Multimedia > The Sequel Trilogy
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
Heroic Hollywood is reporting that a director has been named for Episode IX, and it will be Colin Trevorrow. He's coming off of the very successful Jurassic World, and his role as director of Episode IX is set to be announced at SDCC 2015 today during the Star Wars presentation in Hall H.
I like Trevorrow, and loved Safety Not Guaranteed, but JW didn't really do it for me. That being said he knows his way around a big budget blockbuster and his name has been in circulation since the beginning, so it would be no surprise at all.
Terrible move, if true. We're talking about a guy who has directed ONE blockbuster movie, and like three total movies overall in his entire career. Yeah, that one blockbuster made a boatload of cash, it was a pretty bad movie when it comes down to the contents.
But hey, a random female character will probably die in a long, ridiculous, and overexaggerated manner, so we'll have that.
--- Quote from: Diddly on July 10, 2015, 12:53 PM ---But hey, a random female character will probably die in a long, ridiculous, and overexaggerated manner, so we'll have that.
--- End quote ---
I wish Abrams was just doing the whole trilogy...
Disney spent a lot of money, so they're expecting to make a lot of money... I honestly think we're about to see Star Wars go from a special thing that you can't wait for, to a watered down annual event that gets stale pretty quickly.
Five movies have already been announced and the directors are all over the map. I just hope that someone is maintaining a vision of how this is all going to come together or stay consistent, and I hope that at least 7-8-9 meets expectations, even if the spin-offs are spin-offy.
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