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Messages - EdSolo

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LEGO / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: Today at 06:59 AM »
Ebay's default position is to screw the seller, regardless of how obvious a scam a buyer is running.  Paypal can be a bit better with protection.  As a seller, while this is a bit dishonest, if you can get someone to send money friends and family, then they have no recourse with Paypal.  That is an obvious red flag to any legitimate buyer.  Avoid anyone who asks for Zelle, it is the scammers payment of choice.  I have had countless inquiries that end up with "I'm busy but my brother/husband/cousin will pick it up.  Do you take Zelle?".  Meanwhile, the FB account they have stolen is from somewhere in Europe when my listing is clearly from the US.

Really FB marketplace isn't really any different than someone asking to purchase your ebay listing outside of ebay.  However, many times these people than they should get a 50% discount for "saving you the ebay fees".

LEGO / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: May 21, 2024, 06:58 AM »
There are a lot of resellers out there.  I unload a bunch of my Hasbro stuff to one of them.  He was also interested in my Lego and SS stuff, but I didn't go down that road with him.  It all depends on what they offer you.  I just had a FB marketplace guy try to lowball me on one of my listing.  He wanted to pay $100 for a set that was fairly priced at $225.  I replied "you are offering less than half?" and he replied "bro, I do this for a living" and then proceeded to send me a listing for around $130 for an open set.  When I replied that mine was factory sealed and priced fairly, I didn't anything further.  You will get a bunch of this nonsense.  I sold a bunch of my carded figures with Star Cases.  I had one guy lowball me on a set.  I told him I could sell at a lower price without the Star Cases and he replied, "how am I supposed to resell them without the cases".  Many of the resellers feel entitled to get your stuff for cheap so they can make their own profit.  Told that guy just to send me his buyers names and I would sell direct to them.

As for FB marketplace, you need to give it time.  There is an ebb and flow.  I will go months without a sale, and then get a bunch in a two week period.

If you want to believe the story of the actresses never giving their rights to Kenner/Hasbro and wanting "millions" for them, then Haslab would be the only option for Hasbro to recoup the cost for the figures.  I have always had a hard time believing the story considering the obscure background characters that have been made over the years.

I don't see how Haslab is a "paywall".  This isn't a phone game that is gating progress based on paying for the exclusive new item.  Anyone is able to purchase a Haslab item and they make as many as are sold if they hit the funding goal.  Yes, you are paying for a large item to get a pack-in figure, but I seriously doubt a "casual" collector on an extreme budget is clamoring for the Tonnika sisters.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: April 23, 2024, 03:38 PM »
And the page is back, with a promised update coming soon.

LEGO / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:15 AM »
Some of those FB lego groups are a bit crazy.  I wouldn't really bother with them.  Just list it on marketplace and set it to worldwide so everyone can see it.  I've sold about 80 loose and open sets in the past 18 months.  I have been selling more than just lego, so it may go faster for you.  If all the sets are sealed, you really just need to take pictures of the front and back.  Taking the time to list everything will definitely get you a lot more money than going to a dealer.  You might find some people who will want to buy several sets and ask for a discount.

Personally, I would sell them yourself.  A dealer will give you at best 50% of what you could sell them for, but most likely 30% or less.  Write your first listing in Word.  Then you can just cut and paste.  Essentially you just need set number and title and that it is sealed.  I also list the number of pieces and which mini figures are included (many sets sell just because they contain a unique mini figure).

You are honestly sitting on a mini goldmine.  Like I stated earlier, I have sold about 20% of my lego collection and have made about 70% of the MSRP of everything and I still have a bunch of larger sets and rare items that I haven't had a chance to list yet.  You won't regret it if you just take the time.

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: April 23, 2024, 06:47 AM »
I assumed Target "paused" all of Star Wars years ago.  The only thing Hasbro that I buy is the retro collection at this point so I'm not going to stores much.  Sometimes if I'm in Target I stop by the toy section just to check it out.  In the past year or so, my local Target has set up a Disney section and Star Wars has been moved there from the normal rows of toys.  Much smaller spot than in the past.  Generally it is completely barren.  Maybe a few 6" figures.  Generally no 3 3/4" whatsoever.  I was there a few weeks ago for the TPM retro set.  No tags on the shelf for it, but they had a few in the back.  It wouldn't shock me is Star Wars went away from Target.

LEGO / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: April 15, 2024, 06:29 AM »
Sorry for your loss.

First, go to  Not only can you sell there (I haven't tried selling there, but I have bought random missing pieces I needed several times from sellers there), but they also list all sets with both current and recent sales prices for both loose and boxed sets.  It is a much better pricing resource than relying on ebay.

Second, definitely go with FB marketplace to sell.  There are no fees.  You listing gets set by your general location, so you are not giving out your address.  You can also have the listing open to anyone, so it gives you an ebay type audience.  I have had many people overseas ask about stuff.  Anyone local I just meet in a public area.

While selling everything individually can be quite tedious, don't go with the bulk sale.  You will make so much more putting in the work.  For example, the Death Star II is currently selling for $2500 on average for an unopened one.  MSRP was $299.  There is a lot of that out there for Star Wars legos.  If you have the original Cloud City set, 10123, that is worth $5000+ sealed just because of the Boba Fett mini fig. 

I have been selling off my collection for over a year now.  Started with about 400 sets both boxed and loose/complete.  I have sold somewhere around 55-60 sets.  Just from those sales I have made about 70% of the total MSRP of all 400 sets.  It is worth the effort and if most sets are sealed, it is a lot easier and less time consuming to sell.

I have seen it all over the past five years of selling.

A lot of "my cousin/sister/uncle will come pick it up, do you take Zelle?".  I refuse to even sign up for Zelle because it just seems to be a scammers app.

I get a ton of "is this available" and then when I reply yes, I never get another response.  A whole bunch of "will you take $50 when you have something listed for $250".

I think a lot of people think inflation entitles them to pay a lot less instead of having to pay more.  I had one guy go ballistic and call me a scammer because he demanded an extra picture of an expensive item with his name on a piece of paper.  I told him here are some extra pictures, but I'm at work and unable to fulfill his request at that moment.  Real ahole on how he came back at me.  He then said he would kick my ass after I came back at him for calling me a scammer.  I will be happy when all my stuff is sold so I don't have to deal with it anymore.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: March 20, 2024, 06:22 AM »
TFSB webpage has now expired.  Not that big of a shock, but I guess that finally ends things.

I would agree, you can recast both roles.  I think people in general freak out too much about recasting these days.  Look at Marvel, they are being very cagey about recasting Kang.  There are rumors they are completely changing their whole slate of movies rather than recast.  They recast the Hulk with no problems.  They even had a show where a variant of Loki is a woman, so they can't do the same thing with Kang and state this variant looks different?

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: November 23, 2023, 07:26 AM »
Krahn is holding on.  TFSB website has been stipped to bare bones with only an update screen and nothing about any product at all.  His update is the typical BS that the Bantha isn't his fault, they are only a third company payment processor and that the place in Texas he "paid" to create the Banthas are at fault.  Completely silly since he stated making these things in China.  He also states that there will be an upcoming update on the wave of 13.  I can't believe he is actually still trying to save face on all of this.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2024 Kenner Retro Collection - Ahsoka
« on: November 23, 2023, 07:23 AM »
EE sent my case order and my doubles except Marok and Sabine.  Cancelled those two and ordered them from Pulse.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: November 17, 2023, 06:25 AM »
Stan Solo has his R4-M9 up for preorder.  His FB post says this and the next item he offers may be it for him.  Also said he would be making this one in lower quantities.  Not sure if this is just his typical rants or not.

I have seen several reports of people getting their shopdisney orders cancelled even though they preordered back in July.

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