Collectibles > The Vintage Collection
2024 TVC Wave 1 (New TVC Wave 33)
Jeff posted recently that the report was that the factory said they wouldn't be able to deliver more choppers... I didn't see an explanation...
--- Quote from: McMetal on April 12, 2024, 02:34 PM ---So what’s the deal with Chopper from this wave?? He’s sold out everywhere and I haven’t seen any restocks in months. Is that it? Why is this not a character to carry forward in future waves?
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If I had to hazard a guess, I would say they can't make any more for now because they are using the mold to make the Mural 2-pack version right now, and/or they figured 2 runs of the figure already would be enough.
Yikes, thanks guys. I figured I’d better not take any chances so I just overpaid for one from Amazon. It’s coming all the way from the UK, so I guess the struggle is real… :D
--- Quote from: Muftak on April 12, 2024, 03:40 PM ---If I had to hazard a guess, I would say they can't make any more for now because they are using the mold to make the Mural 2-pack version right now, and/or they figured 2 runs of the figure already would be enough.
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This would be my guess as well. I have also heard that the production numbers on the secondary TVC assort (F6878) are lower than the regular assortment (E7763). No way to verify that though since Hasbro never comments on those #s.
Reminder that F6878 is now a "fan channel" assortment and the other E7763 is the mainline assortment. It could be that "fan channel" assortment has a lower production number since they don't have to make enough for Walmart/Target?
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