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Messages - GrandMoffNick

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TV-9D9 / Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« on: May 27, 2022, 11:10 AM »
Wow. Good stuff.

Side note felt obligated to buy another TVC 501st Clone that's been staring at me at Target the last couple days.

Not a chance in million years it's the Vespa gang

I think Vader's TIE, Crest, and Falcon already were up and sold out pre orders. Or at least you could order them and now they say unavailable.

I appreciate the link. I won't buy that one but hope for Gideon's TIE and Asajj's ship.

Anyone have any tips on how to best "beat" a shill bidder on ebay?

I think there will NOT be any plastic. And there's a lot of wishful thinking going on all over the internet. I hope I'm wrong, but expect to survive if I'm right.

Sorry they are stuck attacking the AT-ST in box until I can decide where to put it. Anyone have a trick on how to get your family out of house for a couple months?

The Vintage Collection / Re: Airing of Grievances
« on: January 4, 2022, 02:36 PM »
I agree with your #3 but the everything sucks group is just as bad as the you should like everything group. I still get nothing but joy from this hobby (probably too much). It takes more time money work to get to that joy than at points in the past but I feel bad for all of the people making that same sentiment about not enjoying it anymore.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Book of Boba Fett
« on: December 30, 2021, 11:08 AM »
That's my big question. Will every episode be some flashback some current or was that just for episode 1?

Again I agree. That was too much flashback Tusken stuff for a 38 minute episode of a seven episode show

TV-9D9 / Re: The Book of Boba Fett
« on: December 30, 2021, 12:45 AM »
That was a little weird. Not what I expected and I’m not sure I liked it.

I'm with Dave. I'm not sure how I feel about that episode.

I like the droids but I'll take three repaint clones with 1:1 odds over six droids with 1:6 odds.

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: December 24, 2021, 05:48 PM »
That is a very good point Rob. I'm really curious how many 2021 items are now 2022 items.

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: December 24, 2021, 05:35 PM »
I was very happy with new releases for BS this year. Admittedly I haven't gone back and done any actually counting how many figs we got.
I was disappointed in the number of new TVC figs we got and Nick's math proves that.
But my brain separates the repacks from that. I just think of them as other stuff I can or can not buy.
I would like to see Hasbro take some of that extra repaint profit and put it into new tooling for sure.
I struggle with agreeing with a lot of people's complaints/ critiques but also very tired of that being such a large chunk of the posts everywhere.

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: December 24, 2021, 10:24 AM »
Let's say in 2021 Hasbro had released the same amount of brand new figs that they did. But instead of releasing X repaints they release X/2 or X/3 repaints. Is the outrage as high? Is there any imperical data that says Y repaints produced lessens new figure release by 1, etc?

Got my Armorer from GameStop today. I know I'm supposed to hate Hasbro and swear off collecting because it's a repaint but I like it.

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