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Messages - Scockery

Pages: 1 ... 172 173 174 175 176 [177] 178 179 180 181 182 ... 189
Drugs!  Vintage gamorrean a step backwards?! Best likeness of a star wars character in a figure ever period.

I said the hip joints were a step backwards, not the whole figure. The likeness is the best GG ever and worthy of its praise (gushing), but I'd like more functional poseability to go with it. That's why I say he's overrated.

He is growing on me...and I'm pleased there's a popular army builder that's not a clone. Who'd have thought that sandtroopers and clone troopers would be massed on pegs while a green pig man was hard to find? 

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« on: December 31, 2010, 08:33 PM »
Finally found a Gamorrean Guard today. Paying *gasp* $7.99, actual retail, really sucks after holiday sales.

No offensive to its fans, but it's probably the most overrated Star Wars figure of the year.

-Ball jointed shoulders with 90% of their ball-movement restricted. Ummm...why'd they bother? I know they are capable of having shoulder armor and allowing some ball-socket shoulder movement, they've done it before. With GG you have to force it, risking paint rubs and loose joints. Not cool.
-Swivel hips that can't really swivel. If they are hidden by the skirt, why the heck did they restrict them? This is a STEP BACKWARDS from both previous 3 3/4" versions of the character. It reduces the benefits of the knees and ankles, too.
-The helmet that falls off constantly.
-The skirt mess.

That said, it's not a bad figure. The three weapons are nice. The sculpting is good (except where it restricts movement). And at least he doesn't have a goatee. It's just a few bad calls by Hasbro that kept GG from being truly great.

I probably won't be picking up another one, unless there's a good sale or I actually get the new Jabba the Hutt (Fat chance...ha...of that, as the only Wal-Mart here that carried him, sold out.), and want to round out his court. 

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: December 30, 2010, 05:17 PM »
Neat....So its "action feature" is a battle game card ?  ya....that's exciting alright.

"Rolling  Wheels" are the action feature.  :P

Collect All 92! / Re: Bespin Security Guard
« on: December 29, 2010, 01:25 PM »
I still like the vintage ones are the best. Though they have cross compatibility issues themselves, the big difference in their head sizes.

Never owned the Freezing chamber playset one. Looks totally awful.

I'm not a fan of the newest ones for all the reasons listed for the new ones, ill-fitting hat, too tall, too many uniform wrinkles, weird "black-face". The dark-skinned one's right ear looks off, too low compared to his left (at least on the figure I have).

I like the Kenner guards, except the gold paint that rubbed off easily. I remember using the Kenner Bespin Guards as Cobra troops when all I had was 2 Cobra figures.

Between my brother and I, we had 2 white guards and 8 black ones. The black ones were peg warmers before anyone used the term "peg warmer"  and I recall occassionally find rows of him years after he stopped being made, especially in more obscure department stores. Certain figures were like that back then. Not many collectors, lots of figures made...if the general public didn't want them they stuck around even on clearance. Draco from Buck Rogers was like that, too, and some of the Indiana Jones ROTLA bad guys, as well. Crystal Ball from G.I.JOE was another one.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars General Battle Pack Thread
« on: December 27, 2010, 12:45 PM »
But...but...they added BATTLE MATS!

It's like those vinyl playmats cowboy and army sets I got when I was young, printed on terrain is so much fun.  :P

Dr. P, You forgot to mention Hasbro saying that $20 was the standard gift  point for boys, the Battle Packs being a gift set aimed at parents/etc. buying presents for birthdays/etc.

Also worth noting that the single carded figures often include more accessories than their battle pack releases. Ahsoka with Rotta the Hutt vs. Ahsoka with just a lightsaber.

TV-9D9 / Re: Robot Chicken Star Wars
« on: December 26, 2010, 09:18 PM »
I like Yarael Poof stuff mainly because it points out how Yoda and Mace just make all the council decisions without any visible input from the others.

Also, Jar Jar Binks' "Yeah, you use'aded me." scene

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: December 23, 2010, 10:38 PM »
Saw Cato and Embo for the first time ever at Wal-Mart, got 'em both for $6 each. Cato didn't ring up, thankfully the cashier re-scanned Embo instead. I'm saving them for X-Mas/Post X-mas opening.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars General Battle Pack Thread
« on: December 23, 2010, 10:33 PM »
Very hard to find. I lucked out and saw one and got it on sale over a month ago. Haven't seen it since. The Mandalorian stuff appeals to both collectors and kids (and scalpers). I've seen the deluxe pack just a few times, but I've yet to see the single card Death Watch Mando (which is the same as the battle pack, I think).

I'm so amused by the random prospects that I'll talk myself into actually buying something at regular retail price that I otherwise might not get.  See, they reeled me in already. :P

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars General Battle Pack Thread
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:46 PM »
Army of the Republic battle pack packaged picture here:
Clone Wars Wave 4 Battle Packs Preorder at Entertainment Earth

As everyone thought, nothing too exciting.

Might be more like old stock of Anakin with Can Cell or Dooku with Speeder Bike.

It'll be fun to hear what everyone gets.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2010 Saga Legends Figures
« on: December 19, 2010, 01:40 PM »
Yeah, just when I thought I was out, they keep pulling me back in!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Wave 19 (aka Fall 2010 Wave 5)
« on: December 17, 2010, 10:47 PM »
I found the undead geonosian  at TRU today.  None of the rest.

Just saw the flier, another friday-saturday (17th and 18th) sale at Toys R Us. Star Wars Clone Wars and Legends are Two for $9.99 again (that's funny with the price hike!).

Also, VINTAGE will be on sale for $7.99. Oh, wow.  ::)

Not sure I'll make the trip, last few times they had nothing of interest, beyond the same old army builders that I'd rather go after loose on ebay.

I'd skip the bunker. It didn't cut it in the late 90's. They've have to up its size and put somethig on the inside.

New speeder bikes might be nice, as in NEW. I dislike the Clone Wars speeder bike mold  with it's sagging soft plastic front end. The one with the At-At can even sit on the ground well, which the Kenner one from 27 years ago could do. And I actually did like the exploding feature, even if it occassionaly activated when you didn't want it to.

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