Announcements > Announcements
JD Give Away - The Book Of Elizabeth
Jesse James:
Our own forumite, and another (wow) published author among our community, was kind enough to donate TWO copies of his book The Book Of Elizabeth as prizes to our readers on the site.
We're going to do something different with this contest though. Basically there are no rules to enter as we're going to draw names from a pool of past entries into contests who did not win! So sit back, check out Darby's blog of course, relax, and wait to see if you won or not, as we will notify you via PM when you do (probably asking for your contact info)!
Obviously a big thanks should go to Darby for donating two copies. It's always great to see the accomplishments of our forumites!
Thanks again Jesse! It's a real treat that JD is so supportive of its members. I truly appreciate it. I look forward to the winners!
Neat giveaway! Congrats again Darb.
Jesse James:
Winners are...........
Solrac and Master_Phruby! :)
Prizes will head out as soon as possible I'm sure, and congrats!
Stay tuned as another random give-away may be on the horizon.
Congrats to the winners!
Thanks again Jesse and JD staff for your support!
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