« on: January 1, 2010, 02:32 AM »
Hey guys,
Long time no see. I come with an agenda, a (very important)question if you will. I have completed my first semester of college, and I am looking for good 3D animation schools(ones that you recommend). I have heard many good things about Collins in Tempe, UAT in tempe, Digipen in WA, Ringling in Florida, Cal art, and Vanart.
Affordability wise Collins and UAT are in my price range, while places like Vanart and Ringling are just way too expensive. My roommate at my current school is transferring to UAT, come this fall, at the recommendation of a few 3d artists at Blizzard Entertainment that work for a friend of his.
I haven't made my final decision if I want to do Game art, or Animation for movies or special effects. UAT focuses on the game art side of the field, where as I don't have any idea as where to go(besides Vanart, digipen, and ringling) if I want to do Movie animation. If I remember correctly a few people that frequent(ed) the forums work in this field. I've sent an email to Frank(niub niub) to ask him where he attended school to eventually work at ILM.(nothing on his site about his university, or if he attended one)
EDIT: I also realize that in the industry its not always where you went but your talent and skill. It's about how well you can do the job. However I want a school that can "help" accomplish this.
If anyone has some preferences or favorites lemme know, I would love to read your input. It would make a very nice Birthday present.
Thanks once again,