Author Topic: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)  (Read 250673 times)

Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #330 on: February 3, 2020, 11:57 AM »
This one bit isn't really related to TROS, but this detail came out in the Visual Dictionary for The Rise Of Skywalker about a major location in The Force Awakens.  Ready for it?

Starkiller Base was built on the planet ILUM!  The planet appeared first in the Clone Wars microseries, and again in The Clone Wars animated series.  Then it turned up in the 'Ahsoka' novel, where she discovered that the Empire was strip mining the planet.  And the First Order followed in the footsteps of the Empire, building Starkiller Base there because of all of the kyber crystal deposits within the planet.

Nice work!

On another note I'm discovering OT circumstances that connect to ROS. I have never applied any scrutiny to the fact that Vader/Anakin didn't dissipate from the armor yet his force ghost is present 6-8 hours later. So now we have Leia, who passes only to disappear beneath her shroud after Ben passes. So I guess that lines up.

Matt (Jedi Moses) also pointed out that the Palaptine tells Luke to "strike me down". I've never considered that Palpatine might have been ok with that. Some might argue against the direction of the conclusion of ROS, but to me its an interesting question about what Palpatine had originally planned. I'm neither for or against individuals becoming all the sith or all the jedi, but its interesting.

Offline EdSolo

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #331 on: February 4, 2020, 06:41 AM »
I won't say they stole the delayed Force Ghost thing from the EU/Legends since I doubt many in charge are well versed in it, but back when they had the Jacen Solo turn to the darkside story line, Jacen killed Mara Jade and she left her body behind hoping that Luke et al. could solve her murder.  At her funeral, her body finally disappeared into the Force and she later appeared as a Force Ghost.

Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #332 on: February 4, 2020, 10:02 AM »
I won't say they stole the delayed Force Ghost thing from the EU/Legends since I doubt many in charge are well versed in it, but back when they had the Jacen Solo turn to the darkside story line, Jacen killed Mara Jade and she left her body behind hoping that Luke et al. could solve her murder.  At her funeral, her body finally disappeared into the Force and she later appeared as a Force Ghost.

The EU just stole it from Vader/Anakin anyway.  ;)

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #333 on: February 10, 2020, 07:44 AM »
I won't say they stole the delayed Force Ghost thing from the EU/Legends since I doubt many in charge are well versed in it, but back when they had the Jacen Solo turn to the darkside story line, Jacen killed Mara Jade and she left her body behind hoping that Luke et al. could solve her murder.  At her funeral, her body finally disappeared into the Force and she later appeared as a Force Ghost.

The EU just stole it from Vader/Anakin anyway.  ;)

Lucas muddied that one up to much with the special editions and using Hayden instead of Shaw.  Hard to tell what actually happened with all of that.

Offline Matt_Fury

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #334 on: February 10, 2020, 10:23 AM »
There's a shot of Anakin's cremation where the camera shows smoke rising from Vader's mask that is supposed to be significant.  Lucas kept it pretty vague on purpose.
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Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #335 on: February 12, 2020, 12:39 PM »
I won't say they stole the delayed Force Ghost thing from the EU/Legends since I doubt many in charge are well versed in it, but back when they had the Jacen Solo turn to the darkside story line, Jacen killed Mara Jade and she left her body behind hoping that Luke et al. could solve her murder.  At her funeral, her body finally disappeared into the Force and she later appeared as a Force Ghost.

The EU just stole it from Vader/Anakin anyway.  ;)

Lucas muddied that one up to much with the special editions and using Hayden instead of Shaw.  Hard to tell what actually happened with all of that.

I'm not sure how to reply to this. I would actually argue that the issue of Anakin's ghost and Leia's ghost has no bearing on the actor depicted for Anakin. If it helps clarify I would rewind to 1983 and view this topic in that context. Either way, the Vader armor/clothing never flattens out and half a day later he's a ghost just like Obi-wan and Yoda who both seemed to transition immediately to be one with the force.

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #336 on: February 12, 2020, 02:44 PM »
the Vader armor/clothing never flattens out and half a day later he's a ghost just like Obi-wan and Yoda who both seemed to transition immediately to be one with the force.

My friends and I argued about this a lot back in the day.  I think we all kind of ended up going back to the "he's more machine than man now".  The bits and armor that are left behind and burned are "Darth Vader" and Anakin couldn't truly free himself and surrender to the Force until "Vader" was destroyed/burned.

In a way, "Anakin" was trapped inside the armor/Vader and it wasn't until the armor was destroyed that he was free.
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Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #337 on: February 14, 2020, 11:26 AM »
the Vader armor/clothing never flattens out and half a day later he's a ghost just like Obi-wan and Yoda who both seemed to transition immediately to be one with the force.

My friends and I argued about this a lot back in the day.  I think we all kind of ended up going back to the "he's more machine than man now".  The bits and armor that are left behind and burned are "Darth Vader" and Anakin couldn't truly free himself and surrender to the Force until "Vader" was destroyed/burned.

In a way, "Anakin" was trapped inside the armor/Vader and it wasn't until the armor was destroyed that he was free.

That might be the case too. Either way the force ghost requirements are probably more pliable than we would guess.

Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #338 on: February 18, 2020, 12:51 PM »
I have heard there’s a lot extra footage out there and hope they are able to bundle it all someday.  I’d love to see things that got cut like the aforementioned forcey Finn stuff.  I don’t necessarily need it integrated or anything.  I just love cut footage.  I’m boggled at how much Jackson cut from the Hobbit films.

I just saw ROS again for my sixth time. I have been paying attention to Finn's forcey moments for a while now. What is strange is that the force doesn't really make him better at anything. He's probably equal to Poe in using a hand held blaster but he's still just ok at running the cannons on the falcon. He definitely feels important things like the arrival of Ren on Pasaana and death of Rey, and the scene with Jannah implies the force might genuinely convict people to turn against harming innocent people. Maybe He and Jannah are supposed to be new church of the force people rather than actual force users.

Also, the Trevorrow script had some character that was a sith creature almost like a sith "yoda" that had been around since before Palpatine. That is a context that makes all the previous stories less important. I know some people are concerned about Palpatine's return cheapening Vader's sacrifice, but that  Trevorrow sith creature would have shafted Palpatine and the rule of two. That would have been a total bomb.

Also, this is random, but the destruction of the sith "arena" scene reminds me of of this classic Daffy Duck episode where everyone throws garbage at Elmer Fudd's dog. It's stupid but I laugh every time I see this moment in ROS because I can’t avoid thinking of that stupid dog getting blasted with garbage.
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« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 10:00 AM by StBrianOfMinneapolis »

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #339 on: March 23, 2020, 05:14 PM »
I do sort of feel like the Sequel Trilogy takes Vader's "sacrifice" with a grain of salt. I read a bit from an ethicist once that really put that into perspective. Vader killing the Emperor does not make up for all the bad he's done. It would be like if Hitler was on trial, and the defense used the argument that he was redeemed because he did the right thing save a family member. Kind of not that impressive for someone who killed with impunity for decades, and oversaw the destruction of an entire planet of people with no objections.

Anyways I really like that the Emperor was the root of evil for ROS, but I wish there had been better signals that would have made the reveal make sense. I like it, don't get me wrong. For the Emperor to be the true villain from I-VI, and then have some other villain who's pretty much the same (Snoke) didn't feel really revolutionary. I did like the idea of Snoke being killed in TLJ though. And having Palpatine be the puppet master for Snoke made a lot of sense.
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #340 on: March 25, 2020, 09:45 AM »
I guess I don't subscribe to the "you can only be a force ghost if you have done more good than evil" mentality.  It's not like the universe has some measurement process to evaluate your good deeds vs. bad.  In the Christian faith you can be a terrible Sinner all your life, but if you truly regret those sins and ask for forgiveness, you can be redeemed.  I always thought of Vader's sacrifice the same way.  Caring about something more than yourself and the willingness to do the right thing in that moment does offset whatever evil deeds preceded it.  Now who taught him how to do it? That's a different question...
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Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #341 on: March 25, 2020, 02:53 PM »
Wouldn't it have been great if the old woman Rey meets at the end of ROS was Camie?
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Offline Matt_Fury

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #342 on: March 25, 2020, 04:58 PM »
Wouldn't it have been great if the old woman Rey meets at the end of ROS was Camie?

Easy enough to head-canon that.
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #343 on: March 30, 2020, 12:08 PM »
Old woman: Who are you?
Rey: Rey....Skywalker.
Old woman: Wormie's kid?
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #344 on: April 3, 2020, 12:02 PM »
Picked up the Target exclusive version of the Blu-Ray the other day
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