
Community => Watto's Junk Yard => Topic started by: FX-7 on January 29, 2004, 12:29 PM

Title: How often do you go to the doctor????
Post by: FX-7 on January 29, 2004, 12:29 PM
Take off on Old Country's dentist thread, how often do you head to the doctor?  Me, I go once a year for a physical, and then I go when I get sinus infections which is a LOT >:(
Title: Re: How often do you go to the doctor????
Post by: Scott on January 29, 2004, 12:57 PM
Old Country, Funny  ::)

My wife and my mom tell me I don't go to the doctor enough, thing is, I usually will only go if I really need to get Antibiotics (for sinus infections) otherwise I'll jsut let the flu and such run its course

However, I have a chronic problem which effects my swallowing of food (called Dysphagia) I've had this since I was around 10-12.  What happens is that when I eat chicken or steak, it gets stuck in my esophagaus and won't pass into my hurts like hell and eventually I start to gag from the amount of saliva going down to try and dislodge the food.  So I have to regurgitate it backup (sounds great huh)

So, I've had the esophagaus stretched a couple of times and it helps for around 6 months.  They've done some tests on me recently to try and determine why it happens, they think its due to acid reflux but haven't ruled out uncoordinated swallowing muscles.  Its a weird thing and something I've lived with for a long time.  If its reflux, I should be able to take drugs like Prilosec or Nexium and be over it, if its not more stretching (which sucks, pudding and yogurt only for a day or so, plus anesthesia and general uncomfort)
Title: Re: How often do you go to the doctor????
Post by: Becky on January 29, 2004, 12:59 PM
I go once a year for a physical.  I try to avoid the doctor's office if possible.
Title: Re: How often do you go to the doctor????
Post by: JediMAC on January 29, 2004, 05:08 PM
I should be getting an annual physical too, but after discovering what they do to you in your physicals once you've turned 30, I decided it was probably best to just go every 5 or 10 years from now on...   :-[
Title: Re: How often do you go to the doctor????
Post by: P'dubs on January 29, 2004, 05:37 PM
I rarely ever go to the doctor. I can be stumbling all over the place and I'll still not heed any advice to go.
Title: Re: How often do you go to the doctor????
Post by: Darth Kenobi on January 29, 2004, 11:00 PM
I usually only go to the docotrs if something is wrong with me and I can't deal with it or the pain it causes.  I probally should go more often but just don't want to because I don't see the need when nothing seems wrong.
Title: Re: How often do you go to the doctor????
Post by: DSJ™ on January 30, 2004, 09:50 AM
I go only if I hurt or need time off work!  ;)