Announcements > Announcements

Notice: Forum Changes


Due to lack of activity, the following changes have been made to the forums.

- The Trivia Board has been removed - all discussion was moved to the Star Wars Universe Board.

- The International Corner Board has been removed - all Canadian topics were moved to the new Canada, eh! Section (enjoy your new home, Canadians ;)).  Threads for all other countries have been moved to the Mission Logs (Store Reports) Board.

That's all for now, but I'm sure there will be a bit more fine-tuning and spring cleaning in the near future...

Any word on when or if the out of context thread might reopen!?   ;)


--- Quote from: Jeff on May 22, 2009, 12:00 PM ---- The International Corner Board has been removed - all Canadian topics were moved to the new Canada, eh! Section (enjoy your new home, Canadians ;)).

--- End quote ---

It's about time some dignity was brought to these forums.  My fellow Canucks will show you 'mericans how it's done.  :P

Somebody get me a beer, eh?


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