Collecting > Collector's Tips

Moving a collection

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Qui-Gon Jim:
Can't blame a guy for trying, LOL.  That's the one missing helmet that I really want for my display.

Try not to let the stress get to you.  The upshot is that it seems like you found a new place fairly quickly which can be the real pain point from what I hear.  I moved about a year ago and we didn't really feel that pain as the first house we wanted we got into.  It went up on a Tuesday and we were under contract on Thursday.  Fast!  When we sold our condo, we were under contract 7 hours later.  If you were able to skip looking at a million places and getting denied, count yourself as lucky.

Part three in the series is up!

Definitely some good take-aways from the moving experience this time:

- Use a moving company that will keep your stuff on the same truck(s) from loading to off loading...less risk of items going missing.

- You can't use enough bubble wrap or packing materials.

- Lead car should have the checkbook to pay the movers at the other end.  My wife did not show up when she thought she would.   :D


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