Community > Other Toy Lines
Starting Lineup
I meant to post something about this the other day when they launched, and now the whole narrative around them is the price (which is crazy), but outside of that I was/am kind of excited about these. I had many of the vintage lines from the various sports, and the thought of having possible versions of my favorite athletes sounded very cool. Add to that, I am a huge NBA fan, so this first wave speaks to me quite a bit. As much as I’m tired of talking/hearing about rising prices, it is definitely an issue here and that kind of stinks. I realize there are probably a lot of licensing things going on with the league, teams, players, and shoe companies…and they seem to maybe be going for a slightly different audience than the normal action figure collector. We’ll see how these do. I’m still excited, but the price will probably keep me from being “all in” to picking some favorites. If they get into 80s/90s Legends….yeesh that will be tougher.
For those who are still on the fence on these, Hasbro announced that the first wave of NBA SLU figures is on sale for $30 at Hasbro Pulse in celebration of the NBA All-Star game.
* I guess word is that these versions do not have the NFTs, which is what makes them cheaper...
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