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Messages - aeseven7

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Darth Ennis-

I'm using a Droid Factory Escape Padme as the base since it's the best sculpted female base that I've seen that will work and that doesn't have stupid action features or anything.  Since I used VOTC Fett's for my Mandos, i want to keep the figures looking somewhat SA.

The armor will more than likely all be sculpted, I know the chest will be for sure.  I may see if i can make the shoulder and knee armor from Fett work but we'll see.


Thats the exact reference pic i'm using to make my mandalette.  Lucasfilm skipped me again and so I had to pick up the recent issue of SW Insider that had not only that Mando pic but a few others as well.  :)

Ah yes, the joints, lol.

I tried EVERYthing I could think of to keep the joints from rubbing the paint off when I pose them and I finally found a method that worked!

. . .I repaint their joints after i pose them for pics then i never move their joints again!!! lol  But seriously, I sanded them down, and tried keeping the paint as uniform as I could and still couldn't get the paint to stay on after I moved the elbows and knees.  I finally just figured that I'm not the type that likes to move around my customs anyways. . .so they'll just have to be happy being in the pose that they're in. . .forever!

DarthDelicious-For the Black Mando, the two small lights on his helmet is from a GI JOE accessory, I can't remember who its from but I believe it was a COBRA agent.  The larger addition to the helmet was sculpted. . .not too difficult since it just follows the contour of the helmet.  The Orange Mando's was a little more difficult.  The small piece on his right side was the butt of a weapon, the rest was sculpted following the contour of the helmet with some small details added in.  The Red Mando's helmet (which hasn't been completely painted yet) is more basic with just an additional light on the side of the helmet.

Darth Ennis-Thanks for the compliments!  Glad your friend liked them too:)  If he starts customizing, make sure he posts his stuff here for us all to see.  I'd love to see some more Mandalorians:)

As for the female mandalette, as far as looks go it's gonna be VERY similar to the "Mandalorian Wedding" pic thats been floating around and is in an upcoming issue of SW Insider.  I haven't decided if I'm gonna stick with the same paint scheme (Boba Kneecap Yellow) or go with a more 'german infantry' look.  I'll just have to see what kind of Mando personality she takes:)

Thanks again everyone for all the kind words!  I hope these guys spark some more interest in Mandalorians because as much fun as these are to make. . .I'd love to see some of your guys' takes on them as well!

Glassman-Yup, a female Mandalorian is in the works as i type this:)  Hope to begin sculpting her armor tomorrow.  Figured these guys needed a lethal mandalette to kick butt with too!

Small update, pics arent as clear as I would like, but I'll get  there:)

Thanks to Glassman, my Orange Mando has a name. . .Pierce!  If anyone else has any Mandalore sounding names for the other two, I'd be thrilled to hear them!


Thanks everyone for all the great feedback!  These guys have been a lot of fun to do and have turned out pretty much how I had pictured them in my head:)

I'm still trying to get the whole picture/lighting thing down, but here's a few shots that aren't too bad:)

Group Shot

Mandalorian with orange visor who doesn't yet have a name, lol.

I had so much fun doing the first Mandalorian that I decided he needed some more squadmates. When they're all finished, there will be five including the first one I did. I was gonna have only four, but thats too much like Republic Commando plus there was always more Mandos in a squad it seems like.

I'll be posting more individual pics soon, but this is the only pic that actually turned out decent. I haaaaave to get better lighting, lol, fluorescent is just not cutting it. Seems to wash out a lot of the detail:(

In any case, here's what the next three look like:)

I love the idea of making our own version of Rykrof!

I'll be posting some WIP pics tomorrow of mine.

Can't wait to see everyone else's take!

Star Wars Ships and Vehicles / Re: Custom AT-TT
« on: February 18, 2006, 08:22 PM »
What have you done to Rolling Thunder?!?!  lol

Nice job, i like the colors, but i think some weathering (similar to the AT-AT) would really bring this thing to life.  I like how you swapped out the small tank with a more SW-like one.

Funny side note, i just recently purchased a MIB Rolling Thunder and put it together.  I missed out on it as a kid and was thrilled to be able to 'open it' for the first time as a "GROWN-UP" adult, lol.


Do you have a link to TRIER's Aquatic Clone?  I'd love to see it:)

edit: I've seen that "custom giveaways" thread a million times and for whatever reason never looked at it, lol.  That Aquatic Clone is definately cool and whoever gets it is pretty lucky! 

Those two customs really make me want to make one of my own!

Even though I'm a bit of a clone-a-holic, this Clone Custom really stood out to me.  I thought the paint was well done and the overall design was pretty seamless.

Yeah I agree, we'll have to do SOMEthing about that knee articulation!

Which means if anyone is actually looking for any of RickyUK's Republic Commando's let me know, I have four commandos unassembled (I intended to make a Delta Squad of my own but will be using Hasbro's now lol) so just let me know.

It IS a great figure tho (knees aside) and I can't wait to snag one of my own.  I'm looking forward to see what each individual customizer does about this 'knee trouble.' lol

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Sith Lord Darth Sion (KOTOR II)
« on: February 2, 2006, 08:33 PM »
GREAT job sculpting!  I remember seeing someone's 3 3/4 scale Sion but this one takes the cake.

Tha painting is also very crisp and brings this guy to life!

Any plans on making a Revan or Malak?

OK, I'm JEALOUS, lol.

Is the anti-armor attachment on his gun removeable or does it slide off or ANYthing?  I was REALLY hoping it would but it's not looking too good since no one has posted that it actually does yet~

Ugh, can't wait to get a Commando for myself!!!! lol

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: diorama-shadowbox tips?
« on: February 2, 2006, 02:34 AM »

Thanks to everyone for replying with such great tips!  I think my biggest obstacle is just getting up the gall to try some new things out! 

I may head to Riders Hobby Shop tomorrow and just see what kind of stuff they have available, but that plaster of paris method sounds REALLY cool and something I'll have to try out.

Thanks again:)

I'm hoping to put a few of my customs into mini-enviroments using some smaller scale shadowboxes I picked up yesterday on one of my toyless toy runs, lol.

I have ZERO experience with building dioramas or shadowboxes (with the exception of a MicroMachines Star Wars diorama I did way back in elementary but I'm not counting that lol) so any help is appreciated whether its links to 'faqs' or personal tips you might have.

What I'm looking to do is create a type of 'ground' like rock or earth, etc etc.  I'll probably just use a printout for the background but I'd like the ground to be more 3-d since they'll be standing directly on it.

Thanks everyone!

Its always interesting when one of these 'selling on eBay' threads pops up and to see what everyones thoughts are on said topic.

I like to think I'm a pretty open person, I may feel and think one way but if someone comes along with a better way to see something, if its a sound reason theres always the chance I might change my stance.  what I'm wondering is if those that are against selling on eBay can help me by guiding me through your line of thinking.

From what I understand (and have gathered from these posts), those that sell on eBay are taking advantage of those who can't paint.  By that line of reasoning, aren't any sculptor/painter/carpenter etc etc taking advantage of others that can't do what they do? 

I don't fully understand the scalper/eBay custom seller comparison either:(  So someone who goes out and buys a base figure, spends any amount of time on that custom sculpting/painting/carding it, photographs it, puts it on eBay and sells it is the same as the loathesome scalper who goes and buys every single SA Clone Trooper when they first come out so they can go online and make a $10-20 profit?

I can see the individual customizers decision not to sell their work because its either made for them, or it has sentimental value, etc etc.  but i struggle with the line of reasoning that flat out says that selling on eBay is bad and shouldn't be done under any circumstances. 

What is the REAL problem people have with selling customs on eBay?  Chewie, whom I respect a GREAT deal not only for his artistic ability but also his insightful comments on all customs he posts on, has listed customs on eBay.  I haven't read one post that condemns what he did, it actually seems to get justified because his customs either sold for under $30 or he chose to sell them for less.  I may be WAY off base here, (and i probably am lol) but it seems like an underlying tone is that its NOT ok to sell customs if you're getting a lot for them. . .but if you sell them for cheap than its ok, you're not ripping anyone off.

Again, i mean no disrespect to ANYone on these forums, I'm only trying to look for others to help me see their point of view.

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