Author Topic: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)  (Read 267690 times)

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #945 on: February 2, 2017, 12:36 PM »
I think it's far more likely that she was hidden away by either Luke or her parents because someone recognized something dangerous in Ben.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #946 on: February 3, 2017, 10:34 AM »
Hopefully it's not another virgin birth. Plagus/Snoke was busy with those kind of experiments.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #947 on: February 4, 2017, 04:32 PM »
I think Rey has to be Luke's daughter. 

 - She can't be Han & Leia's.  It would be ridiculous for Han and Leia to focus solely on Bringing Ben back to the light while having just found their long lost daughter.  They don't mention losing her and Leia would be force sensitive enough to know she's hugging her own daughter.  There seems to be some kind of connection to each of them, but that seems more befitting a niece than a daughter.

- While I kind of like this concept, it also seems far fetched that she's a Kenobi.  We've skipped a whole character/family/generation between Obi-Wan and Rey, so this would basically be about the same as a "she's not related to anyone" if it turns out to be true.  If Obi had a son/daughter, then they'd almost certainly be force sensitive. Where would that character have been during ESB/ROTJ and why would Luke be their "last hope?"  Seems like a pretty big backstory to conjour up and fairly out of character for Obiwan anyway.

- I don't buy that she's Kanan or Ezra's kid.  I think Disney plans for loose, minimal ties back to the Rebels storylines.  If we had heard more than Easter Egg references to the Rebels cast in Rogue One, then I'd give this more of a chance, but it feels like too big of a leap from the cartoon to the big screen.  Besides, don't Kanan and Hera have something going on?  Rey sure doesn't look Twi'lek to me.   ;)

 - It's certainly possible that she's not related to anyone or was even conceived by the force, similar to Anakin's backstory.  NEight of these would be very satisfying though.  People are too closely related throughout the SW saga for her to just be some random person, and the force just creating a person was hard enough to swallow the first time.  Can't imagine they would go back there again.

Rey clearly has a reaction to touching a blade that's been in both Anakin and Luke's possession.  She's apparently 19, which is the same age Luke was in ANH.  If my math is right, he would have been about 33-34 when Rey would have been conceived, which is a good fit.  She also seems pretty powerful for never having been trained - another trait among Skywalkers. The biggest question mark is how Luke could knowingly leave Rey behind.  But what if he doesn't even know she's alive?  Whoever the mom is, she might not have told Luke.  Or maybe he knew of his child, but thought she also died in the chaos that sent him into exile.  Another consideration is the whole concept of attachment for the Jedi.  We know that attachment leads to fear of loss and fear is the path to the dark side.  Maybe Luke felt that maintaining any kind of attachment to Rey could drive him to the dark side, so the lesser evil was abandoning his daughter and going into exile rather than unleashing another Darth Vader on the galaxy. That might explain Snoke and Kylo's reaction to "the girl," possibly realizing she is the long lost daughter of Luke. 

We talked about the coincidence of the Falcon being on Jakku, but I actually think the bigger coincidence is Lor San Tekka's presence.  What are the odds that a close ally of the New Republic and follower of the Church of the Force is hiding on Jakku as well.  The same guy who has the missing key to Luke's whereabouts.  I think Lor is on Jakku watching over Rey the same way that Obi watched over Luke.  Maybe Luke entrusts Lor with both his kid and his whereabouts, and Lor finally gives up Luke's location because the First Order is poised to become a bigger threat. 
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #948 on: February 4, 2017, 04:53 PM »
I agree Lor San Tekka's presence is something to consider. I agree with all your points in general - anything outside of Rey Skywalker requires a lot of heavy lifting. Except Rey Solo.  :) We simply don't know if Han and Leia had any other children. There is no reference to Ben being an only child (or not being one). The presumed death or abduction of a child could be the tragedy referred to in some of the canon materials that I mentioned before. Leia's force sensitivity seems to be (sadly) much less than Luke's, and triggered in every onscreen case by something happening to family. As you said, the emphasis on the connection between Leia and Rey (total strangers) is odd at the end of TFA. Could be Leia is her aunt, for sure. Rey also has a very strong, immediate connection to Han (and vice-versa) and at the end of the movie is literally and figuratively sitting in his seat. Rey's connections to the Skywalker/Solo family are ENORMOUS and could go either way, but I lean Solo for now.

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #949 on: February 6, 2017, 07:58 AM »
There's a reference in the Visual Dictionary for The Force Awakens to a "profound tragedy" that was at the heart of breaking up Han and Leia's relationship.  The loss of a child would certainly rank up there in my book.  How did she potentially get separated from her parents?

A more immediate question seems to be how did Rey get to Jakku.  And I also think that Lor San Tekka's presence on Jakku might have something to do with it, too.  I keep thinking more and more that Luke was responsible for placing Rey on Jakku, and that Lor San Tekka was there to watch over her.  And I think that Lor San Tekka having the map segment leading to Luke on Ach-To was given to him BY LUKE.

And there's also something about the First Order that comes to mind, and we learned about it by way of Finn's story:  the First Order Stormtrooper corps was built from children.  Even General Hux seems remarkably young compared to the Imperial Officers we saw in the OT.  So where did these children come from?  While it does seem that the First Order was built from some remnants of the Empire, it seems like it may have built itself up with children who were indoctrinated from birth to serve the First Order.  I'm thinking that Rey may have been taken from Han and Leia as Snoke tried to build the First Order with his ranks of children.
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Offline EdSolo

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #950 on: February 6, 2017, 09:41 AM »
The events of Bloodlines does not make it seem like the "profound tragedy" has happened yet.  While Han and Leia are not "together" as being in the same place in Bloodlines, it does not appear that they are apart as we see them in TFA.  I have to think the "profound tragedy" is Ben's transformation into Kylo Ren and his destruction of the Jedi Temple. 

The timing of everything is what seems off.  Initially, one would have thought Rey was abandoned on Jakku in response to the massacre.  However, the massacre occurs a lot closer to TFA than ROTJ.  The huge mystery would be the who and why of leaving Rey on Jakku.  I also have to wonder if Rey is her birth name or not. 

If Rey is Han and Leia's daughter, do they not know it when Han finds her or Leia sees her once back they are at the Resistance base?  If they do know it, it seems pretty cold not to tell her.

If Rey is Luke's daughter, were Han and Leia unaware that he had a child?

If she is another Chosen One, then we just have some poor writing.  If the Sith, as we know them, existed in the shadows for around 1,000 years, and in all that time we only see the Chosen One when Palpatine becomes the Master, why are we seeing another one about 50 years or less later?  I guess we have to wait and see what Snoke is.  He does not seem as powerful as Sidious as of yet so it would seem odd that another Chosen One would be needed to take him out.

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #951 on: February 6, 2017, 12:36 PM »
A more immediate question seems to be how did Rey get to Jakku.  And I also think that Lor San Tekka's presence on Jakku might have something to do with it, too.  I keep thinking more and more that Luke was responsible for placing Rey on Jakku, and that Lor San Tekka was there to watch over her.  And I think that Lor San Tekka having the map segment leading to Luke on Ach-To was given to him BY LUKE.

WHAT?!  That's a great theory...

We talked about the coincidence of the Falcon being on Jakku, but I actually think the bigger coincidence is Lor San Tekka's presence.  What are the odds that a close ally of the New Republic and follower of the Church of the Force is hiding on Jakku as well.  The same guy who has the missing key to Luke's whereabouts.  I think Lor is on Jakku watching over Rey the same way that Obi watched over Luke.  Maybe Luke entrusts Lor with both his kid and his whereabouts, and Lor finally gives up Luke's location because the First Order is poised to become a bigger threat.
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Online McMetal

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #952 on: February 6, 2017, 12:48 PM »
How old is Kylo supposed to be in TFA?

I think given what has been presented in TFA, it is an easier leap of logic to Luke being her Dad than Han.

I was thinking it would have been kind of cool if Rey's mom had been an older student at the academy, maybe even someone kylo knew and loved himself, making him all the more bitter and angry when she hooked up with Luke and opening the whole door to the dark side for him. Maybe she gets killed in the massacre and Luke hides Rey away to protect her, letting everyone think she is dead too, even Han and leia, because he couldn't risk reaching out after he was on the run.

for kicks they could still call her mom Mara Jade  :D
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Offline JediJman

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #953 on: February 6, 2017, 12:53 PM »
He is supposedly born quickly following the events of Endor, so about 29 or 30. Heck, it's possible he was conceived in the Ewok Village. 

As for Rey's mom and/or Mara...have we heard anything about who Laura Dern is playing in TLJ yet?   :-X
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Online McMetal

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #954 on: February 6, 2017, 01:38 PM »
I think she actually plays Leia's political rival. Don't recall the name but she is mentioned in the Aftermath books.
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Offline EdSolo

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #955 on: February 6, 2017, 02:26 PM »
Rey is hidden away probably at least 7 years before the massacre.  She is not hidden away due to the massacre occurring.  The events of the Bloodline novel is probably what pushes Ben to the darkside.  Ben was in his early 20's when he finally learns that Anakin became Vader.  In Bloodlines, Leia's political enemies learn the truth and expose it to the galaxy at large via the New Republic Senate, thus destroying Leia's career and pushing her towards the creating of the Resistance.  At the same time, Ben is training with Luke and Han is out running a racing team.  The Solo family had not fallen apart yet.  In TFA Leia laments that sending Ben away to train with Luke is when she lost Ben and Han.  I think this really reinforces the theory that Ben turning and killing the Jedi is what caused the rift between Han and Leia.

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #956 on: February 6, 2017, 04:44 PM »
A more immediate question seems to be how did Rey get to Jakku.  And I also think that Lor San Tekka's presence on Jakku might have something to do with it, too.  I keep thinking more and more that Luke was responsible for placing Rey on Jakku, and that Lor San Tekka was there to watch over her.  And I think that Lor San Tekka having the map segment leading to Luke on Ach-To was given to him BY LUKE.

WHAT?!  That's a great theory...

We talked about the coincidence of the Falcon being on Jakku, but I actually think the bigger coincidence is Lor San Tekka's presence.  What are the odds that a close ally of the New Republic and follower of the Church of the Force is hiding on Jakku as well.  The same guy who has the missing key to Luke's whereabouts.  I think Lor is on Jakku watching over Rey the same way that Obi watched over Luke.  Maybe Luke entrusts Lor with both his kid and his whereabouts, and Lor finally gives up Luke's location because the First Order is poised to become a bigger threat.

I've seen the theory floated elsewhere, too.  So don't break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back.  The "mindful watcher" is yet another parallel from ANH, and there are always parallels and echoes to similar themes throughout the series.

There's also further evidence of a link between Luke and Lor San Tekka.  In his Official Site databank entry this much is said about Lor San Tekka:
After the Battle of Endor, San Tekka helped Luke Skywalker recover secret Jedi lore that the Empire had tried to erase

As for the "profound tragedy"?  I think we're getting set up for a big secret reveal in The Last Jedi that might be akin to the Vader reveal in TESB, and it might very well involve that story point.

But I'm also interested in the other points.
-Where did all of the child soldiers for the First Order come from?
-And just what will Kylo Ren finish that Darth Vader started?
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Offline JediJman

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #957 on: February 9, 2017, 05:01 PM »
Less about patting myself on the back and more about you not taking the time to read a post literally two up from yours that said exactly the same thing 2 days earlier.  Fail.
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #958 on: February 9, 2017, 06:09 PM »
Less about patting myself on the back and more about you not taking the time to read a post literally two up from yours that said exactly the same thing 2 days earlier.  Fail.

So, do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue or is it some need to be acknowledged?  Because I DID read your post.  Hence the word...

And I also think that Lor San Tekka's presence on Jakku might have something to do with it, too.

Get over yourself.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)
« Reply #959 on: February 10, 2017, 09:46 AM »
Cripes you have thin skin.   ::)
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