Collectibles > 30th Anniversary Collection

2007 #06 Mustafar Lava Miner

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2 for me,for a Mustafar display!If it's SA that would be AWESOME!I see knees so that'd be a yes! ;D

Legs don't look SA to me, however, he is quite the figure. For a background and insignificant figure, I'm happy about him, but the real question is whether or not he's going to turn into Lushros or Dod. I know he looks sweet now, but hell, so did Watto at the 2002 Con. :-\

Oh what the hell...I'll get him.

Rune Haako:
You can barely see the knee joints but they're there, and the ankle joints are easy to see. ;D

Pretty strange for a background character but Veers or Jerjerrod dosen't, oh well. :P
Sweey figure. I dought he'll warm. He's cool looking, kids like that!


--- Quote from: Artoo on July 22, 2006, 11:18 PM --- I dought he'll warm. He's cool looking, kids like that!

--- End quote ---

Lushros was cool looking but kids didn't like him.


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