Author Topic: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)  (Read 78873 times)

Offline Jesse James

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« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2006, 02:57 AM »
You quoted me very selectively there.  And as I recall a staff member mentioning earlier in the thread, try talking critically about the figure and not other members who are voicing their opinions.

I don't believe Speedermike was really citing your opinions specifically, but instead talking about the toys as he makes a valid counterpoint...  There is no "guarantee" to getting the Kashyyyk Trooper resculpted properly in the line...  It's cool to like the repaint, but liking it with the assumption they'll make a new one up all proper is a gamble.

I personally agree with you Nick that it's likely (to me) to see the Kashyyyk Trooper resculpted...  Though we got Gree last year, he really sucks hard, and no resculpt of him was on the horizon...  2007's a long ways off though at this point too, but if the line cans up at some point and Gree's not resculpted proper, that'll be a disappointment to me and the #41 repaint from last year will be a letdown.

The Trooper at least has some mods to it...  It, as a trooper, also could have some fudging room for accuracy too, but I can safely say if the line ended without the right sculpt with all the details of the Kashyyyyk Trooper being hashed out, then I'd be a good bit more disappointed in this figure as he exists right now...

Though a reversal situation...  We saw Commander Appo...  He looked, to me, to be just a nicer version of the 501st Trooper and an "excuse" to slip that out into the basic line.  Better than the one last year in the battlepack or the basic one...  Not really a Commander save for slapping a pauldron on him...  Maybe Hasbro would dish out "Lt. Fox" to us someday with an all new SA sculpt and all accurate...  It's a possibility.  Still though Speedermike is right that liking something under the pretense it'll get resculpted isn't necessarilly what you'll get.  I still want a decent Gree figure dammit.  >:(
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« Reply #61 on: August 4, 2006, 06:03 PM »
This is from the Hasbro Q&A at the Galactic Hunter Website...
"GH: Is the #65 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (Kashyyyk), as shown at Comic-Con, the final product, or a mock-up? Collectors have noted that the image shown is a repaint of the Vintage Saga Biker Scout, and the helmet and armor scheme isn't movie accurate. Is this figure likely to be revisited down the road? (Question submitted by reader Doug.)

HASBRO: It is a repaint of the vintage Biker Scout. If we do revise him down the road, it won't be for a long time…so this is the only version of this figure we are able to do right now."

Y'see, Hasbro won't resculpt him for a while and they admit that the figure is just a simple reapaint. 
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« Reply #62 on: August 4, 2006, 09:54 PM »
Dressel says:

I mentioned earlier in this thread, I blew the BARC shown at Comic Con up to a huge size, and I don't see any differences with the VTSC scout at all, including the helmet.  I think it's a straight repaint of the VTSC.

Nicklab says:

Frankly I can't say that I know what your comments were or that I care about what you've posted.  I'm making my own critique based on what I've seen.  Your troll-like need to chime in other people's opinions is tiresome.  It's certainly had the effect of dragging this forum down like the otheR place.

Hasbro says:

"It is a repaint of the vintage Biker Scout. If we do revise him down the road, it won't be for a long time…so this is the only version of this figure we are able to do right now."

Dressel's comments:  Trolling, or an honest to goodness assessment that turned out to be 100% correct.

Clearly this exonerates me.  You be the judge.

(I edited down your post DR, as I took out the last bit that didn't pertain to anything in this thread and seemed baiting...  Let's keep this civil guys.  It seems, at the moment you're right DR though I swear I see helmet differences but that's just me...  Keep it civil guys - JJ)
« Last Edit: August 5, 2006, 02:06 AM by Jesse James »
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« Reply #63 on: August 5, 2006, 12:31 AM »
Clearly this exonerates me. 

Well I for one found you innocent of "trolling". ;)
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Offline Jesse James

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« Reply #64 on: August 5, 2006, 02:13 AM »
A post has been deleted, and another has been edited...  Refrain from personal attacks. 

At the moment it appears you are indeed correct Dressel Rebel...  At the same time though I too blew the photo up and swear that the visor APPEARED to be changed on the BARC repaint.  While I no doubt believe it to be at least 99% repainted (and still inaccurate) the helmet seemed new-ish to me...  I'm curious to see what the final product is actually. 

Again though refrain from baiting, and flat out insulting in here guys.  It's not going to be tolerated and I'd hate to see any actual punishment handed down to anyone involved in this.  Keep it on topic, keep it civil, and if you don't have anything nice to say (or don't care for what others have said) then keep it to yourself or bring it up to one of the mods.  My time's at a premium right now but the others are still generally around so use them.

BTW I'm disappointed by Hasbro's answer to GalacticHunter's question...  Clone's are a goldmine.  I'm sure they not only could sell tons of a repainted VTSC Scout but also TONS more of a newly sculpted SA BARC Trooper...  Perhaps they were hasty with their answer. ;)  Just so long as their answer to our most important question this week was not something they'd back out on. ;)
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« Reply #65 on: August 5, 2006, 01:12 PM »
I'm still picking it up. Notice Hasbro said for a long time. :(
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« Reply #66 on: August 9, 2006, 10:04 AM »
I'm on the sidelines. I did two customs and am happy with them so unless this is something new, I might take one, then again, I am more likely to pass.  For me, Hasbro needs to earn my business, not just throw new stuff out and expect me to just buy it.
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« Reply #67 on: August 9, 2006, 12:15 PM »
This gives me hope that this one may not be too hard to find....nah people are still going to buy this guy up in droves.

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Re: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)
« Reply #68 on: November 21, 2006, 04:01 PM »
I just about to do this trooper as a custom.
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Re: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)
« Reply #69 on: November 22, 2006, 05:40 PM »
with figures like gree and kashyyyk trooper, not only do i not care about accuracy flaws because i'm mainly a MOC collector, i dont care because we cant expect hasbro to get every single ******* detail right on every single ******* figure. im just thankful were getting a kashyyyk trooper and extra glad its SA and not the POTJ sculpt i would have expected from the big H. as much as i love criticizing hasbro, there comes a point in time where you just need to give them a break! i mean, the complaints about gree's helmet were a pointless bitchfest if you ask me, and i bought it, opened it, and liked it.

glad i got that out of my system.

im buying kashyyyk trooper, probably five, one to keep carded and four to open. you know, to have a lance.  8)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2006, 11:40 AM by Snaggletooth »
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)
« Reply #70 on: November 22, 2006, 08:25 PM »
How do you figure we have to give a break to Hasbro though?  Isn't that to be the other way around?  They're financially gaining off Star Wars, we're losing...  They (and retail) have jacked up prices on the line in the last few years while quality hasn't increased steadily with it across the board... 

I've never quite understood any argument that we owe ANYTHING to Hasbro.  That's in line with, "you should be grateful they even make this stuff", as if they're somehow doing it out of simple kindness to us all.   ;D  That was always another argument that made me laugh my ass off at the person saying it...  It makes no sense and slights yourself as a consumer.

The sculpt on Gree is good...  for a Clonetrooper.  Not for Gree...  For Gree, it's attrocious on multiple levels, and that's the SCULPT I'm talking about...  You get to the paintjob, and that's a whole other gripe with a figure Hasbro shortchanged the collectors on (and I wager you'll see an all-new Gree sculpt sometime for them to get that extra $$$ out of the fans, because they know they can pull that off).

Getting to the Gree Trooper though...  You're paying $7 for a figure you already have, and for many of us we bought plenty to make retail and Hasbro both happy...  Hasbro's making $$$ hand over fist by reselling it to fans and short of incurring slight production costs their main fixed costs are practically nill at that point, and it's just pure profit for them to put that sculpt back into circulation...  That's cool, and makes good business sense for them, but re-release it as a basic Scout Trooper again in the basic line next year, don't hand it out as a pseudo-Kashyyyk Clone...

Considering the fact that a Kashyyyk Trooper's going to sell incredibly well, and they know it's not a risk to sculpt it a-new, Hasbro is really screwing the collectors with this figure ultimately by saying this is all there is for the foreseeable future.

Now I'm sure we'll see a new one eventually too...  I can't fathom Hasbro doing this half-assed (and that's what it is) repaint and not ever dishing out a new one with allt he pouches, straps, and other details the uniform has...  Not to mention the proper helmet sculpt which is significantly different to the Scout's as well.  I think we will see that eventually...  And mixed together I think the troops will look ok too...

But at the end of the day, I, and nobody else on the boards here, owes Hasbro a single thing.  They owe me and others for being loyal to this line despite entire years of **** they threw at us such as 1999, 2002, etc.  They owe us a NEW figure that is accurate...  No breaks.  No corners cut...  They need to attain the level of quality they set as a standard for themselves each time they do a figure, otherwise they're telling you that this is all the more effort they cared to do, and that you and your loyalty and hard-earned cash aren't worth more...  But they'll still ask you $7 for it.   ::)
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)
« Reply #71 on: November 24, 2006, 10:53 PM »
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Re: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)
« Reply #72 on: November 25, 2006, 12:03 PM »
I for one am on the fence about assembling a squad of this guy. If it is indeed going to be a while before we get a more acurate version, in might be worth it to use the current figure as a place holder. On the otherhand, I'd still be a sucker. :-\
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Re: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2006, 11:41 AM »

im buying kashyyyk trooper, probably five, one to keep carded and four to open. you know, to have a lance.  8)

well, maybe one for now to stand alongside gree behind yoda only to get both heads chopped off in two seconds
David Delgado
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Re: Saga-065 Elite Corps Clone Trooper (aka BARC)
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2006, 02:10 PM »
You are actually quoting youself?  Are you having a conversation by yourself then?

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