Author Topic: 30AC Saga Legends  (Read 169880 times)

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #60 on: October 16, 2006, 09:40 AM »
Wait til the Darktrooper and Spacetrooper are added.


Those guys can do with a resculpting and/or a re-articulating.
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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #61 on: October 19, 2006, 08:09 PM »
So, did anyone else go over to vote and then decide "Oh why the hell am I voting for freakin repacks?"  I just quickly scanned over some figures and picked a few that might be worth it.  But then I saw a few posts where they are REALLY arguing about them.  Kind of funny. 

Offline Brian

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #62 on: October 20, 2006, 04:14 PM »
Looking through the report posted today over at RS about this wave, I was curious - is all this polling to find the "most wanted" figure or is it the top 8 or 12 or something to choose the whole lineup.  At first it seemed like this poll would be choosing the entire wave, but the way the brackets are and everything it kind of seemed like they are just vying for #1.  Are they taking the top finishers in each "category/bracket", making the top vote getters overall, or is just one figure being chosen?  Hopefully the whole lineup can be chosen, because judging by the results - it will probably be mostly sought after army builders and possibly the VOTC Fett :).  Some of the POTF2 figures in the finalists are ones I missed out on originally as well, but I don't hold out much hope that they'll make it through.

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #63 on: October 20, 2006, 10:12 PM »
Ok, some of the logic that either RS or Hasbro is using seems very dubious....

Anakin from Evo can't be in the list because he is in a collector tin...but the red astromech can even though he too is in collector tin....

VOTC Stormtrooper can't be in the line, because a Revisionist History Stormtrooper with a Jango Head (and therefore NOT the VOTC figure) is going to be in the line next year, but the Sandtrooper based on the same figure can...

Admiral Thrawn is in the 2008 line (or could be) so he can't be in the line up.  And someone might have "dibbed" the Max Rebo Band guys as an exlusive so they can't be in the line (how many failed exclusives are part of this line's history)

There is more PT crap-ness in this than the rots peg-chockers that is keeping good figures off the shelves already.  Unless VOTC Fett wins all 12 slots, this line is going to Suck the suck a thousand sucks. 

Unless thier list is the Definate list that Hasbro is going to use it shouldn't matter(please tell me there is going to be a more scientific or fair cross section of the community than the 13 year olds and GNT of RS deciding what we as collectors are going to have to wade through to get good figures)

I lived through the vintage line and actually took advantage of the repacks, so I don't hate repacks.  I understand it's purpose, I am just not sure of the execution of this part...either that or I am that out of touch with the collecting community as a whole...

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #64 on: October 20, 2006, 11:14 PM »
I kind of feel a little bit out of touch with it lately as well.   I don't get the appeal of voting for repacks.  Other than I guess you would get a slim say in what Hasbro would repack.  I would assume that they would all be clonetrooper repacks anyway?  I mean that is what would "win".  The whole idea sounds odd to me.  Or it just does not appeal to me I guess. 

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #65 on: October 21, 2006, 08:41 AM »
  I would assume that they would all be clonetrooper repacks anyway?  I mean that is what would "win".  The whole idea sounds odd to me.  Or it just does not appeal to me I guess. 

I think this may be part of my problem with it, it looks as though it will be a pure sweep of Prequel Stuff.  And I loathe the Prequels in all their forms.  I have to wonder if I would feel different if it was some OT stuff.  Besides the Prequel Repack wave is not exactly making room for other figs right now...they are the the 3 3/4 inch versions of Oxygen thiefs...

Offline spec_spidey

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #66 on: October 21, 2006, 11:58 AM »
I voted in the initial rounds of most wanted from each line, but this pairing figures up doesn't really seem logical. It should of just been the top 8 or so from each line and then a pure vote where each voter picked their favorite 12 of the 60+ winners. This pairing is awful because a few I really wanted are against each other while 2 figures I could care less about are against each other. How in the world is this NCAA type of bracket supposed to determine the repacks to be included? What is figure x gonna be chosen over figure y just because it won its pair off even though figure y  why had more votes, but was beat by figure z? WTF! >:(
The Force is strong in this one,... too bad his action figure sucks.

Offline Roton7

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #67 on: October 21, 2006, 01:45 PM »
Well at least now non-members can vote.
Yo is what yo is.

Offline Paul

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #68 on: October 21, 2006, 03:34 PM »
I abstained from several of the votes, because "None of the above" was not an option.  And likewise, if VTSC Biker Scout ends up against Death Star Gunner, I'll be wish I could vote BOTH...

So does the are we going to get a case load of the winner?  Is that how it will work?  I guess it is now, "which figure would you like to see a whole case of"...From the looks of the pegs at my local stores, Pregnant Padme won this years title...

Offline Artoo

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #69 on: October 21, 2006, 04:29 PM »
I saw a ton of Gunners today at WM.  :-\
Always goodto have troopers on the pegs if I want some more though. I want all the troopers minus the Saga 1 Sandies & Pilot. I want a couple of the non-troopers too.(Fett,Ephant,Droids,Ewok,etc...)
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Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #70 on: October 21, 2006, 05:18 PM »
Running commentary on the "winners"  ::) from round one of "All Hail Caligula's Horse":

Power of the Force 2
1) Death Star Droid
2) Pote Snitkin
3) Oola and Salacious Crumb
4) Zuckuss
5) Ree-Yees
6) 2-1B Medic Droid
7) Ishi Tib
8) Aunt Beru Lars

These figures are all POTF2 and should therefore be ineligible to EVER be rereleased.  The protocol droid-esque body has been perfected recently and I'd much rather see a resculpted DSD than see this one rereleased.  Pote Snitkin is okay, but the "bib" overcoat would need to be fixed at the very least.  Oola is not up to today's standards, and Salacious Crumb is a joke.  Ree Yees, again isn't up to today's standards, and neither are 2-1B (who we need resculpted, period, at which point they can give us the droid from Vader's rebirth as a repaint; after all the original 2-1B didn't exist from the waist down).  Ishi Tib is the only one out of those eight who might be acceptable, but again, he has the "bib" overcoat, and that would absolutely need to be redone.  I'd rather see a totally resculpted Ishi Tib from Jabba's Palace than the Rebel version that they couldn't even find a photo of at the time to use for his cardback or Freeze Frame.

Oh, and it goes without saying that Zuckuss needs to be redone from scratch, as well.  If they're going to give us (more or less) SA versions of Fett, Dengar, Bossk, and IG-88 (presumably), we need a matching 4-LOM and Zuckuss to go with them.

Episode I
1) Bonus Pit Droids 3-pack (3 colors/2 poses)
2) Battle Droid 2-pack (4 versions)
3) TC-14
4) R2-B1
5) Sio Bibble
6) R2-R9 (Naboo Royal Starship)
7) Graxol Kelvyyn (Watto's Box)
8) Darth Sidious (Holograph)

The Pit Droids I understand completely.  I have no problem with that.  I think the main reason people want more Battle Droids (these in particular) is because the recent ones have sucked so badly, plastic-quality wise.  TC-14, R2-B1, Sio Bibble, and R2-R9 have "retail suicide" written all over them.  Graxol Kelvyyn's too big for a standard card, so I'm sure he'll conveniently lose if he makes it to the final grouping.  The Holographic Sidious is a great figure, but if the current sales of holographic figures is any indication, he'd be DOA too.

Power of the Jedi
1) R2-Q5
2) Dak Ralter (Snowspeeder Pilot)
3) Paploo (Speeder Bike Thief)
4) Battle Droid (Security) 2-Pack
5) Imperial Officers (3 versions)
6) FX-7 Medical Droid
7) R4-M9
8) Amanaman

Okay, R2-Q5, Dack, Paploo, and R4-M9 aren't up to today's standards.  Amanaman is dirt cheap on the secondary market and warmed pegs big-time upon initial release (and still is warming pegs in some areas according to other sites).  The Battle Droid Security figure is a good choice, as the plastic was good and the articulation was good too.  It still holds up, as does FX-7, although I'm not so sure how FX-7 would do at retail now.  The Imperial Officers would be nice to see again, as I'd love to have two more to pilot my Shuttle. 

Star Wars Saga
1) Ephant Mon
2) Clone Trooper (Republic Gunship Pilot)
3) R4-I9 (Imperial Forces)
4) R3-A2 (The Battle of Hoth)
5) Battle Droid (Arena Battle) (2 versions)
6) Coleman Trebor
7) Sandtrooper Troop Builder (4 versions)
8) AT-ST Driver (Imperial Forces)

Ephant Mon, yes, but again, like Graxxol Kelvyyn, I'm sure he'll conveniently lose if he makes it to the finals.  The Gunship Pilot Clone Trooper would be better served by rereleasing the Evolutions Clone with both helmets.  R4-I9 and R3-A2 aren't bad ideas, actually, but only if Hasbro doesn't intend on updating them.  The AB Battle Droids have the worst plastic of any figure and I seriously doubt that Hasbro will correct this should they "win."  Coleman Trebor is a pure fanboy choice and was never difficult to find to begin with.  The Sandtrooper Troop Builder thing is a horrible idea, especially with the TSC Sandtrooper being as good as it is.  It's like going back and continuing to release the CommTech Stormtrooper when you've got the VOTC...oh wait.  The AT-ST Driver isn't a bad idea, but I'd prefer to see them use a new head with a removable helmet at the very least.

The Original Trilogy Collection
1) Boba Fett (VOTC)
2) Clone Trooper (Troop Builder)
3) Clone Trooper Lieutenant (Troop Builder)
4) RA-7 (Sandcrawler Droid)
5) Clone Trooper Commander (Troop Builder)
6) Clone Trooper Captain (Troop Builder)
7) Clone Trooper Sergeant (Troop Builder)
8) Wedge Antilles

Boba Fett, absolutely.  Paint him in ESB colors and I'd be thrilled to death.  The Clones are a definite, although I'd drop the Sergeant, Captain, and Lieutenant, and just go with the white Clone and a randomly packed Commander.  RA-7, like the DSD he's based on, doesn't hold up, and Wedge sucks.  Next.

Revenge of the Sith
1) Coruscant Clone Commander (Evolutions)
2) Clone Trooper Commander (Evolutions - AOTC)
3) Sandtroopers Sergeant (Evolutions)
4) Sandtroopers Squad Leader (Evolutions)
5) Clone Trooper (Evolutions - AOTC)
6) Covert Ops Clone Trooper
7) Saleucami Clone Trooper
8) Utapau Shadow Trooper

First of all, I find it funny how the top 5 are all Evolutions figures (six if you count the ROTS Anakin, which I think Hasbro is intentionally making a bitch to get multiples of).  I've got to say I don't think they should do the Sandtroopers though, since the TSC version is much better, deco and articulation-wise, and I'd rather they repaint their pauldrons/mix up accessories than the Evo version.  The AOTC White Clone (with a Pilot helmet) is a decent choice, as is the Saleucami Clone Trooper.  The Covert Ops and Utapau Shadow Troopers are EU Hasbro creations and, as such, suck.

The Saga Collection
1) Biker Scout (VTSC)
2) Captain Fordo (The Hunt For Grievous)
3) Heavy Gunner Clone Trooper (The Hunt For Grievous)
4) Clone Trooper 442nd Siege Battalion
5) Shocktrooper (Skirmish in the Senate)
6) Clone Trooper Fifth Fleet Security
7) Sandtrooper Corporal (Escape from Mos Eisley)
8) Death Star Gunner

Biker Scout, undoubtedly.  The Shocktrooper isn't bad, either, and given how many GB/H&V figures are clogging the pegs, making finding new figures nigh impossible in some stores, the rereleases of the 2 "final 22" Clones might not be such a bad idea.  I would forgo Fordo for a (hopefully) more accurate version down the road, and the same goes for the Heavy Gunner.  The DSG and Sandtrooper I fully endorse (or as much as I can/will endorse rereleasing something currently at retail in a lot of areas).

Expanded Universe - Shadows of the Empire, Clone Wars, Star Tours, & more
1) Darktrooper (Dark Forces)
2) Spacetrooper (Heir to the Empire)
3) ARC Trooper (Clone Wars) (2 versions)
4) Durge (Clone Wars)
5) Asajj Ventress (Clone Wars)
6) Luke Skywalker (Dark Empire)
7) Imperial Sentinel (Dark Empire)
8) Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces)

None of these eight figures (9 if you count the ARCs separately) hold up today.  The only one who might work is Durge, and that's only if they reissued the one that came with the Swoop Bike, and that's still pushing it for an EU character.  I'd like to meet the people who thought reissuing the Imperial Sentinel was a good idea, though.  Listen to Mr. T and stay off the drugs, fools.

As for the biggest piece of crap on there (that being Hasbro's slipshod reasoning to YET AGAIN keep the VOTC Stormtrooper off shelves), it doesn't surprise me.  After all, all they would really need to do would be remove the pauldron from the Tin Sandtrooper and say it's a Stormtrooper.  I also won't be the least bit shocked if the RH (Removable Helmet/Revisionist History) Stormtrooper still has the backpack hole in his back, doesn't include the thermal detonator (but will still have the hole in the belt), and has some kind of battle damage on his armor to make a clean Stormtrooper an impossibility yet again.

Seriously, what the ******* hell Hasbro?  People are clamoring for the VOTC Stormtrooper to be released on a wide scale and all we get are excuses, "new" versions of it with extraneous bull****, and endless reissues of ROTS figures in its place.  If you simply rerelease the VOTC Stormtrooper as-is, I promise you the world will not implode.   ::)

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #71 on: October 21, 2006, 06:00 PM »
Alot of the choices on there are crap. I don't get why the two ARCs are on there when Cody (probally the Hest-TF of the year) & the Utapua clone or Kashyyyk Clone don't end up there. :(
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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #72 on: October 23, 2006, 10:38 AM »
I call shenanigans on this whole thing. I don't think the results are genuine. I don't have proof, but I've just got a dirty feeling about the whole thing.
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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #73 on: October 23, 2006, 11:02 AM »
Some of the choices look pretty iffy to me too, but I'm not surprised necessarily either.  The whole poll is quite clone-tastic, which again, isn't surprising.  I guess I'm a little surprised/disappointed that more of the VOTC figures didn't make it on there.  I know I'd really like to be able to pick up more VOTC Han Solos, Chewbaccas, Vaders and others - at a basic price - than some of those other figures on there.  Don't get me wrong, I like clonetroopers (particularly the ROTS versions), but this whole assortment is going to end up being made up of those.  I actually don't have the majority of the POTF2 figures listed, and hope to get them someday, but as it was mentioned earlier they could all really stand a resculpt.  And really, whether we're getting a removable helmet version of the VOTC Stormtrooper or not, I'm sure the market could handle having two versions out together.  Just slap the "regular' version in this assortment too :).

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Re: New "Greatest Hits" Wave - Collector's Choice?
« Reply #74 on: October 23, 2006, 03:39 PM »
i actually like this idea. ps oola's not doing too well against darktrooper can everyone please go to rs and vote oola i want to see her released again. thanks.
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