Multimedia > The Sequel Trilogy
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
I guess it's already time for a thread for Episode VIII since things are already rolling along for it.
Rian Johnson to write, direct Episode VIII
Jesse James:
Who? :-\
--- Quote from: Jesse James on June 20, 2014, 06:50 PM ---Who? :-\
--- End quote ---
Director of Looper and a handful Breaking Bad episodes. Not a lengthy resume but I enjoyed Looper, so I look forward to seeing what he does with Star Wars.
I really love Brick, and Brothers Bloom was really great too, but I'm not sold on the idea of Rian Johnson being the guy to take over Star Wars unless JJ Abrams is still going to be heavily involved.
--- Quote from: Rob on June 21, 2014, 12:17 AM ---I really love Brick, and Brothers Bloom was really great too, but I'm not sold on the idea of Rian Johnson being the guy to take over Star Wars unless JJ Abrams is still going to be heavily involved.
--- End quote ---
Agreed re: taking over for JJ Abrams.
The only thing that this news report has me concerned about is that maybe Disney execs aren't happy with what JJ is doing and have plans on him being a one-and-done director.
Almost seems like they should be looking over to their corporate-cousins at Marvel and take what that team is doing RIGHT and put a Kevin Feige-type person in charge of the whole thing.
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