT bridge officer style helmet with the nose slits.  It's much more streamlined and slick looking.  It also brings back fond memories of the vintage Snowtrooper.

2. I would always know that the helmet is glued on and it would make me perpetually fussy.

3. My collection would no longer be Jango (and prequel) free.