Collectibles > 30th Anniversary Collection

Target "The Battle of Hoth" Battle Pack

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I'd actually be okay with three of the four figures you listed, Jeff (the 2004 Saga HRS being the obvious problem with this set).  It would be nice if they gave the Derlin figure a new head to make a generic Rebel Officer (maybe Treat Williams' head as an easter egg, although I don't know if he signed his likeness over for them to go that far), and give Han the "hood up" head. 

I'd much rather Hasbro drop the 2004 HRS and include two V30AC Snowtroopers with some modifications made to the chest ranks, or even include a Snowspeeder Wedge using the Zev body as well.

HAHAHA... I actually laughed out loud at the post Reid, well said!!!  Hopefully we dont get Chancellor Valorum in this set!   
If the set truly has snowspeeder luke and another Han Hoth...  SIGN ME UP for 2!!!

I could see myself buying this one. Not too bad.


--- Quote from: DoctorPadawan on August 17, 2007, 11:53 AM ---It would be nice if they gave the Derlin figure a new head to make a generic Rebel Officer
--- End quote ---

Norm Rebel, anyone?  ;)

Bah, how dare they try to get me to buy a battlepack for one figure.


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