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Messages - Commander_Miseria

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Quote Your Fellow Posters Out Of Context!
« on: February 17, 2006, 01:44 PM »

I can't wait to rip into that box after work tonight!   :D


Ouch.  8)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CW ARC TROOPERS (02/16)
« on: February 17, 2006, 01:20 PM »
hey guys thanks for the comments  8)

Clone Commander- Yep all of my 212th will have removable helmets as well as my parjai that accompany them. Then I'll be touching up (or rebuilding ???) the commander cody figure when hasbro releases it. My Arcs will all have removable helmets as well. 8)

Gregorbian-  I have actually customized the head of one a bit, not the face. For Captain Fordo, I gave him some grey streaks on the side of his hair as well as a little it of grey hair in the front. Being the leader, I figured he could do with some experience. :P As for the rocket launcher. It's actually a cast of a Gundam Model piece, with some added steyrene and a Potf2 stormie rifle grip. ;D

Star Wars Action Figures / CW ARC troopers (02/16)
« on: February 17, 2006, 02:46 AM »
Well i've had some progress with my ARCS. They're kind of my own design, based on the parts i had when i made my first ARC. The squad as a whole is gunna be sort of a mix of how they appeared in the different volumes of the CW mini series.

I will have Captain Fordo, some blue arcs with arc rifles, some blue arcs with dc-15s, an ARC mini gunner, an ARC Heavy Gunner (rocket launcher), a ARC quad gunner (At-rt head), and a few regular white clone troopers (one of which will include the Field Scanner they used to see through buildings in volume 1).  By the time the whole squad is finished they'll be put into the brand new Clone Wars Gunship.  Here's what i got so far (some have some paint apps to be done, and some adjustments to be made, but you get the idea :p).

I'd throw them into the group project, but well ya know  ::) :P ;D

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: 501st SA Clone
« on: February 16, 2006, 08:11 PM »
darn you and your squeaky clean lines  :P

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fodder Alert!
« on: February 14, 2006, 01:35 AM »
I've yet to find a G.I. Joe figure i could use fodder wise. I am gunna use the Mini gun from a Roadblock figure though.  :P

I'm gunna have to go with everyone else and say he looks good, but it doesn't quite work on chewie. Looks more like fuzz than fur. I think thats why it works on the ewok.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Slave girl Leia - MicroLady edition WIP
« on: February 13, 2006, 10:48 PM »
 :o she's nakey!!!

These Microman/microlady bodies are definitely getting some good useage. I really think it makes a normal star wars figure more unique looking.

I think some people just get the quick repaints mixed up with the people that actually put work into them. Even if it's not an original paint scheme it doesn't mean that it didn't take work to produce. Especially when you're looking to make a squad or something and need to reproduce the paint scheme several times. I put a lot of work into my commander gree and at some sites i got a lot of feedback people that liked, people that had suggestions, other stuff like that and i really appreciate it. Then at others i got the usual "cool" or i had 500 something views and 2 comments and thats okay too, but sometimes it discourages me from posting work. I think everyone just needs understand that clones are customs too if they're done by someone who is truly devoted and in it for the hobby and not for reproducing whatever makes money on ebay.

With that said...the predator with the claws thats leaning back a bit looks awesome. The position makes it look like he's giving a big roar right before he goes Ape Sh*t  :P

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Prologue: Republic Intelligence
« on: February 13, 2006, 08:19 PM »
Love it! i always thought making a photonovel of labyrinth of evil would have been great. I may just undertake this soon.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Magna Droid - IG-100
« on: February 13, 2006, 08:16 PM »
Definitely liking this. took a mediocre (if that...) figure and made it 100 % better. Love the cape especially

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Cody going to need work
« on: February 13, 2006, 08:14 PM »
i'll be buying a couple. One will be kept stock just in case, and the other i'll be trying to make better. Removable helmet is the feature i'm looking for on this one, so hasbro pulled through for me.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Neyo?
« on: February 9, 2006, 04:53 PM »
I did, but they are removable. Not snap on.

Hmm i'd like to see that? I think i missed that one, i've seen you others though. I have a pechant for removable helmets  :P

I like him, nice helmet too!
Oh and I think his name is commander Keller, Fordo led the ARC Troopers.

Nope commander keller had a parjai type helmet and he led a group of snow troopers.  This is indeed Captain Fordo.

I'm digging the working holster and I especially love the way he looks like a half way point between animated and realistic. It makes him look very unique i think. Great Job man! 8)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Neyo?
« on: February 8, 2006, 01:53 PM »
Try ryan (bantha5) over at scum. He still has plenty.

Well i decided to take a break from my Barc trooper and finish off one of my WIP 212th troopers. He is modeled after the trooper that charged the crab droid and dispatched him from topside.I know his paint is a little off, but frankly i like my paint scheme better than the original which can't decide whether it wants to be triangular or round :p he has the extra back pack equipment, he is SA, and has a removable helmet.

Reference pic:

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