Author Topic: 2005 RotS Figures Release List  (Read 43780 times)

Online Jeff

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2005 RotS Figures Release List
« on: December 10, 2004, 11:53 AM »
Revenge of the Sith Preview Wave
1-4 - General Grevious
2-4 - Tion Medon
3-4 - Wookiee Warrior
4-4 - R4-G9

Revenge of the Sith Preview Vehicle
Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 1, Wave 1
III-01 Obi-Wan Kenobi
III-02 Anakin Skywalker
III-03 Yoda
III-04 Super Battle Droid
III-05 Chewbacca
III-06 Clone Trooper
III-07 R2-D2
III-08 Grevious’ Bodyguard
III-09 General Grevious
III-10 Mace Windu
III-11 Darth Vader
III-12 Emperor Palpatine

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 2, Wave 1
III-13 Count Dooku
III-14 Chancellor Palpatine
III-15 Bail Organa
III-16 Plo Koon
III-17 Battle Droid
III-18 C-3PO
III-19 Padme Amidala
III-20 Agen Kolar
III-21 Shaak Ti
III-22 Kit Fisto
III-23 Royal Guard
III-24 Mon Mothma

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 1, Wave 2
III-25 Tarfful
III-26 Yoda
III-27 Obi-Wan Kenobi
III-28 Anakin Skywalker

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 2, Wave 2
III-29 Ki-Adi Mundi
III-30 Saesee Tiin
III-31 Luminara Unduli
III-32 Aayla Secura

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 1, Wave 3
III-33 Clone Commander
III-34 Clone Pilot
III-35 Palpatine
III-36 General Grievous

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 2, Wave 3
III-37 Tri Droid (Medical Droid)
III-38 AT-TE Gunner
III-39 Polis Massan
III-40 Mas Amedda

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 1, Wave 4
III-41 Clone Trooper
III-42 Neimoidian Warrior
III-43 Wookiee Warrior
III-44 Destroyer Droid

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 2, Wave 4 - OUT NOW
III-45 Tarkin
III-46 Ask Aak
III-47 Meena Tillis

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 1, Wave 5 - OUT NOW
III-48 R2-D2 (Electronic)
III-49 Commander Baccarra
III-50 Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 2, Wave 5 - August 2005
III-51 Captain Antilles
III-52 Zett Jukassa
III-53 Utapauan Warrior

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 1, Wave 6 -  September 2005
III-54 AT-RT Driver
III-55 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Red Leader Pilot)
III-56 Mustafar Sentry

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 1, Wave 7 -  October 2005
III-57 Commander Bly
III-58 Wookiee Commando
III-59 Commander Gree
III-60 Grievous Bodyguard
III-61 Passel Argente
III-62 Cat Miin (Shu Mai's Aide)
III-63 Nemoidian Commander

Revenge of the Sith - Collection 2, Wave 6 -  October 2005
III-64 R4-P17 (Obi-Wan's Astromech)
III-65 Tactical Ops Trooper
III-66 Plo Koon (Holographic)
III-67 Aayla Secura (Holographic)
III-68 Wookiee Heavy Gunner

All items on this list have been confirmed for 2005.  Please refer to the individual threads for discussion on them.  Thanks!   :)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2005, 12:51 AM by Jeff »
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Offline Scott

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2005, 11:01 PM »
Jeff, is there a rumor list somewhere we can add at the bottom here?

Offline Scott

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2005, 11:03 PM » it April stuff from the French site a few weeks ago

Fig Assortment 1 - Wave 3 - May
- Mission Specific Clone Trooper
- Clone Trooper Pilot
- Emperor Palpatine
- General Grevious

Fig Assortment 1 - Wave 4 - June
- Super Articulated Clone Trooper
- Neimodian Warrior
- Wookiee Warrior
- Destroyer Droid

Fig Assortment 1 - Wave 5 - August
- R2-D2 electronic
- Commander Baccarr
- Anakin as Darth Vader with hood and cloak

Fig Assortment 1  - Wave 6 - October
- Turbo Tank driver
- Flea Rider
- Obi-Wan red leader pilot

Fig Assortment 2  - Wave 2 - April
- Ki Adi Mundi NEW
- Saesse Tiin NEW
- Luminanra Unduli NEW
- Aayla Secura NEW

Fig Assortment 2 - Wave 3 - June
- Vader's medical droid, tri droid new
- AT TE Gunner
- Polis Massa alien
- Mas Amedda NEW

Fig Assortment 2 - Wave 4 - July
- Tarkin
- Alien Senator Ask Aak
- Alien Senator Mon Calamari

Fig Assortment 2 - Wave 5 - September
- Captain Antilles NEW
- Tado new
- Utapauian Warrior

Deluxe figure - Wave 1 - April
- Grevious 4 blade attack

Deluxe Figures - Wave 3 - May
- Yoda on can sell
- Droid/Vader operating table
- Mission Specefic Clone Trooper with Jet pack
- Vulture Droid

Deluxe Figures - Wave 4 -
- 3 pack of Clone Trooper
- Stass Alie with speeder bike
- Crab Droid (from utapau)
- Spider Droid with bigger gun

3-3/4" playset
- Palpatine in Senate Chamber: (Mace vs Emperor)
- Federation Cruiser: (Anakin vs Dooku)
- Utapau: Obi-Wan vs Grevious bodyguard

Online Jeff

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2005, 12:02 PM »
List updated with info from the official Hasbro Episode 3 Basic Figure Checklist!

Looks like that French site was pretty dead on... :)

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2005, 12:16 PM »
Dang that is a lot of moolah!  60+ (counting the Post-OTC)  figures in a year is amazing...far more than ever before, correct?

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2005, 12:05 PM »
Awesome list. I can't wait. i have to start saving for the midnight madness.
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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2005, 09:13 AM »
I didn't see a separate thread for this (and if it needs to be broken off into its own thread, please feel free to do so), but after seeing the display photos at this morning, I think I might have a fairly decent idea of what we can expect as far as the April 2, 2005 initial product rollout.  I just put everything together in a list to see how much we would need to be putting back as far as cash flow goes for that date.

So, here's what I got from the photos and other lists online.  I'm fully expecting Hasbro and retail to charge out the ass for this stuff (it looked as if the WM price on the lightsabers has gone up at least two dollars, but then again, it is somewhat obscured), so I didn't include prices.  I guess it can be edited as we find out more information.

01.  Obi-Wan Kenobi
02.  Anakin Skywalker
03.  Yoda
04.  Super Battle Droid
05.  Chewbacca
06.  Clone Trooper
07.  R2-D2
08.  Grievous' Bodyguard
09.  General Grievous
10.  Mace Windu
11.  Darth Vader
12.  Emperor Palpatine


13.  Count Dooku
14.  Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
15.  Bail Organa
16.  Plo Koon
17.  Battle Droid
18.  C-3P0
19.  Padme Amidala Skywalker
20.  Agen Kolar
21.  Shaak Ti
22.  Kit Fisto
23.  Royal Guard
24.  Mon Mothma


01.  Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine
02.  Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
03.  Obi-Wan Kenobi and Super Battle Droid


01.  Anakin Skywalker versus Count Dooku
02.  Darth Sidious versus Mace Windu


01.  Republic Gunship
02.  BARC Speeder with BARC Trooper
03.  Boga with Obi-Wan Kenobi


01.  Anakin Skywalker
02.  Obi-Wan Kenobi
03.  General Grievous


01.  Clone Trooper
02.  General Grievous
03.  Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine


01.  Darth Vader (color change)
02.  Mace Windu
03.  Count Dooku
04.  Yoda
05.  Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV hilt)


01.  Count Dooku and Anakin Skywalker
02.  Darth Sidious and Yoda
03.  Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous


01.  Obi-Wan Kenobi
02.  Darth Vader
03.  General Grievous

Please note that I didn't include Lego in the list, and that there are some things that probably aren't listed because the photos were so dark and obscure at points that I couldn't really see all that well (mainly to do with Attacktix or whatever the hell they're called, and that Yoda thing).

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2005, 11:01 PM »
Looks pretty close DP

I remember at the Saga launch Hasbro was able to sneak a few more figures (Yoda and Dooku and friends) right in at the launch and those suckers were a little hard to find

With the next few waves due in May I wouldn't be totally suprised if it goes beyond those first 24 figures

Also, the leaked case seemed to be 12 figures per case all 1 per case.  That's good shortpacking and with what looks to be an all out onslaught of figures, it should be easy to get sets

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2005, 04:45 PM »
Also, the leaked case seemed to be 12 figures per case all 1 per case. That's good shortpacking and with what looks to be an all out onslaught of figures, it should be easy to get sets

Actually I kind of liked the shortpacking.  It made it more exciting when you finally found them.  ;D

Offline JesseVader08

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2005, 04:55 PM »
Also, the leaked case seemed to be 12 figures per case all 1 per case. That's good shortpacking and with what looks to be an all out onslaught of figures, it should be easy to get sets

Actually I kind of liked the shortpacking.  It made it more exciting when you finally found them.  ;D

No thanx, I prefer to actually find what I'm looking for - it's hard enuf without strange packing ratios screwing it up for me.   ;)

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #10 on: February 4, 2005, 12:30 PM »
Hmm, my resolve is wavering already ::)  I took the list into Word and tried to cut out what I didn't want immediately and it didn't get real short >:(

From the basic figures, here are the no-brainers/buy on sight:
Clone trooper - multiple
Darth Vader
Royal Guard - multiple

I want lots of the rest, but must try to resist.  I can pass on the deluxe, two packs, vehicles/beasts, unleashed, 12" and light sabers (though the colour change vader is tempting ::)).  GH and Force Battlers I'll be surprised to see.  I'll pick up the former, but not sure about the latter.

I'm sure April 3rd or so I'll be reporting I have them all :'(
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Offline JesseVader08

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #11 on: February 4, 2005, 12:50 PM »
Resolve, what's that?   ::)

I know for a fact that I'll be picking up all of the basic figures, but that's because of that damn completist gene in me.  As well, I'll be hoping to pick up the Unleashed (one of my favourite lines), Galactic Heroes (those things are just too frickin' cute  ;)), and the Force Battlers (if they make it up here, they look kinda neat).  If the price is right, I'm also hoping to pick up a few vehicles.  I've never collected the 12" line; and I've only ever bothered to pick up the OTC Darth Vader Lightsaber, not really interested in the rest.

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #12 on: February 4, 2005, 07:40 PM »
I'll try to hold out as much as possible, but I'm sure I'll end up getting most of the basic figures pretty quickly. I'll get the Unleashed too and who-knows-what-the-heck-else. Oh well, you can't have resist everything.  :P

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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #13 on: February 4, 2005, 07:44 PM »
Resolve, what's that?   ::)

Well, I was going to be a smart alec and look it up in the dictionary and give you the whole big thing, but it's over half a page so I don't think I'll be typing it out for you.

heh heh


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Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2005, 03:23 PM »