Collectibles > 30th Anniversary Collection

2 ANH waves next year?

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I think Hasbro said they won't be doing a basic Stomie Han & Luke. :(
They also said no VOTC Stomies, unless it's a choice for the H&V. :)

Darth Broem:
Yeah, I can not believe they are not smart enough to put a Stormtrooper Han and Luke out.  That marvel pack does not count IMO for Han.  I thought for sure they would plunk a Han and Luke head with removeable helmet on the VOTC stormtrooper body and be done with it.  I'd be happy with it to. 

Oh, they'll make them (Han and Luke Stormtrooper that is).

They will be comtech bodies with more recent heads, with "garbage water reflection effects." They will cost $14.00 at Target, and when they don't sell out the first day we will all be blamed for ruining their business and the hobby.

More like 20 bucks.  ::
They can't put a Luke head on a VOTC body, you have to remember he is " a little short for a stormtrooper". ;)


--- Quote from: Artoo on October  1, 2006, 11:08 AM ---They can't put a Luke head on a VOTC body, you have to remember he is " a little short for a stormtrooper". ;)

--- End quote ---

Well, Hasbro's had two years to get Grievous' scale right and they continue to make him significantly shorter than he should be, so what makes anyone think they would notice Luke's height?   ::)

It's good to hear we're getting an all new DST after all, though.  The POTF2 one isn't acceptable by any stretch of the imagination.  I just hope they don't give the new one another big-ass gun that sends our poor DST to the Imperial Worker's Comp Office for a herniated disc.


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