I have these for sale ... I would love to sell in lots....
$6 each

$6 each (Throne n/a)
Not Pictured, But available is Conan vs. Kong 2pc set Diorama $10Soldiers - Instant collection LOT ! ! !

and tons of Star Wars Stuff:
All Figures are Mint on Card, May have some wear.... (some have more wear than others, pics are available).
All Figures are $5 unless otherwise noted.
TSC (Saga)
Firespeeder Pilot x3
Utapau Trooper x7
UGH Vader - $10
Major Bren Derlin
General Rieekan
At At Driver x 5
Power Droid
C3PO w/ Battle Droid Head on
Combat Engineer Trooper
Hoth Vader
AA Endor Trooper
UGH Snowtrooper - $10
Boba Fett
Moff JerJerrod
Sandtrooper w/ Blk Pauldron
Hem Dazon
Exclusive Target Demise of General Grievous - $10 -
501st trooper – Vader’s Legion x17
Shocktrooper x 11
Clone Trooper SA #41 x4
Clone Trooper #6 x12
AT TE Tank Gunner x2
Clone Trooper w/ Jetpack x2 - $8
Clone Trooper 3pack w/ Green Markings x2
Clone Trooper 3pack w/ Blue Markings x2
Clone Trooper 3pack w/ Red Markings x2
Clone Trooper 3pack w/ no Markings
Commander Bacara x5
AT RT Driver x6
Commander Bly x2
Black Clone Pilot x5
Target Exclusive Commander Neyo x2 - $10
Exclusive TRU Hologram Yoda - $10
Darth Vader
Red Royal Guard
Exclusive TRU Hologram Emperor - $10
Pregnant Padme
Target Exclusive Utapau Trooper - $10
Governor Tarkin
Count Dooku
Blue Royal Guard
Wal-Mart Exclusive DVD Release Clone Trooper 3pack x3 - $10
Clone Evololutions 3-Pack - $20
Wedge Antilles - $10
The Anniversary Collection (TAC)
Galactic Marine x6
V-Wing Vehicle - $25
Vader Sith Starfighter - $20
Flashback Vader
Boba Fett Hologram Sticker w/ Black Circle on gloves
Anakin Skywalker Flashback
Freeze Frame Vader w/ Removable Helmet
Grand Moff Tarkin w/ Holo Sticker
Rebel Pilot Cinema Scene 3pack - $10
Mynock Hunt Cinema Scene 3pack - $10
Jedi Cloak Mace
Naboo Royal Guard / Jedi Quest Card still attached
Naboo Obi Wan
Clone Wars
Anakin - $8
Saga (Blue Card)
AOTC Red Clone w/ Canon - $10
POTF Expanded Universe
Grand Admiral Thrawn - $10
Dark Luke Skywalker - $10
Entertainment Earth Exclusive AOTC Clone Trooper four Pack - Color Battle Damaged - $20 -
PENDINGEntertainment Earth Exclusive AOTC Clone Trooper four Pack - Color Clean -$20 -
Clone Attack on Coruscant x2 - $20
Rebel vs Empire - $20
The Hunt for Grievous - $20
Skirmish in the Senate - $20
Total Recall - $5
The Chronicles of Narnia Deluxe Version - $10
AvP 1 - $5
Underworld - $5
Some BustsDiamond Transformers Busts
Megatron - $45
Optimus Prim $45
Bumble Bee - $45
Take all three for $100 SHIPPED !!!!!!!!
And one more:
$20 shipped and it's yours

Shipping will be calculated by location so buy more save more