Collectibles > Kenner Retro Collection
Amazon 2022 Retro Collection ESB Dengar/IG-88 2pk
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Retro Collection 3.75" Special Bounty Hunters 2-Pack Dengar & IG-88
Mister Skeezler:
Ordered. I love these Retro figures.
Pass. I bought these 40 years ago. :P
I want new retro figures - e.g. The Mandalorian.
I would have done $28 for Artoo and Threepio.
I can't justify that much for Dengar and IG-88. Maybe I would have if it was Bossk instead of Dengar, but he is the absolute worst figure choice for this format IMHO. I won't keep a big box or these carded at all, and I can find pretty minty originals for less than this.
Hasbro is still testing those boundaries.
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