Collectibles > LEGO

New Lego set sitings!

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Mikey D:
Smaller set and I just saw it for the first time over the weekend.  It's actually got more pieces than the Mos Eisley Cantina set, but retails for less ::)

I also saw all four new Minis (bought the Shuttle and SD).  I'll go back for the rest when I get some more money.

I finally found the Snowspeeder a few nights ago.  Nice lookin' little set.  Still have to get my old Speeder out to compare it to, to see what the differences are.

I still haven't found the AT-TE and Sith Infiltrator minis for some odd reason.  I've come across the Shuttle and Star Destroyer several times now, but the other two are nowhere to be found.  Very strange.  Aren't they all shipping together?  Usually the OT vehicles are the more highly sought after sets, so I can't figure out what the hell's goin' on out here with these things.

BTW, the new Dagobah X-Wing is on sale this week at Target for only $39 and change, so if you want to save yourself $11, zip on over there and snag it (and just return your previous one if you saved your receipt, like me!  ;))

Mikey D:
I don't have the new SS set yet, but from looking at the box and my exceptionally good memory, I know the guns and cockpit are the major changes.  I believe the cockpit is one piece now - thus movie accurate - instead of the two cockpits of the old one.  It also has a grappling hook that fires instead of a stationary gun.


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