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Messages - gsgsgs

Pages: [1]
The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode III's big surprise REVEALED!
« on: April 13, 2004, 09:51 AM »
One one hand, if jarjar is just a dumass, it means that palpatine's rise to power and the creation of the clone army are just the result of an impredictable blunder.

On the other hand, if he is indeed a sith, it means that his presence at the senate in ep. 2 was engineered from the start with palpatine (ie : having padme go back to naboo early in ep. 2, etc.).

As ****** as it may be, I think having jarjar as the ultimate villain just makes sense. If not, why did he appear in ep. 2 at all ??

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode III's big surprise REVEALED!
« on: April 13, 2004, 04:48 AM »
I really think Binks will be revealed as sith in ep.3. Remember what the Lucasfilm guys have been saying so far:

"Jar Jar's role is smaller than Ep II." - Rick McCallum
"Jar-Jar's role in Ep3 is not that important." - Pablo Hidalgo

Seems suspiciously affirmative to me...

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode III's big surprise REVEALED!
« on: April 9, 2004, 01:33 PM »
The actual surprise is that Jar Jar Bings will be revealed as a sith.
Remember that :
- he came out of nowhere in ep. 1;
- it was never really cleared out why he was cast out of the gungan city;
- more importantly, he is the one who proposes emergency powers for palpatine in ep. 2 and provokes the creation of the clone army contrary to the will of padme, who is strongly against it.

My guess is either he was a sith from the beginning or he was replaced by a shapechanger between ep. 1 and 2.  

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