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Messages - commander apoc

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I think it could have done without all the crying anakin.

Sad but true, but there's nothing wrong with a crying man
except in my army then...... ;D

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Oooooh ... pretty pictures!
« on: November 8, 2006, 01:37 PM »
Now that's art ;)

Connecting the OT with the PT was a difficult job after episode 2, but the did a hell of a job!

Episode 3 is my personal best, the figting, the suffering, etc, etc.... briljant, when I went too so it in the theaters I was more than overrun :o, no movie did that ever to me.... ;D

Collections / Re: DARKLORD'S Collection
« on: November 7, 2006, 12:12 PM »
So that's where all the Tie-interceptors went........... ;D

I still can't find non of those ships here in The Netherlands :( ......... hopefully in the future..........

I do have 2 tie-fighters, a tie-bomber and the Tie-advance... but you've got the rest of the army :P

It's a shame that you don't have a bigger room for the complete ship display without the boxes ofcourse...
but than again..... who does have a bigger room than that? ;)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Keller pics anyone?
« on: November 6, 2006, 04:48 PM »
hey ruprecht,

another post was just finished by my conserning clone commanders with no pics, but I found this for you:

more I can't find, goodluck building the man....

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: San Hill?
« on: November 6, 2006, 11:56 AM »
I found it out on a site:

Hill, San
Position Chairman of the Intergalactic Banking Clan
Homeworld Muunilinst
Species Muun
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Intergalactic Banking Clan, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Portrayer Chris Truswell (voice actor)

San Hill was the chairman of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. He was from the planet Muunilinst and of the Muun species. He also was one of the key leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and was present at the first meeting on Geonosis.

The Banking Clan was responsible for supplying hailfire droids to the droid armies of the Confederacy. In addition, San Hill was the primary financier of the rehabilitation of General Grievous, a Kaleesh warlord and CIS general who required extensive cybernetic enhancements in order to be kept alive.

San Hill and the IG Banking Clan were a primary objective of the Battle of Muunilinst, one of the first battles of the Clone Wars, which saw the first war-time appearance of the bounty hunter Durge, the Gen'dai warrior, as well as the IG Lancer droids, predecessors of both the IG-100 MagnaGuards and the Imperial-era bounty hunter IG-88. San Hill was captured by Obi-Wan Kenobi, but later escaped Republic custody.

In the later stages of the Clone Wars, San Hill was hidden on Utapau along with the other members of the Separatist Council by General Grievous as the Confederacy was beginning to lose ground, and they were soon moved to fiery Mustafar. On that volcanic world, Hill was killed Darth Vader.

Though Hill's body is never seen in the film, he is shown to be killed both in the novelization and comic adaptation. Lucasfilm's official stance is that if the events of such adaptations don't explicitly contradict what is seen on the screen, then they can be considered canon. Also, it is unlikely that Hill survived, as he at least would have made an attempt to escape or alert the rest of the Separatist forces; however, it is already known that the galaxy at large, including most of the remaining Separatist army, has no idea what happened on Mustafar.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Clone Commanders
« on: November 6, 2006, 11:45 AM »
Fortunatly I didn't read the novel  :(

But I did look up a site a long time ago, with I still have in my favorates(internetbookmarks) ofcourse, so here it is:

So I was wrong about that Jag stuff, reading was always a problem too me :P

I guess nobody ever hurt about commander Keller, Salvo, Thire, Brolis or A'den? Me nether 8)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Clone Commanders
« on: November 5, 2006, 05:10 PM »
wasn't Jag a Captain....?

Just like Captain Fordo, taskforce leader for the hunt for Grievous at the planet Hypori, but not a commander

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Ultra Battle Droid
« on: October 20, 2006, 03:23 PM »

I hope when they make it, ;D
 that they make the legs in 2 or 3 parts (upper leg, lower leg, feet) with joints.
The last I got can nearly stand and falls over everytime I want to re-pose it. >:(

Maybe its a good idea for the arms too hey... ;)
And non of that battle-action stuff... like sceazing the legs makes te arms go up stuff...

This could be hit...

They must do the same with the normal droids hey.... :P

Newbies / Re: Hello, sort anoob here
« on: October 20, 2006, 12:10 PM »
And now you're stuck here........... GREAT..... no really........

have a great time here.... i now i'm still enyoing it.....

Star Wars Universe / Re: 5 out of 6 movies
« on: October 18, 2006, 11:47 AM »
You're both right.... ;D

Star Wars Universe / Re: 5 out of 6 movies
« on: October 17, 2006, 04:08 PM »
5 out 6 movies had someone in jedi-training, expect for ROTJ, where Luke wanted to finish the training, but already he was a Jedi-Knight.

TFM - Obi-wan in training with Qui-gon
AOTC - Anakin in training with Obi-wan
ROTS - Anakin in training with Obi-wan
ANH - Luke in training with Obi-wan
ESB - Luke in training with Yoda
ROTJ - non

Newbies / Re: Another newbie from The Netherlands
« on: October 17, 2006, 03:38 PM »
I thought that was battlefield 2?

Oh well, women al the same....

Oh yeah, the yellow and the green one (no pic yet) are called "Red-Fronted-Parakeet" and are not easy to get, there from New Zealand.....

Collections / Re: Darth_Anton's Imperial Base Update 9/6
« on: October 17, 2006, 11:58 AM »
You gave me the message that I diplay my figures fine.....

But you're doing a better than me hey :P

Very nice collection.... I like the Tie-made-hanger

Newbies / Re: Another newbie from The Netherlands
« on: October 16, 2006, 07:30 PM »
here's some pics of 3 out of 4 of my birds....

2 of them have no eggs, but are male and female.... the grey one I had to call Obi (the ode to Obi-Wan), the otherone is Sun.
I don't know yet what they are called in English, but in Dutch the birdspecies is called "valkparkiet". There not noisy at all... there just sitting around all the time eating my paycheck away... :-\

The yellow one is a female called koekie (that's dutch for biscuit) and we have the same one in green, called Stimpy... the male. Stimpy is a bit noisy and often has a temper, Koekie is just sitting on here 9 eggs.... and eating my paycheck away too.... Next week we expect the first new-born. The birds are called "Kakiriki's"... don't know the english word... I will get back too that....

And oh.... My fiancee does the most of the taming-around, just give a lot of time and much of patiance too the birds, and they will listen too you. It's a shame the allready eaten bits out of Republic-gunship >:(


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