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Messages - Brian

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 18, 2024, 09:29 PM »
Agree with a lot of what has been said. I think the 6” scale vehicles for Star Wars are maybe a tough sell. They have covered things that are a little easier to put out there, like the Landspeeder, speeder bikes, etc. The larger stuff they have done has largely sat or gone clearance, but there isn’t a very big sample size for that either. I personally love the Snowspeeder they did, it’s beautiful. That being said, mine is packed away because it is tough to display (plus the whole thing of having one or two six inch scaled vehicles amongst all the 3 3/4” ones.)

Which brings me to Jeff’s friend’s other point…converting small scale collectors to 6” collectors. With probably some exceptions, the Joe team has done a great job at this. Kind of the on,y game in town, outside of Super 7 stuff. Star Wars is so segmented, and has been for awhile, which I think is part of their problem. Heck, we even have competition within scales with the new Epic collection or whatever it is called. They always seem to be trying maybe a little too much at once instead of really committing to something. In the vintage, POTF2, and prequels days it as pretty much “you like Star Wars? Well here is THE line” (with a footnote of the 12” line). Plus the fact that you could largely do both with those prices. That just isn’t realistic now, not to mention players like Hot Toys.

Just got Kanan from Amazon and came straight here to say how impressed I am with this figure. It’s just a terrific all around realization of the character and very faithfully executed, from sculpt to paint apps, to accessories. A+  :)

Ezra is on the way, looking forward to his arrival!

Received my Kanan figure today as well, and couldn’t agree more. Outstanding figure. Really, between all of the Rebels crew we’ve gotten between this wave, the Ahsoka figures, and the deluxe Zeb, we really have a nice looking Rebels crew.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Do You Keep a Carded Set of TVC?
« on: July 17, 2024, 06:23 PM »
Thank you everyone for the advice, I’ve actually been thinking of doing something similar to what Jeff mentioned, just hanging onto a smaller subset. I’ve gone through them all, sorted them out, and just have to let go. Honestly they are just sitting in totes, and I can’t see a scenario where I’m going to have them all out displayed on a wall or whatever. I just don’t have that kind of space. Plus, hopefully someone else that is more interested can get use out of them.

The Vintage Collection / Do You Keep a Carded Set of TVC?
« on: July 8, 2024, 09:30 PM »
I personally am not really a carded collector at all, but since the VOTC days…continuing to present day…I’ve kept up with the OT characters. It branched off to prequels, sequels, and Mandoverse stuff as well for a bit…but I’ve since sold those off. I do really like having the OT ones, probably primarily out of nostalgia, but they just keep getting put in a tote, that is in storage. Another one of those “some day” things, but honestly I can’t ever see having a wall (or let’s face it, at this point, a room) full of carded figures.

I guess I’m trying to decide if I want to keep these or start selling them off. It is one of those things where I do like having them, but we also have some large vet bills, and this would speed along the process of pay off. Just curious if any of you have been continuing on with a carded set (in addition to loose), or if space (or figure prices) has slowed that down. Just another crazy collector, first world problem 😉

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 4 (New TVC Wave 36)
« on: July 5, 2024, 06:20 PM »
I received my Leias, Artoos, Stormtroopers, Vader, and an extra X-Wing Luke (re-release) over the past few days. I get it, I’m all for “all new characters” too, but these figures look amazing. Plus, getting all these ANH figures at once is really fun. Leia in particular is an absolute standout, and long overdue. The hood accessory works pretty slick, and looks great with or without. (I’d buy a re-release with soft goods lower too). As is though, I’d say pretty much perfect. Makes me really happy they are re-visiting Luke, Han, Kenobi, and Chewie in the future too. I know it feels like we get the big names all the time, but it has been awhile and the TVC has come a long ways since we’ve gotten some of these versions. Can’t wait.

I’m in the same boat as I imagine many others are, incredibly excited about all of this but have no idea where it will go. That said, I’ll be backing as well. Still trying to decide which version to go with and if I need the extra “side” or not.

I’ve always told myself, with all the things I collect and try to display, OT, 3 and 3/4” Star Wars would be the last to go. I’m in on that segment until the end. I think this whole thing looks pretty great, and although yes it would be nice if it was considerably cheaper, it isn’t unexpected.

Although I don’t regret backing any of them, the more of these we get I wonder if I should have passed on the Razor Crest and Ghost. It’s getting to the point where you would just need a separate building or shed to display them all properly. I already have 90% of my vehicles, as well as the Jabba throne room packed away. Time to make some choices to free up room.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Disney Marvel Cinematic Universe
« on: February 15, 2024, 10:57 AM »
I’m so excited to see some real forward progress on the F4 joining the MCU, can’t wait. I like everyone in this cast, so I’m hopeful. With all of their castings, I pretty much trust Marvel. I can’t really think of a single character of theirs that I look at and go “wow, they really missed that one”. Most have been spot on, and many have become iconic in their roles.

Other Toy Lines / Re: 2024: What Are You Collecting?
« on: December 31, 2023, 02:05 PM »
Looking to 2024, like others, I’ve sort of been in a transitional phase as well. Don’t get me wrong, I think what is available out there these days is an embarrassment of riches; so much cool stuff. Price, display/storage space, and just life in general changes your perspective on things. I’m realizing as I get older, I just want less and less “stuff” not only on display but in general. An eternal battle for a collector 😂. Broken record here, but I’m narrowing focus, being more selective, and unloading a bunch of stuff. Some lines I think I’m “good” on, and most to all stuff I wait a bit on. I used to have probably 50+ things on preorder at any given time. Now it is less than 10. Only things that are personal “can’t miss” items. Here’s what I’m looking at going into the New Year.

Star Wars TVC - used to be all in with new stuff but I’m more selective and waiting for sales with a lot now. I’ll stick with OT until the end most likely. I’ve got a Ghost on the way that I don’t have a place for, but that’s a future problem.

Marvel Legends - probably my favorite line the past few years. Started off long ago focusing on Spidey, branching into X-Men, and going downhill from there. I mainly focus on classic costumes, but get some of the new characters as well, and the main outfits of MCU. Buy too much here, but I’ll be working on that in the New Year.

GI Joe Classified - picking up the characters I remember from the toon/toyline growing up. I’ll likely continue but try to be more selective as well. Might be the best line out there these days.

That, for the most part, should be it. I think I might be done with Black Series as well. I’ll still be tempted to get any new OT stuff we get, and have the new Mando preordered, but overall the line just doesn’t excite me as much anymore. I think I have what I want for Transformers, and possibly MOTU as well although I do like the New Eternia stuff. Otherwise just one offs here and there. I got a few NECA figures (Alf, Warduke) last year, some Jada stuff (Chester Cheetah, Mega Man on the way), things like that. It is fun when I can separate myself from a “collect ‘‘em all “ mindset and just buying figures I think look fun or cool.

Other Toy Lines / Re: 2020: What Are You Collecting?
« on: December 14, 2023, 04:07 PM »
TBS 6" - No longer buying or collecting these.  In the near future, I'll be selling most of the 6" stuff I have (mainly Han Solo figures and some other main characters).  I am only keeping 8 figures from ANH - Vader, Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO, Ben with Holo-Leia table, Luke with Landspeeder, Smuggler Han, and Chewie.

How did the Black Series purge go Jeff? I sold a ton off this year as well, and currently have the rest packed away now. The lone exception is a Mando and Grogu on the desk. I rotate a small display of OT figures in and out once in awhile, but honestly with limited display space it seems silly to “double up” with all my 3 3/4” stuff out as well. I’m gravitating more and more to a “less is more” approach to display as I get older.

Well of the Souls / Re: Hasbro 2023 Indiana Jones 6" Adventure Series
« on: December 14, 2023, 04:01 PM »
I’m sure things vary by location, but I’d have to say at least around here things didn’t really sit. I’m sure it didn’t sell like gangbusters, as a line 90% populated by old white dudes was going to be an uphill battle. The only figure I really saw clearanced at Target was tuxedo Indy. The on,y one I saw sit even a little from the main line was Marion (and not long), and there aren’t ANY of these figures left locally. Honestly, to try and be “smart” and budget things out a bit I waited on Toht and Belloq, thinking they would be likely clearance candidates but that hasn’t happened at retail or on Amazon. Maybe they ordered somewhat correctly, at least for the first wave. I haven’t seen much of the following waves at all, and got those online. Overall, despite some missed characters, I’m happy with the line and quality. I was honestly hoping they would just slip an Indy into Black Series or something at some point, so to get a whole line was great. Retro figures were a nice bonus too.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Deluxe AOTC Jango Fett
« on: December 14, 2023, 03:54 PM »
I’m kind of in the same boat. With “extra spending” tighter around Christmas anyways, I’ve been holding off on things more as well. Like I want the TVC Krrsantan, and will get him eventually, but our Target got eight of them in roughly a month plus ago, and seven of them are still there. Same with the Luke/Grogu, Tusken, and Sabine. Honestly, I haven’t seen new stuff sit around like this for a long time, at least not to this level. It used to be if you saw something you better buy it because you might not see it again. This makes me think people have finally hit the breaking point with prices, and if it continues, changes might have to happen with the line(s). Figures still look great, but paying $25-30 for that little figure stings a bit.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 35)
« on: October 31, 2023, 11:09 AM »
Yeah I didn’t think of the fact these were revealed overseas, that might have had something to do with it. I knew that we have had fan channel/repack waves before, it just caught my eye that these and all of the Black Series reveals were listed as fan channel or Pulse/Disney exclusives (even the ROTS Palpy, which I think would be considered at least new-ish), and I think maybe even Anakin and Palme? I’d have to go look at the slides again. Probably nothing, just that in combo with what Star Wars sections look like around here, I was wondering if we would start seeing less or disappear eventually.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 35)
« on: October 30, 2023, 04:21 PM »
Did anyone else notice that (I think) every figure announcement for TVC and Black Series are listed as either fan channel or Pulse/Shop Disney exclusives? I don’t recall seeing that before, for every release. Not that many actually are able to collect everything at retail these days, but I wonder if that means anything for the makeup of waves that go to retail (or if that is lessening).

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends Haslab - Giant Man
« on: October 6, 2023, 10:51 AM »
It has been a slow roll, but I think it will probably make it. Being “lower” priced helps that too. I think Hasbro is in a tough place with tiers on these things. If they don’t do figures it’s “booooo, no figures!”, but if they do it’s “oh great Hasbro locked these figures behind a paywall, they hate collectors!”. I think the figures make it feel like a better value overall, but it would likely be higher priced then. It’s all a trade off.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 HasLab - TVC The Ghost
« on: September 1, 2023, 05:45 PM »
It is definitely at a point in fandom where there is almost nothing that would make everyone happy. We all want a Death Star, or a Cantina, or an Ewok Village…or generally just things that we had or wanted as kids. The thing is, most would not be satisfied if they basically upgraded versions of those. The fandom has gotten to a place where everything has to be hyper detailed, look just like the movie (or multiple movies), and usually super expensive. The stuff looks fantastic, and I love it don’t get me wrong, but so much of the “wonder” of these TOY lines has been lost over the years. It seems like many brands have to try to serve two different demos “a line for the kids, and one for the adults”. The times have changed I know, but I wish we could still have a one line for all approach. Still have fond memories of the POTJ days in that respect.

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