Collectibles > 30th Anniversary Collection

Wal-Mart "The Force Unleashed" Box Sets

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Hmmmm.  So Incinerator Stormtroopers with Vader and Shadow Stormtroopers with Palpatine, huh?  It looks like they possibly redid the softgoods with Palpatine, but that remains to be seen. 

The one thing I wonder about the Troopers with Palpatine is if they're actually all black, or if they're the grey/chrome troopers.  The photo simply isn't good enough to make that determination.  But at least we know now where some of these troopers are going to be slotted, because it was getting pretty obvious that they wouldn't release some of them in the Basic Figure line.

I'll pick them up. I hate that they are walmart exclusives. I guess better these than the possible rancor.


--- Quote from: Nicklab on December 10, 2007, 04:43 PM ---Hmmmm.  So Incinerator Stormtroopers with Vader and Shadow Stormtroopers with Palpatine, huh?  It looks like they possibly redid the softgoods with Palpatine, but that remains to be seen. 

The one thing I wonder about the Troopers with Palpatine is if they're actually all black, or if they're the grey/chrome troopers.  The photo simply isn't good enough to make that determination.  But at least we know now where some of these troopers are going to be slotted, because it was getting pretty obvious that they wouldn't release some of them in the Basic Figure line.

--- End quote ---

I don't know, it looks pretty clear to me that they are the new grey/chrome troopers and not the black version. Though it is stange that the box art calls them 'Shadow Troopers.' Echoing what most everyone else seems to be saying, if these are only $10 count me in for one of each. If not I'll probably pass on them.

I'm wondering if the that blue trooper we saw a few weeks ago will possibly be in another of these sets? 

Scratch that, I just read the other FU thread and saw the card art for it.

Jesse James:
Pretty different...  The price is right, probably, on these if they stay to $10, so I've got no real complaints...  I just wonder to what extent these guys play a role in the game or any subsequent books/comics for this "multi-media event".  Wish that Palpy would come out again with some nicer robes and a nice neutral head/hand sculpt for ROTJ.  That's a pretty nice figure in general so I don't mind seeing it again. 

Far better than the past WM 3-packs. :)

If the troopers are identical, does anyone want to split a set with me?  I just want one of each trooper.


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