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Messages - Nathan

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It's up again.

Other Collectibles / Re: ROTS Burger King Promos
« on: June 2, 2005, 05:51 PM »
I haven't won anything beyond food, but the nifty thing is that I'm essentially recouping the cost of the figures with all the food I've won.

Yesterday I picked up C-3PO and Clonetrooper from Wave 5. But I missed Wave 3 entirely when the stores here started Wave 4 early. Looks like I'll have to widen my search pattern.

The BKs here sell them $1.29 for two with meal, or $.99 individually.

The freebies are foldout kid's activity pages that have the figures on the back cover.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Princess!!
« on: June 2, 2005, 05:34 PM »
Another one already? ;D

Happy Birthday Shannon!

*looks around* Allright ... who's next?

Newbies / Re: JediAmy checking in..............
« on: June 2, 2005, 05:30 PM »
Welcome to the party, Amy.

Don't let the bad man scare you ;) -- there are a few of us Trekkies here even though we tend to keep a low profile. ;D

Newbies / Re: New to the site
« on: June 2, 2005, 05:24 PM »
Welcome to the party, neoblanc. ;D Folks around here are very welcoming to new members, so you'll fit right in in no time.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: New pics of 51-56
« on: June 2, 2005, 05:19 PM »
Not bad, but none of these are the stars of the line in my view.

Antilles -- pretty good for what he is. Because he goes with Bail Organa who I am a fan of, I'll pick him up.

Zett -- the head looks weird/cartoony, but nice sculpt otherwise. The body would be a good basis for custom Jedi if I was into that sort of thing.

Utapauan Warrior -- I dig the design, even though I'm not a fan of the bowlegged stance. I want one.

AT-RT driver -- as I keep harping on, I'm not a fan of the camo troopers so I'll only get one of these for completness' sake.

Mustafar Sentry -- not bad really. I lack Separatist figures so I'll get one but no more than two.

Kenobi Pilot -- can it be? A ROTS Obi-Wan that actually resembles Ewan McGregor but doesn't suck in some other feature? :o I am so all over this.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: VOTC and OTC Returns in 2006!
« on: June 2, 2005, 05:10 PM »
Brent, what many people have suggested for prequel VOTC is creating vintage-style cards with new photos and prequel logos. While it strikes me as tacky and artificial, it makes more sense than trying to pass off the EpI, Saga, and ROTS cards as any form of vintage anything. At least the subline would be consistent.

Of course from a vintage collector's POV, bastardizing the old cardstyle in this way might be more offensive than reusing PT cards. :)

TV-9D9 / Re: Clone Wars 2006
« on: June 2, 2005, 04:47 PM »
What I'm wondering is: will the 3D animation be cartoonish style, or will they go the Final Fantasy route and try to do photorealistic humans? I hope it's the former.

I, too, hope they focus on others besides Obi and Ani, since their exploits are already well-documented.

We know that the creators of the upcoming series are reading the existing Clone Wars books, comics, and other materials. (This is a good sign, for the third season outright contradicted a number of books and comics. In terms of EU continuity it was a total trainwreck; there's really no nicer way to put it.)

I do think they've improved with the army builders greatly for this launch. Past performance probably hasn't helped the Royal Guard situation. Remember all the Saga red guards there were?  Those didn't sell, did they? I mean the ones I got were on clearance.  They certainly didn't sell like other army builders, and so now there seems to be a greater demand, and they didn't really meet it.

Besides the obvious fact these are great figures, I think that situation was self-perpetuating initially. Before the release, people were freaking out about the availability of red vs. blue variants. And on April 3rd, everyone was throwing bitch fits about "Oh Lordy Lordy, I only see red (blue) in my area, I'll never be able to find the ultra-HTF blue (red) guard, I must go online and buy for 3x retail value". I believe people were hoarding these as soon as they found them, afraid they'd never see them again. Then of course enter scalpers/speculators into the equation. Wherever I looked, both types disappeared right quick.

I've been saying all along to chill out and eventually everyone should be able to find some of each variety. Assuming these keep shipping, logically the market will have to reach saturation and both will be readily available.

Though I still don't understand the notion behind red and blue variants instead of releasing them as completely separate figures.

The Original Trilogy / Re: Why Lucas tinkered with Star Wars!
« on: June 2, 2005, 04:33 PM »
I think people will see the total lack of the Emperor in ANH as strange, given he's very prominent in Ep 1 to 3. I suspect that there will be some kind of Vader-Emperor scene in ANH edited in, also to explain why Bad-ass Vader suddenly plays second fiddle to Tarkin.

Admit, in ANH, Tarkin is the main Bad Guy, and Vader is his evil ruthless henchman.

I think the in-universe explanation is that Tarkin was locally in charge of the Death Star project, while Vader was a hands-off overseer representing the Emperor.

Initially I didn't like the idea of shoehorning Palpy into ANH, seemingly gratuitously. But now that I think about it maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a VERY BRIEF holographic communication where he reminds Vader the Death Star is Tarkin's baby and let him do his thing, while probably assuring Vader they'll take direct control later on.

Meditate on this, I will.

I think Lucas is actually looking at things from a somewhat unique POV in the movie industry.  He's actually willing to go back and fix things and not leave some screwups out there for all eternity.  I think it's almost like a software company sending out updates for a program.  They recognize the imperfections and fix them.  So does Lucas.  He has the will and the means to fix his mistakes.  I can't fault him for going back and making the best movie that he can, even after the theatrical release.

I see what you're saying, but the original versions of SW occupy such a unique position in cinematic history that I believe they should be preserved for their historical value (artistic debates being an entirely separate issue). I don't see the harm in having the originals available, if for no other reason than as a basis for comparison with the updated versions.

I was under the impression that this was all this was, a way for you to stand in the "Pre-Order" line instead of they "buying line" (although the lines will probably be equally long  ::)).

The preorder line will probably be as bad but at least you're guaranteed to get your figure(s) at the end of it, unlike CIII.

What happens in the unlikely event that the line is so prohibitively long you literally can't get to the store? Or if you have an emergency and have to leave early? Wouldn't they have to ship it to you, despite their policy? I mean, as long as you were on record as having checked in at the con.

Sounds like you can't even place a pre-order for a buddy to pick up with all the "photo ID required" talk.

Strangely enough, you can pre-order up to 4 but you can only purchase 3 at the con. And conceivably you might be able to order 4 with case and 4 without, because they are separate items in the cart.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: When will we see pics of new stuff?
« on: June 2, 2005, 04:04 PM »
I, too, hope for a break--but not for the same reason.

I'm taking my time acquiring the ROTS figures, for my game plan was based on stuff lingering on pegs for months and years like Episodes I and II. But if they keep pushing out new stuff at this rate, I'll never get caught up.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who's got the best burger?
« on: June 1, 2005, 01:45 AM »
Of the fast-food chains, my favorite is Wendy's, with Burger King 2nd. I also like White Castle, but they're a different thing, almost like their own category altogether.

What're the odds ... the day I bump this thread with an observation about a tangential subject, updates about the main topic:

Holo Leia Figure Debuts at Comic-Con -- Preorders Start June 1!

Looks like somebody finally learned a lesson from the gargantuan ****up known as CIII Vader. ::)

IMHO this isn't even that great of a figure sculpt. Precisely when did we ever see Holo Leia wield blasters?--not to mention two at once? Then there's the aforementioned scale issue. Bah, I say.

Anybody know what the price will be on these monstrosities? Like $19.99?  ::)

I'm toying with the idea of ordering from if there are any left, simply so I could say I got one ... but then my internal governor is kicking in and I ask myself ... "What for?"

Call me cynical, but it seems like the Exclusive tag is just being randomly applied as a way to move crap that would never sell otherwise. In my book the only good exclusives of 2005 are Holo Yoda, Green Anakin Starfighter, and the Kohl's bonus fig sets.

I have 0. Do I get some kind of prize? ;)

Really I'm just too cheap--I hesitate to pay $10 for a clamshell and a figure when I can get a reasonably adequate non-SA equivalent for $5 or so.

Probably someday I'll get one loose or on clearance. No particular rush though.

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