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Messages - Jesse James

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Power of the Force 2 / Re: Admiral Piett
« on: March 13, 2006, 06:08 PM »
Could've even left it grey since there were grey long-brimmed guys on the bridge in ESB...  :)

It's a good generic head but doesn't look like the actor particularly.  You can see it, but you gotta look hard to do so. ;)  Better generic IMO.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:38 AM »
I got a couple Sun Fac's today at Target.

Of course no Clones to be found.

Scored tons of other great goodies at the Toy Show...  But Sun Facs were a bit of a surprise.  That whole wave has been a pain to find here irregardless of character.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Please Vote Willrow Hood
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:36 AM »
Throw an Obi Pilot cloak on a turd and make it one to a case, and it will sell as the brown blob Jedi.

That's the irony of the repacks...  Supposedly made for the kiddies, but bought (I'd wager my left nut) in droves by the adults because collectors are the guys that will buy every one to have the whole set...  Hasbro not only f's over children, but plays the collector world like a fiddle (not that we don't know it, we just have come 10 years and aren't wanting to quit now).

That turd Jedi is days away though I tells ya.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Coruscant Wave
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:34 AM »
I was reading the forums elsewhere and saw major hooplah over the Coruscant Wave showing up.

The wave's hot due to Cody, and I really think he turned out to be a great figure.  I'm the last guy to knock articulation complaints, obviously, but even I don't mind the shortcomings Cody has (shoulders and ankles).  To me he's pretty great...  Near perfect actually.

I'm really excited to not find these figures!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Please Vote Willrow Hood
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:31 AM »
I'll vote for him...  Him or Kyle Katarn.  I'm sorry but Katarn's one I was shocked to see listed and one of the best EU characters to this day.  I'd gladly vote for either...

If Katarn's out, I'm an ICMG campaigner exclusively.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Vehicles: Do You Collect/Display Them?
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:30 AM »
Even if it's not to scale (heck, what really is in most toy lines anyway)

BBI and X-Treme Detail for starters...  Both of which make incredibly complex vehicles out of more parts than probably 10 Hasbro toys combined and for prices that rival Hasbro.  I've never seen Hasbro as having an "excuse" with vehicles, and the way they factor size and price they actually don't make an excuse either.

A ship is often scaled to the packaging more than the figures...  price maintains at a constant ($15, $20, & $30 if we're using ROTS as an example).  The ship is made to fit a "standard" they've set for the box though...  Could they deliver more?  Sure, but it would require deviating from presets which they won't do...  If it's to-scale by coincidence though it works, like the Tri-Fighter, JSF's, etc... 

Thankfully they get off their ass now and then and do something pretty spectacular though like the TIE Fighter last year or the Saga Landspeeder.  I only hope things like AT-ST, Snowspeeder, and some others get redone...  Otherwise I've come to expect little out of them with their vehicles.

When you open a $20 halftrack from 21st Cent. Toys and compare it to anything Hasbro made though, there's simply nothing they have that has come close to that quality level...  No matter how big or small the Hasbro ship is.

For me, ships are so collector-focused these days anyway (honestly, look at the exclusives...  Unless its a movie year, ships generally go to the adults) and sell so poorly overall (I blame a bit of burnout on the "same old same old" here) I think they'd be better off doing less and less vehicles within any year and they should  focus producing all-new and "collector-focused" ships every whipstitch as exclusives (like the Landspeeder)...  Preferably ones that can be repainted and re-released as something totally new ala what the military lines do to help the costs.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:18 AM »
Is that Corran Horn as a Rogue Squadron member or as Corsec or as SNORE a Jedi...

I guess I am very out of touch with the Star Wars collecting community.  Only 2 of the 25 would have even made my top 50.

And to me Darth VADER is the only Darth and HAN Solo is the only Solo..I don't even know who that cast of Breakfast Cereal Characters are...

Thats okay, I have Tuskie, so the world is right.

I'm just not sure how my vote for "Third Rebel Fleet trooper from the left in the Tantive IV who is kneeling on his left knee, but would come fully articulated with multiple heads sculpts and interchangable hands" didn't get into the top 25, I was pretty sure everybody was gonna suggest that one...

I did.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:15 AM »
The figure is indeed great.

I was reading around forums tonight to play catch up from the weekend...  I really see a lot of anger, and I can understand a lot of it, but it's making the hobby just fill up with the less favorable these days...  People angry over nothing, people fighting over silliness...

The VOTC look great, they're what I'm really anxious to get this year because right now the basic figures just look like they're going to fill everyone with rage and hate in this hobby.

At least VOTC have SOME chance of maybe being findable.  The $10 pricepoint has always proven the slower seller, so maybe that'll work out for those of us wanting to unload heavy scratch on these figures.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: How big is your army?
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:09 AM »
I was doing some counting...  Save for some of the variants, I think I overdid it on some stuff, but I can't help myself so I'm sure I'll try for more.  Got another Clone Pilot at the toy show today...  Must have more...  of everything really.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: TRU 2-pks
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:08 AM »
Actually he comes with the #43 Wookiee's Bowcaster...  My Wookiee's hold that fine.  The thumb fits in the hold perfect.

I hate the big gangly "feature" piece on top though.  I've been cutting them off for a realistic bowcaster instead. 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:06 AM »
They've been long gone for a while>  I think Entertainment Earth has some though, check our front page for the link and browse their site.  I believe they have individual sets for fairly reasonable prices.

Power of the Force 2 / Re: FX X-Wing
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:05 AM »
Yeah, if you had Hills, you had these things in droves for $20 or even less.  I bought tons...  Was gonna customize but the scale of it just turned me off eventually and I sold them.

Power of the Force 2 / Re: Admiral Piett
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:04 AM »
Is he worth what exactly?  That's the better question.

He's, compared to modern Impy's, a weak figure overall.  I was never terribly pleased with the likeness myself.  He's got a somewhat "walking" pose to him too which I never was fond of. 

By today's standards he's a weak figure, though he's all there is too for that character, so if you want him that's it.  He should be cheap enough, there was no shortage of this guy, though for a time he was tough to find...  That changed fast though.

Conventions / Re: Pgh toy show
« on: March 13, 2006, 01:01 AM »
I actually skipped the Saturday show because I wasn't feeling up to snuff, but Sunday I caved early in the morning and tore out there...  Ran into my buddy Tronzo from the PSWCS and local Pittsburgh Collecting group (though Tronz lives out in State College area).

Took my gf and her youngest to the show.  He got pictures with Jango and Darth Vader of the 501st Garrison Carida who always attend the show.  It was nice of them to do that, and they were really nice to him. 

I have to say that going on Sunday is a whole other experience to going on Saturday.  The sellers are often "abandoning ship" so to speak. :)  I love it.

Saturday I usually do the early buyer event to scoop up any of the particualrly tasty bits before someone pounces on them, but on Sunday it's all about the deals...  Saturday is about deals too but Sunday is where your money gets its mileage.

I got a plethora of random items for cheap...

I nabbed the Vintage Star Wars Slide Projector set (complete) for a mere $10 and it works.

I got a Small Head Han Solo for $10 that is the mintest specimen I've ever seen in my life off the card.  Simply flawless in every way, and while that wans't a figure I was lookign to upgrade in my loose vintage collection, I honestly couldn't pass it up.

I got the R4 and WEG-1618 from Star Tours for a mere $10, which is an outstanding price on ST figures.

I got 3 ASP-7 droids for dioramas and such for about $2 each, as well as random other modern extras like Fode & Beed, FX-7, Clone Pilot, ROTS Mas Ameda...  My gf's son got some figures on the cheap too, though he makes me proud when he says that Jango sucks becuase he "can't move".

I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment of every Jango figure. :)

I got the Episode 1 Jabba w/Announcer set for *drum roll* $12...  I got 3 Army of Darkness 2-packs for a mere $5 spot.

I found out Billy Dee Williams will be at the next show which actually has my attention for once.  I'll get a Lando autograph no doubt.

Saw lots of other good deals but passed...

By the end of the day I spent $80 at the show, plus I got 2 more Sun Fac figures at Target before teh show which rocked since I love Sun Fac (my new Geonosian Army Builder).

I think my prize is the Film Projector, that's a really nice piece.  I never had it so it's somethign I wanted that was odd...  The other stuff was great fodder, diorama bits, etc...  The Jabba I got because he was hard to find in my area and I still didn't have him so that was a steal at less than retail.

I saw few (to really hardly any) Scorch and Utapau Clones.  2 Tables had them,a nd they're the two "bigtime" scalpers in Pittsburgh that are notorious for scouring the area.  One had numerous of both, the other guy seemed like he maybe had one of each...  Doesn't account for Ebay scalpers, but of the douchesacks that set up tables there were only 2 I noticed with them so that was pleasant anyway.

If I'd had more $ I saw lots of E1 army builders I wanted but had to pass on.  Maybe next show in July.  I may do 2 days in a row for that show just to see what I can get Sunday that I couldnt' get cheaper on Saturday. :)

Good show, and if they're really gonna get guys like Billy Dee Williams, I wish the Toy Show and COmic Con would join forces on some level...  I'm shocked the Toy Show got Williams though and Comic Con didn't.  CC is more known for autographs, and still is really, but the Toy Show scored a winner with Mr. Colt .45 himself.

Newbies / Re: Hey!
« on: March 13, 2006, 12:44 AM »
Welcome aboard McCusto, I've seen your nick over at Scum...  Good to see a newer face from there over here to mingle with the moldy oldies.

Got a pretty good site, lots of traffic, lots of good informed conversations going on...  I think you'll enjoy yourself.  As always feel free to ask anything if you've got questions and just have a good time here at

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