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Messages - Theta 288

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..... do you have a Hastings in your area?  I was at one yesterday and saw these ($47.99 though).

Can you please, tell me more about this store...any links?

I wonder if I have one near by, dont matter if one hr distance...

Thanks in advance  :)

Opened this travesty up yesterday. I'm really disappointed because the head sockets are small and don't fit on Stormtroopers.  :'(

What about the comic pack Kir & Jax...never tryed?

The Legacy Collection / Re: Target "Pit of Carkoon" Ultimate BP
« on: January 1, 2009, 02:30 AM »
The Sarlacc is useful for the EU, I was reading Republic # 59...I was very pleased to see the Sarlacc again  ;D...Now I have to find that Tusken Jedi lol.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Target "Pit of Carkoon" Ultimate BP
« on: December 31, 2008, 01:41 PM »
The sand surface looks like a thin Halloween plastic mask... very cheap in my opinion.

There is a much nicer plastic dune like piece underneath the big cheap one in the packaging.  That's why a lot of people (myself included) posted that they were surprised with how nice the thing actually was.

To make it bigger, they sort of hid the product in the packaging and probably cost themselves some sales in the process.
Hmmm  I saw just one & the price was in the 50's... inspecting the pit... hmmm

Dont  know what to say.... The sand surface looks like a thin Halloween plastic mask... very cheap in my opinion.

I dont know why  people are paying so much cash for & what make it worth buying... for the little ship & the creature?...think so.

The sand surface you're talking about is actually just window dressing for those MIB collectors and the consensus is that it isn't actually part of the playset/environment per se.  The sarlacc is housed in its own sand base which is obscured by the cheap "halloween mask" base.

--- or what Rob said  :P

Ooooh!...Thanks guys, I was wondering about that, if its just a coverup... then its worth Buying... crap... i should get one!  ;D
buth there's other army building lots that impeded me to buy one of these big sets... I hate to be between the walls  ;D


Kinda small dough but Better without that plastic sand lol---> 

The Legacy Collection / Re: Target "Pit of Carkoon" Ultimate BP
« on: December 31, 2008, 11:23 AM »
Hmmm  I saw just one & the price was in the 50's... inspecting the pit... hmmm

Dont  know what to say.... The sand surface looks like a thin Halloween plastic mask... very cheap in my opinion.

I dont know why  people are paying so much cash for & what make it worth buying... for the little ship & the creature?...think so.

Personaly, I like how Han & Lando looks like apart that there is not great articulations in both... the rest are crap molds including my fav Boba & Skywalker looks like a freagging Zombie Kookoo! (0_0)

But if I see one under $30 ... I get it.  

In my Targets the shelves are clean & some leftover are unorganized in he lowers platform, so I guess soo there will come a truck with the new shipment of Toys...  strangely I saw a buch of Rogue pilot evolution set in one area, I wonder if sooner it will be on clearance & all the leftover there or put back in place.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: December 30, 2008, 10:05 PM »
Mine need all 6, but Hasbro doesn't have this offer anymore the last time I checked... at less I'm in the wrong page.

I was thinking to get another one... last time I saw one at WM, was at $70, but for these legs like that...I prefer some Gunships.

Beware for Ebaysellers... they have legs at $9.00 per parts  >:(

I got the set for $36 at the local comic shop - minus the $6 I just got for Vader and Palpatine brings me down to $7.50 per Power Ranger.

I can almost live with that.

here if they have that by chance at a comic shop, they will rip off you for double of that... I only go there  to lurk around...

I only have two "Recess Comics" near by... other comic shop nothing SW at all...

I need to move & live near to Lucas  :(....

Good for you Rob  :)

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: December 29, 2008, 03:27 PM »
No, I'm talking about the one with a black pauldron.  The only place I can recall posting a picture if the otheR Site.

If I recall correctly the only clean versions that made it to retail release in the US that were clean (no dirt) had either an Orange or White Pauldron.  This new Saga Legends release was expected last year, but due to miscommunication with the factory, the black version didn't make it into the 30AC line, and as a result was promised in the Legacy Collection Saga Legends.

Thanks for the update..will hunt for these!  ;D

PS: I read the list...The Snow Trooper is coming back!...hope is the articulated one!  :-\

Quoting myself... Yes its... can't wait for them to come out!


The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: December 29, 2008, 03:13 PM »
First time I've seen him, and I haven't seen anyone else find him yet, though I'm sure some one can copy their post and insert it to make me look foolish (here's some space:)

But I found the Clean Sandtrooper w/ Black Pauldron at Target today.  That's the figure that Adam Pawlus (i think) got one of, but then was never released in the 30AC line.

Hmm I bought other of those elsewhere, it resulted that is from the Tin Commemorative line: Episode IV Commemorative Tin Collection  , Vader also has remobable helmet, with young Anakin face.

If the one u found at Target is not from the 30th Anniversary but 2008 thats great news!!!...but if its from the 30th, that one come with a Spear, & cant remove the helmet.. it still nice though...I saw one that still remain at Walmart.. perhaps is gone already... I dont have it.

The Legacy Collection / Force Unleashed Box Set (was Legacy Wave 14)
« on: December 28, 2008, 10:14 PM »


I forgot about them... They are so cool looking this time!, they should do all but with better legs.

Are the Vader and Palpatine straight repacks or is there anything significantly different about them?

Sorry if this has been covered...

# Darth Vader is a repack of the figure from 2006's A New Hope Commemorative Tin Collection set (The Best Vader out there)

Emperor Palpatine is a slight repaint of the figures from 2005's The Sith Evolutions set.  :)

Thats just Horrible.

We have so many SW figures that can't even stand, that include the AT-TE.

I wonder what is worst... a Batman collection or this issue.  And why many times they choose to no make full articulation on the best caracters of the packs...Delta Squad pack, Crimson & some Comic Pack... They are just cheap, of course they know that even so, they get the money.

PS: I got a feeling that would happen to those figs... I can't take out of my mind when I look at them to think in the New Hope rebels that also suck & can't stand.

You may need to buy some of those glass looks stands, that way you can feel more better about it.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Animated Series Want/Idea List
« on: December 23, 2008, 02:37 PM »
Hope they make the Scouts with the ship that they arrived...

I can see an exclusive Box set with it...Hopefully accurate with elevator chairs to come out from the nose instead of the cockpit.

PS:The ship: They should it maked for CW basic figures instead of the Lego


See first post in this thread... the 4 Crimson Guards in this set are "New Sculpts" (i.e. never been offered/released before).

Thanks...Now I understand lol!...

Yes... I never saw them before... you all are a new sculpt ( never released before)

The more I see it... the more I like it.

Nah!..... I smell that its the same thing as the Royal-Shadow etc Guards  ::)


swivel-cut elbows, ball-hinged knees, & not articulation on the ankles.

Exactly. This is the articulation.

Oh!...Sorry I didn't undertand & still...what you all mean by a "New Sculpt"... I thought you were talking about articulations, cus was very obious to see what they look like...

PS: Any help to understand "New Sculpt"...thanks

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