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Modern Classifieds / Please Close thread
« on: July 22, 2009, 03:45 PM »
Thank to everyone for helping me clear this stuff out quick!

The Legacy Collection / Walmart Dewback w/Sandtrooper
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:51 PM »
Sandtroopers got a killer scoop:

Looks SWEET! WM is getting a lot of exclusives this year.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / TRU "Crumb Bomber" Republic Gunship
« on: June 3, 2009, 12:50 PM »

F@$K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hasbro managed a way to get me to buy another gunship. This will be my 6th one. I have to say I dig the whole closed up look.

This is a hypothetical thread question, if SW Realistic toys were ending the summer of next year and you only had 22 figures (3 Waves 8,8,6) and 4 vehicles left to pick who/what would they be? It could be anyone and not complete movie waves. Any and all movies/EU goes. Beasts can count in the vehicles category too.

(FYI - Don't count the rest of this year, just what you would truly want to be satisfied with everything to end the line)

Remember, 22 figures (3 Waves) and 4 vehicles left to pick who/what would they be before the line would end?

Here are my picks to blow the final load:

 1. Han Bespin SA
 2. Klaatu (Vintage style)
 3. EV-9D9 resculpt
 4. Ackmena
 5. Luke Hoth SA
 6. Leia Hoth SA
 7. Tonn Farr
 8. Grand Moff Tarkin
 9. Yakface rescult
10. Gammorean Guard
11. Sim Aloo
12. Lando General
13. Nien Numb
14. Admiral Ackbar
15. Wicket & Logray 2pk
16. Bith Cantina Musician
17. Fozec
18. Weequay Skiff Master
19. Bom Vidam
20. Vintage Nikto
21. Ponda Baba
22. Dr. Evezean

1. Jabba the Hutt
2. Taun-Tauns (Luke/Hans)
3. Dewback
4. Big ass AT-AT

Feedback / Resurrection Bob's feedback
« on: August 4, 2008, 08:41 PM »
My first trade with RB was perfect! He is a great communicator, fair trader and ships fast!
I hope to trade with again.

Title says it all!
I have a very focused collection of the 3.75" line and only took a small detour from that. I have a baby on the way and will be moving so I need to lighten the load. With that said I need to get rid of some very cool high end SW items and they are very reasonable even below eBay prices! As always I am open to reasonable trades too!

Gentle Giant
Gentle Giant Old Obi-Wan Bust (Comes with Box/certificate) $25 shipped to continental USA

Gentle Giant Max Rebo Band Statue (Comes with Box/certificate) $140 Shipped to cont USA

Side Show 12' Scale Jabba set: Sold out Throne, Jabba and Creature pack! All original boxes included! $300 Pick up only, only sold in a set. I am willing to meet within a 20 mile area of Chicago 60631.

Modern Classifieds / WTB TAC COINS 9/11/08
« on: July 16, 2008, 12:30 AM »

03: Mustafar Lava Miner x2
04: R2-D2 x2
05: Obi-Wan Kenobi
06: Mace Windu x3
11: Han Solo (Smuggler) x3 - 1 PENDING
12: Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) x3 - 1 PENDING
16: Darth Vader X2
21: McQuarrie Chewbacca - 1 PENDING
25: Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) X2
28: McQuarrie Vader
29: Hermi Odle (Baragwin)
30: C-3PO & Salacious Crumb (Jabba's Servants)
32: Yoda & Kybuck
33: Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
34: Darth Revan (Sith Lord) X2
35: Darth Malak (Sith Lord) x3
36: Pre-Cyborg Grievous (Kaleesh Warlord Qymaen jai Sheelal)
39: Lando Calrissian (Smuggler Outfit)
40: General McQuarrie (Rebel Officer)
45: Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Spirit) x3 - 1 PENDING
46: R2-D2 (with Cargo Net) x3 - 1 PENDING
48: Holographic Vader
50: Hawkbat Clonetrooper
52: Naboo Soldier (Royal Naboo Army) x3 - 1 PENDING
55: Clone Trooper Training Fatigues x2
56: Padmé Amidala (Naboo Senator) x2
58: Voolvif Monn (Jedi Master) x3 - 1 PENDING
SDCC SW coin x3
McQuarrie Luke x2
McQuarrie Yoda x2
McQuarrie C3P0 & R2
SWS Grevious x3
UGH Han x3
UGH R2-D2 x3
UGH Luke x3
UGH Vader x2
UGH McBoba x3
UGH McStormie
UGH McChewie x3
UGH Mace x3
UGH Biggs x3 - 1 PENDING
UGH Galactic Marine x3

The Legacy Collection / Disney Jedi Academy 5-Pack
« on: June 23, 2008, 08:28 PM »
If this does not say the Solo Kids I do not know what does.....

From Raving Toy Maniacs Q& A

3. Three of the most prominent main characters in the expanded universe novels are young female human padawans: Etain (Republic Commando), Starstone (Darth Vader: Rise of the Dark Lord), and Scout (Yoda: Dark Rendezvous). We have never seen a young human female padawan that could be used to fill the role of any of these important characters. Will we ever see a generic female padawan figure? Also, what about human male younglings, such as the ones Anakin kills in Revenge of the Sith? We've had youngling figures in the past, but they were aliens.

Answer: Interesting suggestion. There are some new human younglings coming in 2009 in a very special pack, including at least one female. However, they will not be on basic figure cards. More details will be available in early-to-mid 2009.


I say its the Solo brats.

Feedback / Muftak's feedback
« on: April 25, 2008, 09:57 AM »
I commissioned Bobb to make me one of his sweet display shelves not only was he overly professional he did an absolute amazing job on the display I could not be any happier!
I would surely deal with him again and I am happy I was able to start his feedback thread.

Feedback / JediDre's feedback
« on: April 14, 2008, 11:31 AM »
I bought a lot of figures from Dre. He shipped quick, packed them well and was very easy to work with. I would deal with again! :D

« on: April 9, 2008, 01:28 AM »
Greetings Guys and Gals of the Galaxy!

I finally took some photos of my collection. While the majority of my collection is stored in very large vehicle bins, 5 figure cases and some vehicles not even opened yet due to space constraints, I managed to display a nice chunk of it.  My collection is quite large but the space issue takes away the real glory of it. I am looking forward to moving late this year so I can have my dream space to display my empire!

I took distance shots, close ups and even the stored stuff photos to give you a sense of scale.

Enjoy the pics!

The Displayed stuff. (The close up shots are after stored stuff images.)

Stored stuff + close ups to see how much crap is in there!

A couple of notes on my collection:

- I phased out 90% all old sculpts of core characters to have the best representation possible. I have very few POTF2 left as they are just too dated. Only some Aliens remain. I cannot wait to get rid of them when new sculpts are made.

- I stream lined my Troop building to mainly Movie based Clones/Troopers. Some "realistic" EU Clones will make the cut but they have to really fit. I do not want a Skittle army but only core troops that compliment my collection.

- All of my Clone/Stormie Troops have to be SA. I phased out all non SA clones in favor of better SA ones. You will find no AT-TE Gunners, Quick Draws or static 3-packers in my collection. They were dishonorably discharged from my collection!

Close ups of main display shelves.

My old school 2nd Edition AD&D books from my youth. Thaco system forever baby!!!!!

My custom workshop

The Legacy Collection / 2008 UGH "1st Day of Issue" Promotion
« on: February 20, 2008, 12:31 PM »
Just when you thought you were safe...UGH is back and this time it's a FOIL STICKER!!!!

I thought Hasbro said in a recent Q&A that they bagged the UGH promotion for 2008 but according to RS all 1st issue figures will sport a "1st Day of Issue" sticker. See article  below:

This almost seems like a waste of time. Our carded collector friends will have a new nightmare on their hands with variants to chase down. This feels a little too Hot Wheels to me and to an opener , this is one we do not have to worry about.

So is it a Yeah or Nay?

In my opinion, I have to say this is one of the dumbest sub Star wars lines I have seen to date. Maybe being 30 I am biased against this Kid Robotish style trendy type stuff. But this smells like a real stinker to me, I think of the time & money invested on a line that my toy senses say will not last long.

I would have rather have seen the investment placed into the core 3.75' line. In their Q&A's Hasbro always talks about tooling $ resources being tight. Here is a prime example of it being wasted on a line that the average hardcore SW collector may pick up one or two of their favorite characters. Ask yourself would you want a SW Mighty Mugg or maybe a new Speederbike or figure tool? I will hedge my bets on the latter.

I like to know the reaction everyone has in regards to this line. Are you in or out? Collecting them all or cherry picking?

Watto's Junk Yard / Korgoth of Barbaria - The greatest cartoon ever!
« on: December 28, 2007, 11:47 AM »
I just saw Adult Swim's Korgoth of Barbaia for the first time and laughed my ass off. It left me wanting more, so I want to spread the word on this excellent cartoon. From what I read it was scheduled to have a full season but got the plug pulled last minute. With the youtube hits hitting record numbers lately I can see this having a chance at getting resurrected. I showed several friends and they loved this show too. So let me know what you guys think if you have not seen this. Aaron Springer & Genndy Tartakovsky (The guy who produced the CW Clone Wars animated) are responsible for this masterpiece. You can see their style

If you know Conan, Thundarr the Barbarian, played D&D, into Heavy Metal and like SpongeBob this is the cartoon for you. Watch all 3 parts and let's CN know we want more!

Part 1



Modern Trading / WOTC Star wars Minis Trade Thread updated 10/6
« on: October 4, 2007, 04:44 PM »
I figured I would start a thread to trade WOTC minis. With the random luck nature of the packs it can be a pain to collect them all.

I need a ton, too many to list! I will buy or Trade, send me a list or post!

Lets start trading!


Rebel Storm

03 Chewbacca - RARE
06 Elite Rebel Trooper
15 Rebel Commando
16 Rebel Officer
17 Rebel Pilot
18 Rebel Trooper
19 Rebel Trooper
20 Wookiee Soldier
35 Snowtrooper
36 Stormtrooper
38 Stormtrooper
39 Stormtrooper
45 Ewok
49 Ithorian Scout
57 Tusken Raider
53 Mon Calamari Mercenary

Revenge of the Sith

8 Clone Trooper
11 Clone Trooper Gunner
23 Wookiee Scout
39 Super Battle Droid
45 Gotal Fringer
54 Yuzzem x2
58 Darth Vader - VERY RARE

Star Wars Universe

08 Hailfire Droid
11 Super Battle Droid Commander
12 Abyssin Black sun thug x2
14 Asp-7
15 B'Omarr Monk - RARE
20 Kaminan Ascetic
27 Reek
29 Shistavanen Pilot
31 Vornskr
41 Stormtrooper x2
42 Stormtrooper Commander
44 Bith Rebel x3
46 Dressellian Commando x2
54 New Republic Commander
55 New Republic Trooper
56 Young Jedi knight
60 Yuuzhan Vong Warrior

Champions of the Force
2 Jedi Consular
4 Jedi Sentinal
15 Sith Assult Droid
29 Kashyyyk Trooper
33 Republic commando Boss
35 Republic Commando Scorch x2
37 Saleucami Trooper x2
38 Utapau Trooper
39 Nightsister Sith Witch
47 Dark Trooper phase 1 x2
60 Varactyl Wrangler x2
51 Snowtrooper with eweb cannon - VERY RARE

Alliance and Empire
10 Ithorian Commander
12 Luke Skywalker, Hero of Yavin - RARE
14 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist
20 Rebel Pilot
23 Wookiee Freedom Fighter
24 Admiral Piett - RARE
27 Death Star Trooper
31 Scout Trooper
32 Snowtrooper
43 Ewok Warrior
44 Gammorean Guard
54 Talz Spy
59 Advance Scout Vong

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