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Messages - Straxus

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I got big plans for the medic. Still sketching up some of the details, however I plan on a totaly new body armor (a bit lighter than standard clones, thinking more like Biker Scout armor in coverage) I am also going to be making some medical accessories as well.

Here are two (of about five or six) helmets I have been working on. These two are pretty much done at the moment other that some very fine detailing and then mold/cast.
The one on the right is a revised Fallout Trooper grunt helmet based on the hasbro galactic marine helmet cast. (My previous Fallout trooper was based on my galactic marine scult...too big...)
The one on the left is going to be for a Medic Clone. I have been sketching up ideas for the armor and accessories. This is one I am really focused on right now. I chose the Airborne helmet as a base for this sculpt mainly as the first time I saw ROTS, I thought the airborne trooper was a medic clone. (I realized later they were not.)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 'Lost' - Season Three
« on: April 14, 2007, 07:16 PM »
WTF is with them being able to bring Locke's dad to the island...!?  A box that gives you whatever you need?  I need a room like for building my Star Wars collection. 
I am not religious, but I still say AMEN to that!

So far the stuff that has lasted the longest for me that has not spoiled is my liquid latex from TAP for layered mold building. I have had the same can of it for almost a year now (I find it hard to beleive that I started customizing 11 months ago...where did that time go?)

Sorry to hear about loss of product Smartypants... I have had that happen a few times and it sucks. Especially when funds for customizing are always limited...

Alot of this stuff says to store at room temperature (at the moment I use mainly TAP and Smooth-On stuff).
Just guessing with this next statement, but lower temperatures may cause some components to crystalize. Also was the container air tight sealed? Any leaks or cracks in container lid could have caused degredation of product. Also how long had it been since you used it last? Alot of molding/casting products warn that the shelf life decreases drasticaly after opening.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: April 3, 2007, 05:30 PM »
Well thanks for posting the link to it then!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Transformers Live Action Movies
« on: April 3, 2007, 05:28 PM »
As much as I love the old school G1 transformers, I gave the new designs some serious thought and it makes sense. If you look at the robot design of alot of the (origional) transformers they screamed "human" too much. The designs in the movie for their robot forms looks alien and that would make more sense as they literaly are aliens.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: April 3, 2007, 03:39 AM »
I must have that version of All Along the Watchtower they played at the end of the show.

It still has the auido from the show as it is pulled straight from it. It will be onthe soundtrack that will be released in Mid-August.

Thanks for putting that up for download! It saved me the hassle of running a cord across the room from the VCR to my computer and recording it...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: March 27, 2007, 06:26 AM »
That would makes sense as no one else mentions noticing a "bogey" on dradis (not sure if that is correct spelling)

Though I hope not.... to many people running arround with imaginary friends as it is in the show. Galactica needs less viper pilots and more psychiatric therapists...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: March 27, 2007, 02:44 AM »
Here is a thought...

Perhaps the final five cylons exist outside of space/time. The obvious connection between the final five cylons and the priest of the "temple of five" are seperated by four thousand years. As the "messenger of god" six in Baltars head had said as well as the "Leoben" from Kara's vision (before her fiery demise), "This has happened before"
The final five may be different in that instead of just being limited to being downloaded to a cloned body, they may "reincarnate" into a new body. So in a sense they would still be Cylons, but something different.
Just a thought...

However there is one very big point that leads to the brainwashing theory being right...
Many of the characters who think they are Cylons have been exposed to Cylons who had the fatal disease.
Also on that note...why has Six not caught that disease yet? If the disease can live for four thousand years on a probe in space it should thrive on Galactica despite the humans being immune.
Before someone says "...but wait! those sick cylons were quarantined", remember that one was brought before Adama and others with a neck collar (AFTER they discovered humans were immune) The disease could have spread at that point...

Well enough of my ramblings for now...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: March 26, 2007, 06:08 PM »
I imagine they will add it to the next soundtrack they do for the show, since that version was tailored specificly for the show.

Did anyone else notice that across part of what would be the usa, at the end of the show, looked like glaciers? It may have just been the great plains, but looked more like glaciers to me.

The song being also from earth also could mean one of the following...
The gods of the cylons was also a Bob Dylan fan or as stated previously either here or other boards, Bob Dylan is the god of the Cylons! (My girlfriends likes that idea...)

Another theory... with all these "possible" cylons popping up, the only actual member of the human race left is Helo....hehehe. (Dont actually beleive that but it would be funny!)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: March 26, 2007, 02:09 AM »
I am glad I read the spoiler first so I did not soil myself watching the ending... Even knowing what was going to happen still was not the same as actually watching it!!!!
Though the wait will suck, I am glad they are going to tie up the show while it is still good instead of dragging it on like the X-files...


5.  If you try Sculpy for a month and don't find it to your liking, order some Fixit Sculpt from

All shall be turned to the FIXIT side of the force.... all is going according to our design, in time you all will call FIXIT your sculpting medium...
However in all seriousness he is right, its great stuff!

Was curious Ruprecht, what do you use for your mold making primarily? (forgive me if I asked on another forum and forgot...)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Recent 30AC Purchases
« on: March 25, 2007, 01:10 AM »
Made a super score today!!!
X4 Galactic Marines
X2 Airborne Troopers
X2 Concept Stormtroopers

I also acted like a silly fool grinning ear to ear from the toy isle all the way to the cash register and to the car... I restrained myself from doing the happy dance along the way...
All local, saved me a 30-40 mile trip to portland to look for figures, that was the best part!

EDITED - to fix my typo from being tired...

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Hasbro 30AC Overload Already?
« on: March 24, 2007, 03:08 AM »
Hell I have not even seen a TAC item yet.  Unless you count the Tins. 
Ya... starting to get really annoyed... Nothing showing in my part of the world yet..

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