Author Topic: Target's new policy  (Read 83701 times)

Offline Matt

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #15 on: July 9, 2007, 01:29 PM »
But, I, who also sees these figures as the subject of a magnifient hobby, and I therefore have the right to buy them. . .

Again, no, you don't.  Policy's policy.  They can refuse to serve you for any reason they want, no matter how stupid or unfair it may seem. 

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Offline jedi_master_sal

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #16 on: July 9, 2007, 02:47 PM »
Excuse me, but I think I have the right to buy something if that's what I would like to do with my money!

No, you don't, but Target has the right not to sell to you, as ****** as it may be, for any reason they see fit.

Exactly - the only right we have is to take our rapidly emptying wallets elsewhere.

Problem there is that we as a collecting community would never be able to do this. There are some who strongly defence Target because they've had nothing but good experiences. Besides others would get it in their heads that if many collectors aren't going to Target, then it's a rich place to find new stuff.

I've had my problems with Target. Some downright humiliating. So I don't even bother to ask then for help anymore. Now if they ask me if I need help ok I'll let them know what I'm looking for. But even then I might not. It's happened that they've asked and then when I say I'm looking for SW stuff they pull back and say they can't help.  Why even ask then if they aren't going to help? Just to egg us on I can only guess.

Thankfully, I'm in close proximity of WM, TRU, KMart, KBs as well. So if I don't find it at Target, I've got lots of options and I make use of them all, besides networking with fellow collectors on forums, among other things.
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Offline Madcow

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #17 on: July 9, 2007, 03:16 PM »
I gave up on asking employees years ago. Too many BS and nasty looks so I just got really tired of it...

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #18 on: July 9, 2007, 06:15 PM »
Each of the big three retailers has their own standard response to "collector" questions (read: anyone who is over the age of 10 and who does not have a screaming child in their cart that may or may not belong to them who wants to purchase a toy is seen as a "collector" and therefore lower than scum), but Target tends to be the smarmiest about it.  While I agree with Matt's statement that they can do anything they want and sell to anyone they want, Target reminds me of those indie rock kids who think that crappy garage band from Napa Valley is more punk than Bad Religion or (insert successful punk band here) because they're staying true to the scene by not playing gigs outside of their garage.  BUT I DIGRESS....

TOYS R US STANDARD RESPONSE:  "Everything we have is on the floor/shelves."
WHICH MEANS:  "**** off, loser."

WAL-MART STANDARD RESPONSE:  "Toy department, line 4."
WHICH MEANS:  "We're giving the illusion we care.  Now, **** off, loser."

TARGET STANDARD RESPONSE:  "**** off, loser."
WHICH MEANS:  "**** off, loser."

Oh, and for completion's sake:

KAY-BEE STANDARD RESPONSE:  "All we have is 1990's 'Robocop' toys."
WHICH MEANS:  "Holy ******* ****, please shoot me, I work at Kay Bee Toys."

K-MART STANDARD RESPONSE:  "You want a who-with-a-what-now?"
WHICH MEANS:  "K-Mart still has toys?  Oh yeah, they're between the piles of debris and human bodies piled up back near housewares.  Where am I?"

But yeah, even though I still treat employees with respect, I have come to accept the fact that, especially at Target, I am a piece of worthless **** to them, so I've given up trying.  I have to admit, though, I often take great humor in Target having to put their "golden exclusive items" they protect in the back storeroom on clearance for 75% off their original prices when they don't stock them until the sales window has passed.

« Last Edit: July 9, 2007, 06:16 PM by DoctorPadawan »

Offline iFett

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #19 on: July 9, 2007, 06:25 PM »
Oh, and for completion's sake:

KAY-BEE STANDARD RESPONSE:  "All we have is 1990's 'Robocop' toys."
WHICH MEANS:  "Holy ******* ****, please shoot me, I work at Kay Bee Toys."

K-MART STANDARD RESPONSE:  "You want a who-with-a-what-now?"
WHICH MEANS:  "K-Mart still has toys?  Oh yeah, they're between the piles of debris and human bodies piled up back near housewares.  Where am I?"

That was just too funny DP!   ;D  I think there's only 1 KB left in my entire state so I haven't been there in ages...K-Mart, meh it has been about a year since I last hit there.

I've been shot down a few times at Target, but I still enjoy shopping there more than any other store (toy-wise.)  If I have no luck at Target #1, I just drive down the street to Target #2 and usually have no problems what so ever if I'm armed with DPCI numbers.  Often which I'm not as I enjoy the hunt more so than going straight for the kill.
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Offline Rob

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #20 on: July 9, 2007, 07:33 PM »
Excuse me, but I think I have the right to buy something if that's what I would like to do with my money!

No, you don't, but Target has the right not to sell to you, as ****** as it may be, for any reason they see fit.

Exactly - the only right we have is to take our rapidly emptying wallets elsewhere.

Problem there is that we as a collecting community would never be able to do this.

Of course. I'm talking about the individual here.  If Target refuses to bring you merchandise from the backroom, your only real recourse is to call corporate and complain (and hope they side with you) or head down the street to Wal-Mart. 

Offline David

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #21 on: July 9, 2007, 08:03 PM »
DP, that post may have been one of the biggest laughs Ive ever had here. Mostly because its true. Thanks for that.   ;D
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Offline TheBlackDog65

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2007, 11:39 PM »
I know in the past I use to hit the stores hard and hit people up for stuff out of the back, and was very successful doing it.  Now, to be totally honest, I don't. I haven't done for almost a year now and I haven't missed anything that I wanted. It really just comes down to hitting the store at the right day and hour when stock is out. Know that and your fine and you don't have to worry about the employees. I'm sure this is just part of my fading out of collecting though as I don't feel the rush to be the first to have something or the need to have so many of something.   
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Offline Tango Nash

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2007, 01:36 PM »
There are two collectors I always see, at my local target, they bug the clerk so much by the time I try to get some stuff they have had it. And I always bring my son, hoping to soften those dark hearts.
It seems no matter how early I get up one or both have been ther are there right ahead of me. so I move on to Toyrus, or wally world and here they come wanting to know If I got something, I'm like no @$$munch, you ruined for me, I did try to work a deal maybe trade something for something, they think they are on ebay and want to much!
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Offline Dressel Rebel

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2007, 02:22 PM »
But, I, who also sees these figures as the subject of a magnifient hobby, and I therefore have the right to buy them. . .

Again, no, you don't.  Policy's policy.  They can refuse to serve you for any reason they want, no matter how stupid or unfair it may seem. 

Well, that's not entirely true.  If you can prove it's because of race, religion, or gender, Target's got problems.

Unfortunately there's no laws protecting those of us who are far too willing to plunk down almost $8 for a little plastic spaceman with varying degrees of articulation.  Myself included.  Until Jedi becomes an official religion anyhow.
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Offline Rob

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2007, 07:54 PM »
Until Jedi becomes an official religion anyhow.

England, 2001


Offline Dressel Rebel

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2007, 02:20 AM »
Until Jedi becomes an official religion anyhow.

England, 2001


I think we might have a case here...
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Offline jts21

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2007, 11:07 PM »
Maybe that target had the same problem mine did. For a while there was this guy who would be in there almost every day. He bought every army builder he could get his hands on, and I mean he would just pile them into his cart until there were none left. Heck I'd seen him watch kids pick out a clone then put it down to drag their parents down the isle to show them and he'd take it and run off, leaving some real sad kids. Needless to say target got pretty upset at him when he did this, of coarse there wasn't anything legally wrong with what he was doing just morally. At any point the stance some targets have with collectors may be because of selfish people like him.

Offline Oboewan

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Re: Target's new policy
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2007, 09:00 AM »
Don't forget those stores where the stockers are cherry picking the cases for themselves-  I've had experiences where the clerk is really friendly and brings me a case from the back but it's already opened and the 1-2 figures I'm actually looking for are gone and once where the it takes an "extra long time" and there's a coupla figures from another wave in the case.

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