Collecting > Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project

Great Job Everyone

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--- Quote from: Smartypants1635 on June  2, 2007, 08:00 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ryan on June  2, 2007, 06:55 PM ---
. Offhand I can think of only four U.S. cities that would even be options for us.

--- End quote ---

Denver, St. Louis. ummm I dunno, what else. I really hope its Denver ;D

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Denver assuming I've even still here yeah... Two years is too far in the future to determine whether or not that will even be feasible.

Personally I'm hoping for Knoxville Or New Orleans. ;D ;)

 Where I'm actually gonna be able to go. ;D

What I would like to do is start up a small one or two figure/ship/dio group project like we use to do at JD, Yak and RS. We will basically choose some character (fan fic, EU or movie) and make the same figure, discuss how to make it, show work in progress pictures, come up with a background story and make the same figure in paralle. Basically this is what we did for UGP but on a very small scale over a month time. We will do lots of these until its time for the big project. We won't start building or discussing the big C5 project until 6 months before C5 is to take place. There is no way to keep people focused for two years. Don't worry about size or booth space. We've got it covered.

Regarding the web site, we have some ideas that we are kicking around. You will see something pretty cool very soon there. I think you are all going to benefit from it.

Small sounds REAL GOOD right now!


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