Announcements > Announcements
SDCC'11 Loot Giveaway #2 - Revenge of the Jedi DS Box Set!
It's time for a new Give-Away!
In our second SDCC'11 loot give-away, is giving you the chance to win the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con exclusive "Revenge of the Jedi" Death Star Box Set! Check out the new Give-Away page for all the details on how you can enter for your chance to win!
Give away ends Monday, September 12, 2011.
Good Luck!
It's Very cool that you guys are doing this!
Hey its cool but im trying to enter th sweepstakes and its saying that "" doesnt exist. What gives?
I'm not sure what you mean when you say it doesn't "exist". It's an e-mail address, it isn't a web address.
Please send me a personal message or e-mail with the exact steps you're taking to get the error and we'll look into your issue...
I clicked send a message in the jedi defender forum in the "To" section i put I put SDCC 2011 Revenge in the "Subject" section. I put all my info in the big box. Put the verification info and send the message. The reply i got was "Unable to find member Then it said one or more reciepients could not be found so maybe im doing something wrong can u please help before contest ends thanks.
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