Collectibles > The Vintage Collection

2024 Deluxe VC343 Cobb Vanth (Mandalorian Armor)

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New thread for this one...  moving forward the DLX figures will come on over-sized cards with a VC # instead of the dumb boxes.

Pre-order tomorrow, 5pm ET, at all the usual places.

- VC343 Cobb Vanth (Mandalorian Armor) - DELUXE (must be all the acid-etched paint apps on Fett post-sarlaac armor)


I love that they went back to the more standard looking Deluxe cards & blisters... but I am still not sure if this release is worth the price jump over a regular figure, or that anything here makes this figure "Deluxe". The figure itself looks great, though. I still want a version of Cobb without the armor, but I am really happy to finally get him in TVC. As for the cardback, I don't want to complain too much given that it is no longer just the plain boxed deluxe, but I'd rather have had a deeper multilayered blister on a standard-sized cardback. The larger cards don't fit as well in a carded display if you try to organize by VC#. Nothing in this large or "Deluxe" enough that it really needs a large blister to display.

Pre-order Link @ Amazon ->

#ad #sponsored #thanksforyoursupport


--- Quote from: Ryan on July 27, 2024, 04:00 AM ---Gimmie.

I love that they went back to the more standard looking Deluxe cards & blisters... but I am still not sure if this release is worth the price jump over a regular figure, or that anything here makes this figure "Deluxe". The figure itself looks great, though. I still want a version of Cobb without the armor, but I am really happy to finally get him in TVC. As for the cardback, I don't want to complain too much given that it is no longer just the plain boxed deluxe, but I'd rather have had a deeper multilayered blister on a standard-sized cardback. The larger cards don't fit as well in a carded display if you try to organize by VC#. Nothing in this large or "Deluxe" enough that it really needs a large blister to display.

--- End quote ---

Agreed.  I've been thinking of doing a video about the deluxe figures...but I don't want to be too negative about them.

Anyway, glad to get Cobb Vanth finally!

You should.  There’s just nothing about this that justifies a nearly 50% markup over a basic figure.  They just space the accessories out and make the card and bubble needlessly bigger to gouge.


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