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Messages - BrentS

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I saw a new(?) Spawn figure this morning at Wal-Mart.  He has a very fat human-like head on it.  It may fit and look good.  I'll see if I can find a picture.

Chewie, I like the update.  Would you post the shot before you superimposed the background?  That may help us "amateurs".  Thanks!

Do you shoot against a blue screen or just try to simple cut away the background?

Great Photo Chewie.  Did you super-impose that background on the image?

So, I've been thinking about this.  I think the Cave troll is a good idea.  However, other thoughts I had.  Maybe a 12" Emperor head.  Also consider some Marvel larger scale figures (Thing from the Fantastic Four??).  Obviously, since the neck posts are in different parts of the body, some sculpting would be necessary to blend them together.  Anyway, just some random thoughts.

I have an extra Opener Ephant also.  I was wondering what you could do with it... now this thread will help answer some questions.

head - SAGA Jempa
torso - ROTS Royal Guard
arms/hands - ROTS Royal Guard
thighs - ROTS Royal Guard
shins/feet - ROTS AT-RT Driver
hood - ROTS Bust Up Sidious
cloak - GI Joe Swamp Rat


Holy Cow.  Thats a lot of Parts.  I haven't used or seen any of the Bust Ups.  It seems that they are the right size for many customs.  Are their parts easily removable?

Chewie, both of those are GREAT updates.  I really like Shundi.  I haven't been able to find the time to get to all the photonovels so this Character is brand new to me.  I really really like him.  Can you include the recipe.

Bait is very well detailed.  Your "over"painting on the clone armor is very good.  I need to take a page from you and learn how you add the great weathering details.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Brent's Customs - Update 1/20
« on: January 22, 2006, 08:25 PM »
Finished up a Galatic Marine, its my first try at this one.  I had to mix up a custom pot of Maroon paint - got some help from my wife (keep in mind I'm colorblind).  He was fun to make but much harder than I expected.  This was my first attempt at leg swaps.  He's destined to join someone else's collection to help me pay for my Saga 2 figures.

The recipe is pretty simple (and I'm sure easily recognized):
Clone Commander Body and Kama
Saga 2 Snowtrooper Helmet and legs.
Shoulder "Pads" cut from the pauldron of the AT-TE gunner

I also did a little bit of work on one of my entries for the group project - Voolvif Man.  Obviously he's still a work in progress.

Here is a very incremental update on my Voolvif (Wolfman Jedi).  I added some paint and attached the clone armor to the legs.  I've been looking at ways to modify the hands.  However, I think the hands actually look okay in person - the depth of field in the photos make them look bigger.  I've got to add the gray to clone armor pieces and add some touch up paint to the legs, feet, and head. 

How long is this group project running?  I've got a couple of WIPs that I should finish but I'm trying to see how long I've got.  Thanks!

What are you going to do with the Air Hockey table when you are done?  Can I have it  :P

If I can find the time, I make try something small.  I'm really just looking for a backdrop that I can use to take pictures of my customs against.  I'd love to take a crack at the Jedi Council Chamber, but seeing how I've never worked with foam core (or any other diorama material) I'm not ready to dive into a project quite that large  :)

Btw how long ago did you guys in the states get saga2 hoth?

I picked up the Jabba wave the week before Christmas.  I just got portions of the Hoth wave last week and this week.

Wow, your new Rykrof looks great.  I can't imagine how difficult it was to hollow out that head gear.  The paint updates on the Derlin  body look great.

The executioner is very well done.  I agree he looks creepy!

Thanks for the comments guys.  I'm definitely going to make some changes to the elbows.  I'm hoping that if I "boil and pop" I might be able to get the joint in there better.

Does anyone think the clone trooper fore-arms look too long?  I'm thinking about shaving them back a little bit.

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