
Collecting => Fan Art => Topic started by: stormie on July 13, 2004, 10:38 AM

Title: kez-iban
Post by: stormie on July 13, 2004, 10:38 AM
I did a pastel portrait of kez-iban (directly from the figure) when I was studying art a couple years ago. Finally got around to taking a digipic of it. First and only Star Wars (or science fiction) related piece I've ever done; everything else is just various realistic drawings and paintings. When I presented it in class, no one had any clue as to who or what it was.  :P
Title: Re: kez-iban
Post by: Scott on July 13, 2004, 12:40 PM
Wow is that cool Bob...I almost thought it was a picture!  Nice lighting too, exactly like what a picture would look like.  Another talented JD artist, thanks for sharing!!!
Title: Re: kez-iban
Post by: Bob Crane on July 13, 2004, 05:43 PM
Wonderful, such creamy texture!
Title: Re: kez-iban
Post by: Thomas Grey on July 13, 2004, 06:51 PM
What kinnd of pastels? Oil or chalk? I assume oil because the chalk pastel is much more difficult to get so smooth. But, if one is adept, they can do some pretty crazy stuff with the chalk pastel. I have experimented with both and each has its' own appeal to me. Oil is much brighter and dramatic in terms of color and easier to manipulate, smooth and blend. I like the chalk pastel because of it's sketchy feel.

This is a great piece Bob. I'd love to see more of your stuff, Star Wars related or not...
Title: Re: kez-iban
Post by: Angry Ewok on July 14, 2004, 01:42 AM
Fantastic likeness, I love the texture - and pretty colors!  :P Awesome work, Bob, definately share more!
Title: Re: kez-iban
Post by: stormie on July 14, 2004, 10:58 AM
Thanks, guys! This is definitely one of my funkier pieces...I mean, afterall, it is Kez-Iban.  :P

Thomas, I only use the "chalk" pastels (Rembrandt soft, to be exact). The oil pastels were too much like oil paint, for me. And since I did a lot of oil painting already, I'd just as soon stick with the paint. Besides, the Rembrandt pastels are very forgiving.  ;)

Okay, since Kez was my one and only Star Wars piece, and someone said something about seeing something else I've done (I think ;)), here's a few non-Star Wars pieces:
pastel portrait (about 18" x 24")
oil painting on canvas board (about 12" x 16")
oil painting on canvas (about 12" x 16")

It's a shame I haven't really drawn or painted in almost two years.  :( Hopefully, I'll get some time in the near future to pick it up again. Okay, sorry, enough non-Star Wars stuff. Thanks for allowing me to reflect on my past.  :P ;)
Title: Re: kez-iban
Post by: DSJ™ on July 14, 2004, 11:05 AM


Wow! That is just Wow! Awesome.

Your other work is awesome too. So lifelike.  8)
Title: Re: kez-iban
Post by: Angry Ewok on July 14, 2004, 12:46 PM
Awesome bicycle, makes me think of Queen, you know, cause of their song...  :-\ Nevermind. But the spokes on the bike are very nicely done.

You definately need to start back up on your artwork, two years is a looong time to not do any artwork!