Trades and Sales > Modern Classifieds
WTB: Loose, Complete Animated Series Clone Wars Figures
Last winter I bought a huge lot of figures that got me maybe 75% of the way there (Thanks Jeff!). I finally put together a checklist of everything (I think) that I’m missing. I’m open to any reasonable offers… so if you have Clone Wars figures to part with, please take a look!
FYI, I don’t care about action figure stands or dice or pack in cards… The figures and their accessories is all I need.
I'm looking to collect them now. Carded or loose is fine, but I'm looking for them to be complete, and I'm only interested in carded if there's a good deal to be had, since I'd be opening them anyway.
EDIT: I should mention that I have the super-stylized ones that came out before the regular line started. I'm just looking for the regular 3.75" line.
EDIT: Got the last one... I'm all set.
I might be able to help you out with a big lot of these. I think I Was collecting 2x of just about everything through the CW line. Might take me a few weeks to dig them out, but would be happy to sell off a big lot of them to get you going if you don't mind waiting a bit.
Yeah that'd be cool. I've been toying (yuck yuck) with the idea for a few months now but I'm not in any hurry.
So yeah, let me know, and if I don't hear from you in a few weeks I'll shoot you a message.
I have a butt load of loose complete ones too you need any of the ships or mini rigs as well?
--- Quote from: McMetal on April 27, 2017, 08:30 AM ---I have a butt load of loose complete ones too you need any of the ships or mini rigs as well?
--- End quote ---
Just depends on the ships and the price. Mini-Rigs I'm more interested in since they'll just fit on the regular shelf. I'll shoot you a PM.
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