Collectibles > LEGO
Recent Acquisitions
I stopped by here to spread my recent acquistion, to find there is no Recent Acquisitions thread. So, I'm starting one!
btw, if there is one, I'd feel like an idiot.
Oh, and my acquistion is the new lego B-Wing Fighter™. It's so cool, and very large!
I found the Sail Barge and Star Destroyer sets this week. I'm in the middle of putting together the Sail Barge. While I love Legos, I'm glad these sets are it for the rest of the year after seeing the bill for these two.
I recently acquired the new Slave I. Now I need to get the rest of the 06 sets...
--- Quote from: Diddly on June 2, 2006, 11:38 PM ---I recently acquired the new Slave I. Now I need to get the rest of the 06 sets...
--- End quote ---
The new Slave 1 is awesome! I finally built mine and it fits nicely on the Cloud City Landing Platform. Picked up the Sail Barge and Star Destroyer at the LEGO store... wish I'd waited and got em at TRU though- have coupons!
Picked up the new Droids Battle Pack at Target. Love the redo of the STAP.
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