Collecting > Collections

Behold, My New Prize Has Arrived.

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Thanks guys. He's protected under glass.  :)

Hey Dale you made the front page  :-*

Well wadda ya know.  8)  I'm in the lime light or the Dt Luke that is.  :)
Thanks.   :-*

It pains me to think, at one point in the mid 80s, I probably had one of these. At a slightly later point in the mid 80s, it was probably sold for a nickle at a garage sale. Please excuse me whilst I sob myself to sleep.

Truly a fantastic find! Congratulations!

For some reason I think i had one of these puppies too, I am almost positive I had a vinyl caped Jawa as well.  I know I lost Luke in a freak lawn mowing accident.  The Jawa may have been let go in a garage sale :o


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