Author Topic: Hey! From Los Angeles  (Read 4006 times)

Offline manglord

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Hey! From Los Angeles
« on: October 23, 2007, 07:27 PM »
Hello, I've been lurking for a while now, mainly because i don't have a decent digital camera right now(to post pictures of customs). My main reason for joining "JEDIDEFENDER " is for customs. I'm new to collecting and customizing, just learning all the abbreviations for all the figures is a chore for sure, let alone trying to find them at my local Wal- Mart and TRU.
 What got me into collecting was the video game Republic Commando, i was looking up stuff on the net and came across the Republic Commando action figure set. After buying that set, it was over, my addiction was growing almost as if i had no control over it. A few Stormies here, a few Clones there, now I'm lookin' at around roughly 35 loose figures and around 25 figures still in packaging on my shelf. I'm sure all your collections dwarf mine, but I'm just getting started, go easy on me please! I'm currently working on a sniper rifle for "Sev", re-doing an Airborne Trooper, getting rid if the plastic skirt and swapping it out for a cloth one, adding straps and photo etched buckles and last but not least, my most ambitious project repainting a tie interceptor that will end up being red, white and black.
 By the way, i found JEDIDEFENDER through "Rebelscum" and thought I'd join since you guys really seem to have the latest news scoops.Apologies for not having a Star Wars related handle.......I'm manglord on every board i visit, just makes it easier for rememberin' passwords and all. Thanks for reading my long boring post guys! Later...

Offline Chris Wyman

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Re: Hey! From Los Angeles
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2007, 07:37 PM »
Welcome to the boards manglord! You don't have to apologize for the lack of Star Wars in your screen name. Just look at mine!  :P I'm JGordon24 on several sites. I guess the biggest reason I do that is so everyone will recognize me no matter where I'm at and like you said, it makes it easier on yourself to not have a bunch of different screen names and passwords.
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Offline manglord

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Re: Hey! From Los Angeles
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2007, 09:55 PM »
Thanks JGordon24! My sentiments exactly .

Offline JediMAC

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Re: Hey! From Los Angeles
« Reply #3 on: November 1, 2007, 06:27 PM »
Hey there, manglord.  Welcome to JD!  So whereabouts in L.A. are you?  I'm in Santa Clarita.  We've got a good group of SoCal collectors here, many of which are in L.A. (mostly Valley and I.E.), so you should pop on into our SoCal Forum and introduce yourself to the gang.  We have occasional get-togethers (every couple months), and help eachother out with a lot of local trading as well...

Anyway, enjoy the site, and holler if you need anything!

- Matt

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Hey! From Los Angeles
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2007, 09:34 AM »
I'm also from LA, the Valley to be more precise. I can't suggest popping into the SoCal board enough. It really helps with networking and figuring out what's out there to buy.

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Offline manglord

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Re: Hey! From Los Angeles
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2007, 01:40 AM »
JediMac, I'm in City Terrace, Thanks for the invite. Darth_Anton, I need to know where else to find the goods, I've just been introduced to Big Lou's Collectables, and have yet to visit Frank & Sons only because i hear it's pricey.