Collectibles > Kenner Retro Collection
2023 Kenner Retro Collection - TBOBF
Confirmed at today's livestream, a wave of Retro from TBOBF is coming (better late than never, I guess :P).
Pipeline revealed today:
- Boba Fett (Desert Nomad)
- Tusken Raider
- Fennec Shand
- Krrsantan
- Cad Bane
- Jedi Luke Skywalker
- Grogu with backpack
- The Mandalorian
Figures to be revealed later this year...
Should be here in time for season 2.
Mostly happy with this one. Not sure what they are going to do with another Grogu and Mando though. Kind of wonder if Grogu might be a pack in. I supposed it be a beskar chainmail Grogu. Hopefully the Luke will be a bit different that the ROTJ Luke.
--- Quote from: Matt_Fury on February 2, 2023, 08:53 AM ---Should be here in time for season 2.
--- End quote ---
Is BOBF getting a season 2?
--- Quote from: Rob on February 2, 2023, 02:41 PM ---Is BOBF getting a season 2?
--- End quote ---
There's nothing official, but I met the guy who played Krrsantan at Colorado Springs Comic Con and he was pretty cagey about it when I asked.
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