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Messages - Resurrection Bob

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The dirty Stormies also seem to be missing their little frowns.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Target "Ambush On Ilum" Battle Pack
« on: October 29, 2006, 10:22 PM »
From how far 3PO's legs are spread, I'm going to guess what we're seeing is the Coin one that was repacked in OTC.  As for R2, he doesn't have a chrome dome, but looks pretty normal, so perhaps he's the Naboo/OTC version?  I wish it were a plain R2-D2 with the R4-G9 body, but they really don't seem to want to give us that for some reason.

Announcements / Re: JD 2006 Loot Giveaway #11 - 12" Kit Fisto
« on: October 29, 2006, 10:10 PM »
That's a heck of a prize, and one of the better-looking figures I've seen from Sideshow's Star Wars Stuff.  I entered right away - best of luck to everyone!

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TRU Exclusive Dagobah X-Wing
« on: September 15, 2006, 11:03 PM »
Am I wrong in thinking there's a packaging variation on this thing?  The pictures I've seen online show the dragonsnake thing under the wing of the X-Wing, and I think I've seen one in person like that, but today I saw one in the store where the beastie is out in the open, sort of in front of Luke.  Change in packaging, or figment of my imagination?

Kubricks / Re: Kubricks and Minimates
« on: July 22, 2006, 10:59 AM »
Is there a chance anybody will be grabbing some John Stewart Green Lantern Minimates for those of us who aren't at Comic Con?  Just curious...

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood Confirmed For '07!
« on: July 21, 2006, 06:45 PM »
It would actually be really cool if that exact wave really was released on April 1st.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: GH Swami Predicts EU, 2-Packs
« on: July 21, 2006, 06:23 PM »
Han's Stormtrooper helmet has red eyes and mouth.  So VOTC body and head, but then they do that.  It's like everything has to just have one really annoying flaw with Hasbro.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Imperial Officer 5 Pack
« on: July 21, 2006, 02:54 PM »
Just have to wait for tommorow & see is Hasbro's Star Wars we'll probably be finding out today.
...And he posted that last night, not today.

I agree with everyone, though, that I'm looking forward to what they show.

I half-disagree, as unlike the DVD sets, these are mostly rehashing good, recent figures, and repainting some into "new" ones as well (such as the Evolutions-style blue clonetrooper).    That said, I've already posted in another thread that I'm not sure whether I want to get these due to the inclusion of some rather blah figures in each set.

Also, the red astromech seems to be newer than the one that came with the Queen's starship, as it has the sculpted wires (and I think the old one had a different glowy spot on its head).

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Comic-Con 06
« on: July 20, 2006, 02:38 AM »
Well, I just got done going through the pictures here and at GH.  Man, that's a lot of stuff, and it wasn't all that's there.  Here are my tired ramblings:

- I'm not sure how I feel about the prequel tins.  Each has something new and cool (the clonetroopers and the astromech) and good rereleases (Evolutions anybody), but they also tend to have old things I don't want (Mace, Jango).  The tins themselves help to justify the price a bit, but it's hard to decide whether the things I want in these make them worth buying.  Maybe I'll just save up or something.  Looking forward to seeing the OT sets.

- Galatic Heroes are doing large sets of figures now.  That's pretty cool.  I think I'll be sticking to a pair here and there, though, which has amassed me quite a collection already.

- Titanium is getting to be quite a big line.  Tons of repaints on the vehicles (Naboo fighter, ARC fighter) and some surprising new ones (Padme's silver thing, the Ewok on speederbike).  It's tempting to get into them, but I think I'll try to stick with regular figures, as there are plenty of those already.  As for the Titanium figures, I've never been impressed by them, but a couple of these look really good, especially C-3PO.  But to counter that we have things like Grievous, who is really unimpressive considering what they could have done (such as a better sculpt and more limbs).

Okay, I think that's all for now.  I'm sure there will be more to see soon, though...

Look, a picture.

And, I noticed minutes after posting that, GH has lots more up.

GH seems to be telling us what's in some of the tin sets.  Sounds interesting, but I'm gonna have to see which figures they used before I know whether I like them or not.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: July 16, 2006, 05:13 PM »
It was also released for PC, I would look at Gamestop or EB or something to see if they still have a copy lying around.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30th Anniversary Cards?
« on: July 15, 2006, 01:23 AM »
Somebody else already said it, but I'm not a fan of how some of the words are sort of facing different directions.  You have to tilt your head one way to read the "A long time ago" bit, and tilt the other way to figure out the "77-07" bit inside the partially-obscured "30".


"We chose a contemporary styling to the logo for a fresh look at the brand, and created a distressed architecture to celebrate its long heritage," says Pilot partner Chris Ford. "It was important to deliver an ownable shape to the action figure packaging in particular." adds Concannon.

Apparently they put a lot of thought in, yet didn't notice that it's just generally wobbly looking.  Of course, maybe this guy's just going over my head.  After all, I don't know what "ownable" even means.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Target DPCI #s for TSC
« on: July 11, 2006, 10:57 PM »
Back in this thread, some people posted images of UPCs that could be printed out and scanned at the store.  Would it be possible for someone to do that for one of the VTSC figures for me, or give me a little nudge in the right direction with a UPC generator?

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